//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: A new day, a new beginning. // Story: A dream... // by sapoltop //------------------------------// You’re sitting and waiting for Celestia to come and have a talk with you. The weather is nice here, not a cloud in a sky. ‘Rainbow Dash must have cleared the skies so that none of them would interfere with her stunt. You pat the ground. ‘Interesting, it’s softer than what we have.’ You lay on the ground, letting the wind tickle your feet. The soft breeze of the wind helps you relax. You doze off. ----------- “Wake up sleepy head.” You open your eyes, sit up, and search for the pony who said that. It was Princess Celestia. She was smiling and giggling at you. You notice that you drooled all over the ground It was embarrassing. You start to blush. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed of what you did, it’s natural.” – she tells you with a smile. “Now come on, let’s go inside. We need to find you a chair before you fall over.” You walk inside, you don’t see Applejack. You are leaded to the guest room, or what was called your room right now, by Applebloom. You sit down, rub your eyes and try to concentrate. “So, I’ve talked with the mayor of ponyville. I told her of your being here. She said that she would announce it to all the ponies today, well right now actually.” “Oh, so that’s why I haven’t seen Applejack here, but why’s Applebloom and Granny Smith still here?” “Oh, well that’s because Granny Smith is old, and doesn’t really hear a word they say there, and Applebloom, well she’s a filly, and has no need to go.” – she explains. “Anyway, the mayor said you can come visit ponyville after a few minutes, so that she has time to explain to everypony that you’re not a threat to them.” “Oh, that’s good. I really want to go to town and meet some ponies.” – you say exited. “Well, I wouldn’t go talking with them right away, they need to adjust to you after all.” “Oh, sure, anything else you wanted to tell me Celes… I mean Princess. I mean your highness!” She giggles. “It’s quite all right if you call me that, but I prefer being called Princess Celestia.” – she gives you a warm smile. You blush a little bit. “Oh god I’m so shy. I blush every time I do something wrong, and I hate that.” “You know that’s not bad, there are allot f ponies who do that too you know.” “Thank you for making me feel better.” “Well, I’ve told you everything I had to tell, if I will need you, I’ll send a letter to my student to tell you.” “But I’ve never even been with her.” Princess Celestia just smiles at the end of your last sentence and teleports to Canterlot. “Wow, she really wants to make ya happy all right.” – Applebloom speaks up. “Why do you think that?” “Well, she comes to you just to tell that! Just to tell you that you’re welcomed to Ponyville? Applejack could have told you that.” “You got a point there, but I don’t really care, because I’m very happy now.” – you give the biggest smile you ever had. Applebloom just stares at you confused, and then runs off outside. You go to the hall and look at the clock. It’s 11:30 a.m. You can’t wait until Applejack returns. You decide to go and have an apple. You see Applebloom playing outside. “Hey Applebloom, is it ok if I have an Apple?” “Sure, why not.” “Ok, thanks.” You go to the kitchen to get yourself an apple. Once you get there, you take your apple and sit there just waiting for Applejack to return. It wasn’t long until Applejack returned. You rushed outside to talk to Applejack. As you ran out the door, you stopped and blushed. She was not alone, she was with her five friends. This moment was probably the most awkward moment in your life. You stood in front of them, they all stared blankly at you. You blush even more. “I was just…..I mean….. going for a run. But since you’re here I…. I’ll be heading back to the house then.” You quickly turn around and make your way back to the house, until Applejack speaks up. “Hey John, since we bumped in to you, maybe ya want to hang out with us?” “Oh no, I would just be a problem to you.” “Not at all! Right girls?” Applejack looks at the other five ponies. From the looks of this, she has already planed this before I even knew it. “No no, it would be fun to have someone new to talk to.” – said Rarity trying to make it sound real. “Well ok then.” – you say with your cheeks as red as a tomato. All of you start walking towards the back of the farm. “So, John, are these the only clothes you have?” – asked Rarity with a bit of disgust. “Well yah, I never had time to pack clothes.” – you laugh. “Well, we can’t let you walk with those dirty clothes all day. I’ll make you some new clothes, now that you can go to Ponyville you can just go to my shop and I’ll make them, free of charge.” “Oh, I couldn’t, I’ll find a job, or something.” “Nonsense, think of it as a gift.” “Well thank you then.” – you smile. “Oh don’t thank me now, you can thank me when I finish making your clothes.” You all stop. “This is the perfect place!” – Rainbow Dash shouts. All of you sit down and wait while Rainbow gets ready for her stunt. “So John, how are you liking Equestria so far?” – Twilight asked. “Well, to tell you the truth, it’s perfect! I’ve always wanted to live in a place like this.” – you blush. ‘Damn, I feel so awkward right now.’ “Oh, is that so? Why would you want to live here, isn’t your world good enough or something?” “Well, it has allot of corruption, and pollution. We even have a chance to destroy our own planet, so yah.” Not long after you finish speaking, Rainbow Dash coughs very loudly. “Ahem, I thought all attention is supposed to be here.” – she points at herself with a serious look. You all look at Rainbow as she lifts her back, and launches into the air. You sit there with your jaw dropped. You can’t describe what you just saw. The rainbow she leaves behind her, her delicate yet fast moves, her mane going wild in the wind, it was just perfect. After Rainbow Dash’s stunt all of you head to sugarcube corner to get some sweets. While walking there, you had a nice chat with the mane six and from the looks of that, it seems they are treating you like a friend. Even Fluttershy, the shy yellow pony, was happy to talk to you. You were having the time of your life. Upon arrival at sugarcube corner everypony outside gives you the look that people used to give to mentally disabled people in your world. You feel kind of like a freak, but what do you expect from them, I mean, they’ve never seen a human before. All of you ordered some cupcakes. They were on the house, so you didn’t have to pay, nor did you have the money to pay for it. Whilst eating the cupcakes you notice that Pinkie Pie had the same serious look on her face. “Umm, Pinkie Pie, I don’t want to offend you, but why are you looking at me like that?” She quickly shakes her head and with a new confused expression looks you in the eyes and asks: “What? Was I looking at you strangely, oh you’re such a crackup John!” – she giggles and continues eating her cupcake. “So, if I’m going to stay here, I guess I’ll need somewhere to live.” Applejack looks at you with a slight touch of worry. “Ya know you can stay in sleep Apple acres if you want? We would be honored if you would stay with us.” “I - I can’t, I don’t want to bother you.” “Bother, shmother. You know you don’t have anywhere to live and no money, I just can’t let you wander off somewhere and starve.” “You got a point there. Ok, I’ll stay, but I have a favor I’d like to ask you all.” You lean closer to the center of the table so that everypony could hear you. “I would like to get a job and earn my own money. Can anyone of you help me out?” “Well sure we can!” – Pinkie Pie exclaims. Twilight spread hey eyes as if she just had a sudden realization. “Hey, isn’t the café looking for a bartender?” Right after Twilight finishes her sentence, Applejack immediately answers it. “Yah he is, why, yesterday he stopped by and asked me if I know any pony that would like to work for him.” “That’s perfect, I hope I’m eligible for the job!” – you start to move your legs in excitement. “Well, we can lead you there, but after we finish our cupcakes.” – Rarity explains. “It’s settled then! After lunch we ride!” – you shout. Everypony is looking at you with a confused look. “It’s just a joke we use in my world, sorry if I offended you.” – you blush and lover your head out of shame. ----------- After all of you finished your cupcakes, you went out to the café and met the owner of it – Mr. Facade. He was a serious stallion, but has a sense of humor. After all of you walked in, Applejack went and talked to Mr. Facade while you and the others were standing in silence. Moments after Applejack comes back to you with, what you think is, good news. “I talked to him and he said he’ll be happy to accept you here for work, but first he wants to talk to you in his office. You know, about the job.” “Oh, that’s great! I’ll be on my way then.” “Ok John, I’ll be in sweet apple acres if ya’ll need me, I have to help big Mac in the farm.” – she grinned and left. “Will you find your way back to sweet apple acres from here John?” – Twilight Sparkle asks. “Yah, I think I do. Besides, even if I don’t I’ll just ask somepony for directions.” “Are you sure?” “Positive.” “Well ok then, guess we’ll be off then, see you soon, John.” You say goodbye to everypony and then proceed to Mr. Facades office. You open the office door to see a brown colored stallion with a short black mane and tail standing next to his table and drinking some of his shops coffee. The room itself was quite nice too. There were allot of diplomas hanged on the walls, and a picture of his family on his table. The office also had some book shelves here and there. “So, you’re the human we’ve been told about, huh?” – he looks confused, and yet happy at the same time. “Sure am!” “Ok, how good are you at bartending?” “Well, to tell you the truth, this is going to be my first attempt at it.” “Ok, have you ever worked before?” “Yes, if mooing the neighbors grass counts.” – you frown a little bit. “Well, you do have a pair of hands, which most ponies do not tend to have, so I guess that will do. Besides I owe one for Applejack so you’re in!” “That’s awesome! Thank you very much for accepting me.” “When can you start work?” “Whenever you want.” “In that case, go to work!” - he shouts a little bit. “Wait, I thought tha…-“ You immediately get cut off by Facade. “Ha ha, I’m just kidding kiddo.” – he starts laughing with you. – “You can start work on Monday.” “Ok, see you later the…-“ you stop and think a little bit. – “What day Is today?” “Saturday.” “Oh, thank you again for accepting me for the job.” He smiles at you as you close the door. ‘Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this! I have a job in Ponyville!’ You let out a little squee and proceed to leave the café. Looks like you got a job now, and a place to stay, not so long and maybe you’ll even have your own house, here, in Equestria.