The Party

by Shaderunner

Chapter 4

A dark blue alicorn mare was walkin down a beaten dirt path through a thick forest, her mane a ethereal mirror of the night sky, constellations fluttering gently in a nonexistent breeze while her platinum slippers matching the regalia on her chest . She felt strange in these new surroundings especially when she looked up at the night sky. Usually she would have found comfort in the intricate designs she would have weaved from the stars or in the bright glow of the moon. But this was not her moon, shining down, and the stars were all arranged in a web of chaos so different from the constellations she so elaborately designed to brighten the night sky. No; this were the skies of a whole new world unexplored by poney kind and it was strangely humbling to witness it’s grandeur.

She shook away that thought and carried on through the forest. After hearing of these new “visitors” to Equestria she wanted to see them for herself. A gentle melody started ringing through the woods and it was drew her to the edge of a clearing lighten up by bonfires. She hid behind some bushes so as not to get spotted by her target.

The clearing was full of slender bipedal creatures, their bodies hairless save for long manes on top their heads and skin dark in color with hues ranging from a dark blue like her coat to deep purple and pitch black. Their features were fair and angular each showing great joy as they danced around the fires in what seemed to be a grand celebration. Minstrels playing their soothing melodies as the aroma of strange foods and wine were calling the hungry to the tables that seemed to never empty.

This spectacle was breathtaking, yet this was not the reason she was here. Her goal being to observe one of the many attending, one of the youths, a girl in fact who seemed to be just a step away from womanhood. She was dancing in the center of a ring formed by others cheering her on. The girl matched one of the descriptions that the alicorn had received, but she was not supposed to be this young.

Among the other dancers this one was truly the most skilled, her moves in perfect synchrony with the minstrels notes, the alicorne even questioning how could her body bend that way on several occasions still she was eventually enthralled by the beautiful performance.

“ She’s quite a sight isn’t she?” asked a voice from above her.

“ Yes... What?!” was the startled alicorn response as she looked up to see a dark shape jump from the branch above her. In an instant the music, the fire and the food vanish as if they never existed.

“Now what are you doing in my dreams...”the assailant stopped mid sentence pulling back an inch, recognising her as a one of the ruling alicorn. With a dumb grin on her face she asked ”Are you...?”

“Yes, we are princess Luna the guardian of dreams, bringer of the moon and mistress of the night. Tough would do well in removing these blades from our person.”The princess of the moon stood her ground staring back at the elven woman, who was the spitting image of the girl she saw dancing by the fires a few moments ago, only older and more physically matured .

“Oh shit.” was her response as she quickly snapped her blades away trying to hide them behind her back.”I... Apologies your highness but what are you doing here?”Asked the elf with a dumb apologetic grin on her face.

“Well...” Started Luna not knowing how best to address this particular situation. She decided to come clean now that the cat was out of the bag. “We have heard of your arrival from our dearest sister. Naturally the appearance of several beings from ancient legends had enticed our curiosity. Thus we decided to see for ourselves.” Luna puffed her chest out, head held high striking a regal pose, trying to retain some face from her earlier reaction.

The elven woman scratched her head for a moment before responding in a matter of fact tone with a strong. “Yeah that makes sense.”

Luna gave her a surprised look, how could someone be so calm with hearing that someone just invaded their dreams. “Are though serious!?” She tried to avoid facing any of her subjects in their dreams for few would accept a stranger in their most personal thoughts. Yet this one was not phased by the idea in the slightest.

“Well yes. Some strange creatures come to your land. Normally you’d like to know what’s going on.” responded the elf as she took a step back sliding her sabers back in their scabbards while taking a bow in one fluid motion. “So how did I and my friend fair in your highness eyes?” The music slowly returned with it’s merry tunes together with the smell of food and the warmth of the celebration.

“We came to a similar conclusion as our beloved sister. While thou and thine companions are mighty, we do not believe you to be a threat to our subjects. Still there is something about you in particular that strikes us as odd.” Stated Luna as her host gracefully walked around her towards the celebration held in the clearing before them.

“Ohh... And what makes me stand out?” she asked bringing a hand to her chin with an amused smile on her face.

“The mere fact that you managed to notice our presence entregues us. Few maintain enough lucidity in their sleep to notice that something is out of place in a dream. Furthermore thine dream is so complex mirroring what we could only assume is your world in great detail. I... We have never seen anything like it before.” Luna finished inwardly berating herself for that little slip at the end.

“That is a trait common among my kinfolk. It proves quite helpful in certain situations.” said the elf trying to prolong this conversation as much as possible, she was starting to get a feel on who this princess was as a person, and she liked her.

“I have not seen anything similar whilst observing the others.”

“Well, they are not my kin, still they are my closest friends. I am a drow or a dark elf and we do not sleep like the other races of the world.” said Dilline as she started walking into the clearing motioning for the princess to join her.

Luna stood still for a moment and took in the sight of the festivity. The atmosphere was intoxicating, and so different from the celebration she was accustomed to. And there stood the even maiden, a hand extended to welcome her. “What is thy name?”

“Just call me Dilline” was the quick response still waiting for the princes to join in the celebration.

Luna gave in to the temptation and joined Diline in the dream celebration. “Could thy elaborate what though menth regarding your kinfolk?” asked the princess as she trotted off after the elf.

“Hmmm...” Dilline was thinking how to answer that while pouring a crystal clear ruby whine from the table in two silver chalices. “ I don’t know the details but elfs don't dream, they drift through old memories.” She offered a chalice to Luna as she pointed with her own chalice to her younger reflection who was still dancing in the middle of a ring of cheering people.

“ That would explain why thy dream is so complex and why we confused though with your younger self.” Luna took the offered chalice in her magical aura enjoying the pleasant fruity fragrance of it’s contents then taking a sip. Her eyes quickly widened as she tasted the aromatic wine. “By my sister’s beard this is good stuff.” She quickly slapped a hoof over her mouth surprised by her outburst.

Dilline cut in with a jolly smile on her face.”Your sister had a beard? Now there's a story I’d like to hear.”

Luna did not hear the drow as she started to trot away, embarrassed by how she acted in front of her 'hostess'. She was a princes, one who should represent her people in a proper and dignified manner, and this outburst would surely bring shame to her people and sister.” I’m sorry but I must go.”

“That’s too bad. I was hoping you would stay for a while longer. Its been ages since I’ve attended this feast with anyone.” Said Diline with genuine regret in her melodious voice watching Luna trot off.

This made Luna hesitate for a bit, this was something she earned fo ever since she came back from the moon. Despite her sisters reassurance and the events of last Nightmare Night many ponies still held fear in their hearts towards her. Thus she rarely had been invited to any sort of festivities like her sister and when she did attend the guest were very strained around her always keeping at hoffs length away.

“Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose.” Asked the princes turning around to regard her hostese.

Dilline let out a merry chuckle as she grabbed Luna by her hoof pulling her deeper into the celebration, the music became more upbeat and the moon peeked from behind the clouds to show its silver beauty. Luna found herself joining the ring of dancing elfs, she initially had trouble keeping up with them especially because she was now standing on her hind legs and putting her front legs on Dillines and another elves shoulder as a ring of dancing and singing elves formed around a young couple who were performing within it. The circle moved with the rhythm of the song and all those within rejoice for the celebration was in full swing. Eventually Luna could barely keep up with the others and chose to break away from the dancing circle and approached one of the tables filled with endless food. Though she was a stranger among them she never got the sense of exclusion, a galloping gala where the others embrace her. A beautiful dream.

After what seemed like an eternity the night was drawn to a close and the two left the clearing retreating back into the forest. The music could still be heard in the distance and it was slowly winding down. ”Ahh.. That was wonderful. I can’t say I ever experienced anything like that.”

“I can see that.” Commented Dilline making Luna realise she forgot all about the royal “we” since she joined to the party. ”But you ponies seem such a merry bunch. Don’t they have parties around the castle?”

“Please.”Started Luna with an exaggerated wave of her forehoof.” Back in Canterlot there is not a night without a gala or some other high class event in full swing. But those are so dull and boring, nothing this enticing or invigorating.” Luna voiced her opinion as she turned to point back towards the clearing.”It almost make me feel glad that I don’t often get invitations.”

Dilline gave Luna a confused look.“Being a princess of this land it’d think nobles would be beating down your doors to personally hand the invitations.”she commented with a chuckle.

“We guess though had not heard yet of our descent into darkness. Or of how our sisters student and her friends had purged that black stain from our soul.” Luna reverting back to here more regal speech.

