Here be too much Dragon.

by Golden Paw

The Apple's Apologies

The Apple's Apologies

Applebloom gripped the hammer tightly in her teeth as she glared at the offending bolt. This had been the third screw-thread she had wrung off in the last half an hour and her already frayed temper was hanging by a thread. Don't belong on the farm huh? The young mare brought the tool down heavily on the broken bolt and beat it savagely until it popped loose with a clatter.

What I'm doin ain't no good huh? Applebloom dropped the hammer with a clang on the metal flooring of the new airship before rummaging in her box of (quickly dwindling) spares for yet another bolt. She nimbly threaded the new bolt and affixed a fresh nut to the end, all the while holding a wrench in her mouth.

What I do is too dangerous huh? I'm only makin sure ponies are kept safe! With a grunt of effort Applebloom began to tighten the assembly, venting her frustration with regular turns of the nut. The metal took the strain and the two separate components of the air ship's framework began to come together once again.

Just as these two distant components were about to meet, Applebloom felt a fresh surge of anger. Why does she have to be sooo stubborn? Why can't A.J see what we’re trying to achieve here? That it was for the good of every pony? With a final heave Applebloom forced the bond to tighten, but to her dismay the bolt once again faltered before snapping. The over worked nut sheared off and flew past Applebloom, taking a small nick out her ear as the two important pieces of the framework sprung apart once again.

Applebloom hissed, more in annoyance than pain as she clutched a hoof to her stinging ear. With a fury born of utter frustration, Applebloom bucked the now separate metal work repeatedly until it was thoroughly wrought out of shape. She didn't care she was wrecking days of work with each strike of her back hooves, it was just so.......

"A.B you up there?" The quiet voice called up and Applebloom froze mid-buck.

"What if I am?" Applebloom called back as tears ran down her cheeks, mixing with the grime and oils of her stock in trade.

"Well, I was hoping you would come down so we all could talk about things?" Applebloom recognised the diplomatic tone of Twilight instantly, but was in no mood to shift from her place within guts of the airship.

She stared at the floor with its collection of broken bolts as a few spots of blood mixed with the expanding puddle of lubricant. That last kick must have ruptured the servo lines Applebloom found herself thinking even as she attempted to compose a suitable response to Twilight's request.

"Well I'm kinda busy up here Big.D, I-I...." The anger was fleeing now, leaving only an aching emptiness in its wake.

"I can't talk to yer like this lil sis, please won't yer come down?" Applebloom's ears pressed flat against her head as Applejack's voice reached up to her younger sister with sadness.

"A.J? What ya doin here?" Applebloom was momentarily stunned, Applejack had all but sworn never to enter Twilight's new research centre, yet here she was.

There was a long, awkward pause before Applejack called up again, "Well I er...." There was an embarrassed cough, "I reckon I said some things which I really shouldn't of A.B n I came ter say I'm sorry."

Applebloom continued to watch as the small pool below continued to mix, she didn't know what to say. Well that wasn't true she knew exactly what she wanted say: To tell Applejack to just ‘go away’ and never to deal with her ever again. To smother the empty feelings in Applebloom's heart with righteous anger at how Applejack had treated her and all she was trying to do; but that's not what friends, nor family are meant to do.

The engineering pony took a deep breath, she may be angry, she may feel justified in her position, but family was family. Swallowing the huge jagged hurt threatening to push away the offered olive branch Applebloom managed a small whisper. "I'm sorry too sis."

"Applebloom, yer still up there?" Applejack called up once again, her voice full of worry and regret.

Applebloom felt the faintest hopes that all could be made right again and found new strength, "Yeah sis, I'm still up here n I...I'm sorry too."

Applebloom's ears pricked up as she thought she heard the sounds of a whispered debate going on below. The small cut in her ear was already drying and almost in a daze Applebloom trotted over to stop the flow of lubricant with a few twists of a valve. As the dripping sounds ceased Applebloom pressed her unhurt ear to the side of the airship. She still couldn't make out what was being said below.

After another few moments Applebloom heard Twilight call up again with a request that stunned her more than Applejack being here, "Chief engineer, we request permission to come aboard."

Twilight smiled happily as the two Apples hugged each other with tears streaming down their muzzles. She didn't catch all the words whispered between them, but the happy expression on Applebloom's grime-smeared face led her to believe it was going well. The two siblings reluctantly broke apart; Applejack bore a slightly lost look, while Applebloom beamed with a mixture of pride and enthusiasm. Soon Applebloom was pointing out various elements of the ship's make up to her bemused older sister.

Twilight relaxed and had the reassuring feeling that things were going to be okay as Applejack responded in kind with questions and comments of her own, "So this here is the main control array, no magic needed. It's put together so that any pony or other creature that can fit in here can pilot 'Bloomberg'."

Applejack chuckled, "Bloomberg?"

Applebloom visibly blushed and looked at the floor, "Yeah I er called him Bloomberg."

Twilight gave her best engineer a quizzical look, "Well that's news to me A.B, and I didn't know he had a name already, or that he was a he?

Applebloom's embarrassment only deepened and her face practically shone under the collection of machine oils coating it. "Well yeah I was gonna ask yer if it was okay n all, but....."

Both Twilight and Applejack laughed before the Princess laid a reassuring hoof on Applebloom's shoulder, "I think it's a fine name for him A.B, but why Bloomberg?"

Applebloom's amber eyes darted to Applejack and then back to Twilight in a nervous dance, "Well he's gonna have ter go on long journeys ter faraway lands and hopefully make them new places better. Just like 'Bloomberg' did fer Appaloosa. He was raised by Apple's too and it just seemed a good name fer him."

Twilight grinned at Applejack who had tears in her eyes. "Aww Applebloom, yer really are an Apple deep down ain't yer. I kinda forgot that with all this scary new stuff that's been going on. Can yer ever fergive me?" Applejack was trembling with pride and contrition in equal measure.

Twilight saw Applejack look around the mechanical ship, a new wonder in her green eyes. Twilight wanted to add more to Applebloom's explanations of how everything fitted together and worked, but wisely kept her mouth closed. This was a special time of bonding for the two sisters and she didn't want to interrupt it with her own thoughts.

She followed the Apple sisters as Applejack was introduced to one new wonder after another. From the main power cores to the storage decks Applebloom beaming with pride at her sister's dedicated interest. All the while Applejack helped Applebloom catch up on what had been happening back at the farm.

Applejack told her younger sibling of her own worries and fears; of the strain of trying to run the farm while raising three children at the same time. It was a beautiful thing to watch and Twilight felt her joy at having helped bring these two estranged sisters back together again. It wasn't all plain sailing though.

"Yer know yer could get things done a lot faster with some help. Bloomberg is a pretty big ship n one pony workin on him by yerself can't be all that easy?" Applejack smiled to Twilight, no doubt remembering her own lessons about team work and friendship.

Applebloom almost dropped the spanner she had been holding, "Oh-uh, Bloomberg is ma project. I don't think I could trust him to any other pony, they don't know him like I do."

"Can see that," Applejack commented as she took in the hoof dents adorning a number of surfaces. Applebloom snorted, as she attempted to fix the assembly that had caused her so much trouble before.

"I can do it fine by myself, I....." Just as before the bond failed to hold and the nut 'pinged' off the wall behind Applebloom, causing all three ponies to duck.

"Now that's just stinkin thinkin sugar cube, I have plenty of hooves willin n lookin fer work n they are bright enough ter know one end of a plough from tuther." Applebloom glanced down at the puddle on the floor and saw that the few drops of blood had completely mixed with the fluids, becoming lost in the overwhelming tide until there was no trace of them.

"I just want ter show yer I can do...." Applebloom began before Applejack gave her another hug.

"Now listen here Missy, I may not know what half this technical who-ha does, but I can see it's important ter ya. I know what a pony looks like when she's tryin ter do too much all by herself from personal experience n yer have got it bad A.B." Applebloom's eyes began to water once more as Applejack continued her gentle advice.

