Power Ponies in Hostess Ads

by Grenazers


Radiance in First Contact

In a observatory located near somewhere near the city of Maretropolis, the scientist has just made a amazing discovery. Looking through the telescope they found a alien spaceship heading towards their planet.

Calculating the trajectory of the UFO, they estimated that it will land in the Maretropolis national park.

The scientist inform the news to the media, soon words of alien arrival spread rapidly. Eventually a huge gathering of ponies headed to the spot where the scientist said they will land.

As this group grew larger, the mayor worried that something might happen at this event and called in the Power Ponies for assistance.

The Power Ponies responded to his call for aid and they sent Radiance to the landing spot.

Upon arriving the heroine was surprise to see such a large gathering of ponies.

“My word, there are sure is a lot of ponies here.”

“Of course lady, this is ponykind first ever contact with extraterrestrials.” said a news reporter.

Radiance was offended for being called a lady, but nevertheless even she got to admit that meeting aliens would be really exciting.

So with nothing else to do, but wait, Radiance went around and mingle with some ponies there.

Finally the alien ship arrived, they landed on spot and everypony waited with anticipation for them to come out.

Minutes passed and the door to the craft slowly opened.

When the door fully opened, the ponies gasp at what they saw. Standing in the doorway is a big blob like creature. Every part of its body constantly wiggle around. The color of the alien was also strange, it constantly changes its colors.

The blob creature made its way down the steps of its ship and met the pony scientist. The scientist tried to communicate with the alien, but it did nothing.

Then all of a sudden the stallion did something and the alien became red and was growing bigger.

“Egad, what is happening?” Said one of the ponies in the crowd.

“It looks like our new extraterrestrial friend there took offense to something and is now about to attack.” The heroine answered.

“Oh no, you have to stop it!”

“I wish it was that simple, but if we attack a foreign alien diplomat, It might cause a galactic incident.”
“But' if you don't it's going to harm everyone!”

“That is why I got another solution.”

Radiance then created a flying carpet using hr construct and rode it towards the growing red blob. Without wasting anytime, the heroine toss a Hostess Fruit Pie at the creature.

The blob alien absorbed the bakery goods and was soon calming down. It was reducing in size and the colors went back to changing around.

“Jolly gee Radiance, you just save day again.” The scientist said. “If you weren't here, who knows how this first contact would've turned out.”

“Well it just goes to show that even Hostess products are a universal delicacy beyond the stars.”

You Get Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Fruit Pies

Radiance in Street War

The city of Maretropolis, one of the greatest city ever built is facing some hardships.

Just recently a two rival gangs of youngster has emerged and are fighting against each other for territories. The two opposing faction are Ghetto Gangsters and the Roughhouse Ruffians.

With the threat of gang violence increasing, Radiance has been called in to help the poor ponies who are caught in the crossfire.

The costume heroine flew to the bad part of Maretropolis, following the address she landed front of run down police station. When she entered the building she was greeted by the police chief.

Apparently word on the street is that the two rival gang are going to have large fight. But, this was no ordinary fight. This was a fight that will determined which side will live and take all the turfs.

The chief feared that many citizen will be harmed if this battle happens.

Radiance listen to the police chief's story and found herself conflicted. She doesn't want to harm the gang since the majority are made up of troubled teen. However, she can't ignore the fact that they harm any innocent ponies caught in their conflict.

Thinking long and hard, Radiance came up with a brilliant plan to stop the coming battle.

Later that day a huge mass of ponies was heading to someplace. This large group consist of many teens and young adults, carrying a variety of sharp and blunt weapons.

Meanwhile far away from this group another mass of ponies was marching to the same location as the other gang.

The two groups finally arrived and were glaring at one another. Both sides brandishes their weapons and waited for the call to battle.
Suddenly a whistle was blown and both sides charge at each other. But, before they could even hit anyone, they noticed something falling from the buildings.

Twinkies, the little spongy cake was falling into the massed below. Soon every gang member dropped their weapon picked up a Twinkie.

“My word Ms. Radiance, just how did you know that this would work?” The police chief asked.

“Simple chief, nopony can resist the alluring taste of the Hostess Twinkies, their soft spongy cakes and their creamy goodness inside, which makes every bite of this food irresistible.”

You Get Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies