My Little Wolf

by Autobot Lancewing

Nightmare Moon Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Megan, Twilight, Fluttershy, Firefly, Wind Whistler, Lancer, Celestia, and Lightning were at the kennels. Megan had Lightning in her lap and was looking at Lightning’s wounds.
“Okay, now hold still,” Megan said as she placed a plank of wood against Lightning’s fractured leg. She then took took some medical tape and wrapped it around the wood and his leg. Lightning winced in pain the more Megan tried to wrap the tape around the wood and his leg. “I’m sorry, but I can’t numb the pain.”
"'s okay, I guess."
“So how long have you been protecting wolves,” Lancer asked.
“Ever since I was about ten years old. I had a thing about wolves at that age, and my parents found Fluttershy. She’s been by my side ever since.”
Fluttershy blushed, "You have too."
"Thank you."
Twilight looked to Celestia, "Celestia, is Comet Tail okay?"
“Last I saw him, he’s fine, but then Lancer and I were abducted,” Celestia answered, “We’ll have to find out when we get back.”
"Well, Twilight will have to stay here until her pup is old enough to go out there, safely."
“Um… No disrespect to your medical practices, but other wolves will be worried about her.” Celestia pointed out.
"I understand, but if she stays here, her pup has a greater chance of living."
"I see...but what does Twilight think?"
"I...want to stay, if it means my pup is safe, then that's all that matters." Twilight admitted.
“Is that what you really think?”
“Yes, but I do have one request.”
“I want you to bring Comet here. Let him know that I’m okay.”
"I will, Twilight."
"And...I want you to be here, when I deliver the pup.”
“Yes. It would be a great honor for her aunt to be here when it happens.”
Celestia smiled, "I would be honored, as well."
Twilight smiled.
Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the kennels. Everyone shielded their eyes before it died down to reveal…
“Comet! Shining! Spike!” Twilight looked at them. She had to ask, “What happened to you three?”
“Don’t ask,” they said in unison.
Twilight looked at Comet, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks, "I missed you so much," she managed to squeak.
Tears began to stream down Comet’s cheeks before he nuzzled Twilight. “I missed you too…”
Shining looked at the scene, but glanced over to see… “Lancer? Celestia?”
"Hello, Shining," Celestia greeted.
"I- we thought you were dead!"
“What the witness saw was a teleportation spell.”
“But my mom’s still Nightmare Moon,” Lancer said.
“I figured…”
“Can’t you use the thing you used to cure my mom the last time?”
“No… Once I had used them they disappeared.”
“But just because I can’t, doesn’t mean someone else can’t.”
“But who could?”
Lancer was taken aback by that statement. “Me? But how?”
“Do you have friends?”
“Yes, but…”
“That’s already a qualification.”
“It is? How is having friends a qualification?”
“Well...not only that, but it makes the device even more powerful.”
“Yes… The Elements of Harmony were what protected all wolves, but since Nightmare Moon’s last appearance, they’ve vanished.”
“Did she take them with her?”
“I don’t believe so, but it does seem suspicious…”
“Well… maybe mom knows…” Lancer muttered.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, Auntie, I just need to be alone for a while.”
"Wait a minute," Megan said, "is there any way you could contact her?"
"Well, theoretically, yes. I mean she contacted me in a dream."
"Then shouldn't the same be possible with you?"
"I guess..."
“Then why don’t you give it a try?”
“Too risky. Nightmare Moon could track us using my mom if I try to communicate with her.”
"Then could she come back to you?"
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be just my mom. Remember she and Nightmare Moon are a packaged deal.”
"But if she warned you without Nightmare Moon, can't she come back?"
“Maybe, but at this point, we can’t take any chances. More than likely, she’s found out by now.”
"I see..."
Minty struggled to free herself from her bonds, but they were on too tight.
“To stop in this situation is not useless, it will save you the stress,” Zecora said not even trying to tamper with her chains.
“That’s easy for you to say, but we have to get out of here,” Minty yelled.
“The chains were made to hold the wolves they brought in, but doing so is quite the sin."
“Especially since these are a little rusty.”
“The rust is the least of your worries,” a voice said.
Both females stopped talking. They looked towards the source of the voice to reveal Sombra. "Whoah! Who are you supposed to be," Minty asked.