"How do yer think I was able ter get the harvest in on time every time, even after yer came ter work with princess Twilight?" The farm didn't get any smaller, in fact we have more work than ever," Applejack smiled knowingly, "I swallowed ma pride and got some help."

Applebloom nodded slowly even if she didn't like what she was hearing, "Now I can think of a number of good'uns who I would trust with Bloomberg here and I am sure Twi can think of a few too right?" Applejack winked at Twilight who nodded eagerly.

"Then that's sorted, I'll send em over tomorrow n yer can get this over grown tin can up n ready in time fer....." Applejack looked to Twilight again, "For whatever the princess needs him fer."

"NO! yer don't put that there yer silly....." Twilight chuckled as Applebloom broke in her new work force. She, along with Applejack were watching the greatly improved progress on Bloomberg from an overhanging gantry. Applebloom's frantic efforts to run everything from her position on the top deck was meeting with mixed results as she constantly had to fight the need to personally oversee every aspect of the construction.

"I reckon she's having the time of her life," Applejack commented as a fully grown buffalo cowered before Applebloom's wrath.

"Well she does come from a long line of very independent ponies," Twilight smiled, watching as the yellow mare zipped from one group to another, tweaking and rearranging things.

"Yep, I can definitely see a lot of Granny in her," Applejack agreed.

"And you too A.J," Twilight grinned, simply happy that her friends were not only talking again, but working together as well!

Applejack coughed, "Well yeah that too I guess, just hard ter see her growin up so. Yer remember when she used ter be all hunting for her cutie mark along with the others?"

Twilight nodded happily at those memories, "Those three fillies caused plenty of havoc in their time, who would have believed she's now running her own personal workshop huh?"

Applejack beamed with pride, "Well I knew she was gonna do summit big, I just never would have reckoned it would have been this." She waved her hoof at Bloomberg with no small wonder in her voice.

There was another quiet moment between the pair as work went on apace below, "Thanks for coming here A.J it means so much to us all here and hopefully has helped settle some of your fears?"

Applejack didn't respond right away, "Well I still think this is all mighty dangerous, but as Applebloom said we did plenty of crazy n scary things in our day. I can't keep her locked up away from the world n what's out there, it wouldn't be right."

Twilight studied Applejack and felt that her words weren't about Applebloom alone, "Soooo Star Oak is still set on going then?"

Applejack shuffled her hooves uncomfortably at the mention of her oldest son, "Yeah he is, gosh darn it Twi I am gonna miss him. I know it's only fer a few months, but it may as well be years by my feelins."

Twilight gave her friend another hug, Applejack's first born had been selected for a pony exchange program with some of the bat pony colonies off the west of Ponyville. "At least I know he will still be with family though," Applejack spoke as if trying to reassure herself more than any other pony. "Shadow's from those parts so I know he will be taken care of, but I still can’t help but worry."

Applejack broke the embrace and looked Twilight right in the eyes once again, "So how's Spike doin on his vacation?"

"Well Warden's been working him pretty hard, and he's learning a lot about dragons, more than I had ever guessed. They are so very different from us A.J and a lot of Spike's behaviour makes far more sense now that I have had the chance to talk with his teacher about things." Twilight's voice had a forced lightness that Applejack evidently picked up on.

"Yer miss him too huh?" It was simple, straight to the point and so Applejack.

Twilight nodded, "Despite the fact that my house is now gleaming, I do. I am glad he's getting better and you should have seen what he did in the test the other day, I know we had proof tested the defence barriers for Bloomberg and I was confident it would hold. It still scared me how much power was in Spike's fire, a vast improvement from the last time he tried anything like that and he's not even fully grown!"

Twilight was side stepping what she was really worried about now and Applejack's stare showed that the farm mare knew it. Twilight let out another sigh, "What if he doesn't want to stay in Ponyville A.J? What if he finds all this history about dragons and feels he truly belongs with them? I want him to be happy, but I don't want him to go."