“No, the Sparkly one only gave us a brief introduction to Equestria while we were washing up.” Dilline was a bit unsure what to make of her now more serious expression.

“Dilline, once I have let my dark thoughts and jealousy towards my sister poison my mind and spirit to the point where I let myself get possessed by the Nightmare.” Luna was trying to swallow back her emotions as she told her tale.”I ended up wanting to depose my sister and plunge the land into a everlasting night so our subjects would love me too. You can only imagine the repercussions of my actions had my sister not banished me to save Equestria. Eventually I had returned and was freed from the Nightmare by the Elements of Harmony but still....” Luna trailed off unable to find the words that could properly describe how she felt about her past actions.

“Heh... I know where you're coming from.” Dilline placed her hand on Lunas shoulder whilst giving her a supportive smile. She was standing next to her in the forest with the music lost between the ancient trees, the wind blowing a chilling air around them.

The princess turned a curious gaze towards the young drow and saw mixed emotions in her deep red eyes. “Let me tell you a bit about my kin, the drow or dark elfs as we are often called. We are most easily recognised by our dark skin, and unlike our fair skinned cousins on the surface of the realms, the mere sight of just one of us is enough to send any country on the warpath. Drow are considered one of the most evil and vile of the sentient races and rightfully so. Murder, deceit and betrayal are the most applauded ways of gaining status in their society thus hatred, fear and envy are all that they feel towards each other. This hatred runs even deeper against other races, a right of passage within the drow academies being the organizing of raids on the surface to capture more slaves for torture, a craft that they perfected to an artform. And all this for the glory of their wretched goddess the spider queen Lorth. Even the demons of the abyss think twice before striking a deal with the Drow”

This statement left Luna shocked as she looked back to regard the still flickering lights of the festivity being held not to far away, the memory of the gentle soothing tones from the minstrels music and the joyful laughter of both young and old ringing in her ears. How could beings of such beauty and fine skill have a heart as black as she just heard.

“Yet... there are some that have turned from that path. Most of them follow Eilistraee the only one of the Drow pantheones that did not fall into madness and chaos. They hope to one day find redemption and a home on the surface under the Lady’s moon. A few who know of us and our intentions call us the dancing folk,a title I quite like. But most of the realms citizens view us like our dark kin. And can I blame them? It’s a reputation rightfully earned.” this little talk stirred up some deep emotions within Dilline, taking a few steps back as she began to hum a old melody. The elven girl went in to a low sweeping bow arms arched trailing behind as she began singing an old song. Her movement were so fluid and effortless as if she had no joints to speak of. Every step she took, every twirl she make and each sway of her hips were in perfect harmony with the lovely melody that was carried by the winds. Luna caught herself mouthing the words along side her new friend as it’s calming effect fell over her, the lyric helping her form an idea of what these “gentler” drow stood for.

As Dilline approached the end of her performance she ended in a low courte bow before her audience. As low clopping sound was echoing around her and looking up Dilline had to fight back a giggle as she saw Luna sitting down and clapping her forehooves, the image almost to adorable for her to handle.

“That was quite a performance.”She complimented Dilines dance with a joyful smile.

“Thank you. I’ve learned that by watching a priestess during one of her nightly prayer sessions. It always helps remind me that there is still some good in my people.”

“Well it seems like our stories while somewhat different have the same outcome?”

“Of two souls living in a worlds that fears them for what they aren’t. hehe” Dilline finished the princess idea, their similarities not being lost on her.

“Yes. I also thank you, this whole experience was quite comforting. Perhaps... we could do it again sometime?” the last part came out with a bit more hesitation as Luna scratched the back of her neck with a hoof.

“It’s a date. And hopefully not in dreamland.” Dilline accepted the invitation a bit surprised at the way Luna blushed at that statement.

“Yes well I will be sure to make some time just for that. But the night draws short and I must go atend to other duties.” Luna was quite reluctant to leave her intriguing new friend but the night beckoned.

“I’m looking forward to it, perhaps you could teach me some of your peoples songs and dances.”

“I will keep that in mind. But before I take my leave would you mind answering one question?”

“Asck away.”

“You say that you could relive any memory while sleeping. Why this one in particular?”

Dilline gave a content smile, bringing a hand to her chest feeling the smooth shape of a small medallion she wore under her clothes in the shape of a slender drow woman holding a Moonsword, a medallion she won on this exact night years ago. She then looked up and pointed to the moon smiling.