“I am Sombra, alpha of this pack."
"And what pack would that be?"
“We are the Shadow Pack."
"Really, how long did it take you to make that up?"
“It took the writers a few seconds.”
Sombra: What? You made it up on the spot.
Lancewing: You do know we can write you out, right?
NotRamjet97: Yeah, and I bet we can call up The Fallen, I heard he's wanted a gig ever since Revenge of the Fallen was so poorly received.
Lancewing: Yeah, I can sympathise with him, but come on! That movie really was terrible! Wouldn’t spend a penny on it.
NotRamjet: I actually liked it... Especially the forest battle, and it was written during a writers strike.
Lancewing: Meh, that was pretty good, but unfortunately, the errors that occured made the movie irredeemable. But that’s for a later review (if I ever decide to do it).
NotRamjet: That would take a while. Dark of The Moon was cool though.
Lancewing: Oh yeah. Anyway, back to the story.
Zecora shook her head. “The name of your pack matters not, for you shall soon regret a lot."
“Not when you know that you have crushed the weak.”
"But what of the strong? For it will not take them long."
“Strong?” Sombra let out a laugh. “Celestia and Lancer are dead.”
"But Cadence and Twilight are still alive." Minty retorted.
"Pagh! An ex-Pegasus and an anti social unicorn? Is that your idea of strong?"
"Don't you talk about my sisters like that!" Minty snapped.
“And Eclipse has found Luna’s substitute. Your theory is in refute.”
“We shall see…”
Bright Eyes looked over the entire pack. In just hours, she was going to lead these wolves to war. She took a deep breath and prepared to stand before them. ‘This is for you, Lancer…’ She lowered her head before raising it, letting out a long, authoritative howl. The others turned to Bright Eyes and headed towards her.
"Thank you for coming," Bright Eyes greeted, “As you all know, both Celestia and Luna have been taken from us, as well as Lancer. I understand that some of you might hesitate with the decision that we are going to make, but we are about to go to this new pack and eliminate them once and for all.”
The others began to murmur. It had been centuries since the last war; why start a war now?
Bright Eyes continued. “I know it’s hard to believe, and I honestly didn’t think that would be coming out of my mouth, but even with the three wolves that I have mentioned gone, more wolves have vanished. How long will it be before this entire pack is erased from existence?”
More murmuring.
“I will not lie though, it will be dangerous, and some of you will perish. If you want to leace, you may do so, but even if I have to go myself, I will.”
Silence came over the pack. It lasted for several minutes until, "Will anyone allow this young she-wolf go out there alone," Eclipse asked.
Everyone stood there silent. Finally…
“No, we won’t,” Patch said.
Eclipse smiled. “Is anyone with this wolf?”
"I am," Solaris stepped forward.
"Me too." Cadence said.
"Ditto," Melody nodded.
“Anyone else?”
The entire pack let loose a loud, spiritual howl.
“Well, guess you won’t be going it alone,” Eclipse grinned.
“No, I will not,” Bright Eyes smiled back.
“I wish Lancer could see you, now.”
“I know he does.”
Eclipse grinned, “I’ll bet he’s proud of you.”
“Thank you. Now then… Let’s go to war…”
Firefly walked into Rainbow Dash’s kennel. She tapped on the cage door, “Hello?”
“Go away!”
“Well, ain’t you a sweetheart.”
“Yeah, if you’ve been through all the crud I’ve been through, you’d be in a bad mood, too.”
“Well, I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“Unless it’s Applewood or Phoenix, I’m not interested.”
“Even if it’s your own mother?”
“My mom died in a storm, if not she didn’t care about me.”
“But I do, Dashie.”
Rainbow didn’t respond.
“You were a gift, Dash, one I didn’t deserve, I know I must’ve been a terrible mother, and by the time I realized it, you were gone from my life. I spent weeks looking for you, I barely ate from my worry. I-I’m sorry…” Firefly lowered her head.
Rainbow Dash opened her kennel door and stepped out. She looked at her mother, she didn’t seem much older than herself, and her drooping wings looked strong, like hers, this HAD to be her mom. She gave the pink wolf a comforting nuzzle.
“I missed you so much…”
“I...missed you too, mom,” Rainbow gave Firefly a small kiss.
“So, who are Applewood and Phoenix?”
“Oh...Applewood is my mate, and Phoenix is our pup.”
“So...I’m a grandmother?”
“Wow...and I’m only four.”
“Amazing, isn’t it?”
“Not as amazing as you.”

To be continued...