She was putting on a brave face, but it was cracking under the strain once more. Applejack shook her head and smiled, "Aww Twilight, if these event's here haven't shown ya that family is some of the strongest magic out there then yer ain't the bright spark I took yer for."

Twilight blinked at this change of tone, "Spike loves yer Twilight n I don't reckon any amount of 'dragon instinct' or whatever this teacher has been fillin his head with will change that. Have some faith in him, I know I ain't been the best example of that recently, but yer just showed me n Applebloom that family can overcome pretty much anything," Twilight continued to stare at Applejack as the words sunk into her brain.

"You're right A.J, seems I have been so busy trying to help you, I forgot the very lessons I was wanted you learn," Twilight couldn't help but hug Applejack once again, "I should trust Spike, as you trust Applebloom and me. Thanks Applejack."

Applejack shrugged, "Nothin to it Twi, friends and family, that's what we do right?

Twilight nodded and they both went back to watching Applebloom trying to keep her cool as she explained to a mottled earth pony which way up to place a capacitor.

"Sorry mam, but I thought if we attached it this way it would......" Applebloom's eyes narrowed as the stallion tried to explain his actions.

"That's not what I told ya ter do though was it?" Applebloom snorted, "If yer don't follow my orders yer gonna be off this crew faster than vampire bats can strip an orchard yer hear me?"

"But mam surely if we do it your way it will cause some feedback along the power lines here and result in minor damage to the couplings?" The white and brown pony tried once again, but simply earned a snort from Applebloom before she finally glanced at the parts he was referring to.

Applebloom studied the section and secretly conceded that the stallion had a point. What he said was true, she still been working by herself Applebloom would have overlooked such a small detail in light of looming deadlines, but with a work force behind her she didn't need to cut corners any more.

"Do I know yer colt, what's yer name?" Applebloom glared at the bold pony who had dared question her orders.

"Pipsqueak mam," The stallion gave a crisp reply before saluting.

"Well Pipsqueak, do yer plan ter question every instruction I give yer?" She studied the other pony's face which held no trace of fear. There was a small moment where every creature watching held their collective breath.

"If I feel they were wrong and could be done better mam then yes I will," Pipsqueak informed Applebloom with his own eyes staring straight forward. A number of fellow workers took this chance to hide behind whatever they were working on, fearfully peering out to see what happened next.

Applebloom's eyes narrowed and she responded in a low tone, "In that case I cannot have you as one of my workers Pipsqueak, I will not tolerate backchat from my workforce is that understood?"

Pipsqueak’s ears flattened and his head drooped, "I understand mam; I will clear out my things," To Pipsqueak's surprise Applebloom shook her head.

"Therefore I want yer to oversee the main engines n make sure the lads know which end of a wrench ter use yer here me Mr Pipsqueak?" She watched the stallion as his mouth opened and shut a few times, but no sound came out.

"Or should I call some other pony ter be ma second?" Applebloom's face remained impassive as a rock and Pipsqueak could hardly believe his ears.

"Yes mam......I mean no mam!" The confused stallion jumped to his new orders and scampered away as Applebloom heard some giggles from above her.

Applebloom turned her head upwards to see both Applejack and Twilight grinning down at her, "With all due respect Princess, this is my workshop n I have work ter do. Now if yer have both done gorpin at the way I run my workforce..." Applebloom raised her voice so it carried over the whole work bay, "which I may remind yer was hired under sufferance!" before her voice dropped back down to a simple shout as the crew redoubled their efforts, "Then I would kindly ask yer ter leave me to it."

Both Twilight and Applejack gave overly expressive bows before Twilight replied (Applejack busy stifling a fit of laughter), "Of course mam we will leave you to it."

Applebloom's face broke into a small smile and as she nodded to the pair before whispering, "Thank's both of yer, fer helpin me see straight again."

The moment complete, Applebloom spun around to bellow out once again, "Not that way, I thought I had already told yer not ter..."

Both Twilight and Applejack grinned to each other as they made their way along the corridor. Twilight still had masses of things to show Applejack, but deep down she knew that everything was going to be okay for the Apples.