Silly Filly - From Beyond the Everfree

by Ponyess

The Dead of Night: 10

I'm feeling tired, and a bit sleepy. Now it was time to head back. I had to have some sleep, and if I did not sleep with my friends, they'd know I had been out. They'd feel betrayed, or I knew I would have, had I been them.

If it was late, when we went to bed, I was after all going to bed too, with the rest of the crusaders. Now it is much later.

It is dark, the streets empty and abandoned, short of me. Thankfully, I have night lights with me. The amulets eyes glow in the dark, beaming brightly at the road before me. If not for that, I would have been lost.

Now I simply trot along the streets, road up, and road down, slowly finding the way to where I was going. Starting with exiting the Ponyville proper. From the town limit, I continue in gallop towards the farm of the Apple family, the Sweet Apple Acres.

If the streets had been empty in the village, the road is early, with ghastly shadows haunting the living. You're right, that'd be me, right?

This is no place for a little fillie like myself to wander off in the dead of night, I knew as much, this only did confirm it. I wish I had gone earlier, or that I had not needed to go at all, why not wait until tomorrow?

Finding my way along the streets hadn't been that hard, I could clearly see the road, and I still do recall the way. I had never been away, more then an hour, or was it two or three? Either way, I still had found the Apples farm.

Once I crossed the boundaries to the farm I slowed down to a trot, in order ton to wake anyone up. Just as much as I did not want to wake anything else, making them see me. I'm way too close to the forest for that. Even if I had been close to another forest ot two before. This is the Everfree, not just a forest of friendly trees.

Trotting ever slower, quieter as I moved towards the tree with the house in it. This is the tricky part. Yet, I did find the tree. Only now I had made the light dim, before it went out entirely, just a hundred yards from the destination. It's a dark night, the moon is a crescent rim, nothing more. I guess it is the last day before it will turn back.

I slowly ascended the wooden ramp up to the door, slipping inside, as quietly as I could. I guess I'm not so bad at it, after all. Either that, or they purposefully ignored me, or were simply sleeping very hard?

Once I had closed the door after me, I slipped in under the quilt on my bed. Once my head had slipped down onto the pillow, it didn't take me long, before I had fallen asleep.