//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Truth Is... // by Crystal Moose //------------------------------// “So… ummm, what do you girls think?” To say that Pinkie Pie was terrified of her friends reaction would be an understatement. Even surrounded by her closest friends, she was shaking all over, despite the warm atmosphere of the Golden Oaks Library. This was a secret she had kept for years. Years! Perhaps her whole life. She always knew she was different, that there was something wrong with her. She hated who she was, so she constructed a façade to show the world. An acceptable Pinkie Pie. A Pinkie Pie who could have friends. A smiling Pinkie Pie who everypony would love and would never leave. That was the Pinkie she had shown to her friends, in order to keep them. Sure, every now and then she had slipped up, slipped into the ‘real Pinkie’, but most of her friends had written it off as her being ‘random’. The secret had been tearing at her insides, she had come to question her friendships. Were they really her friends, or were they friends of the façade? Pinkie felt trapped, and didn’t know who to turn to. It was a friend in the form of a regal white Alicorn that had put her mind at ease in the end. Kind, loving, motherly Celestia. She had confided in Princess Celestia, told her the truth, the secret that she had held for so long. And it was Celestia who had informed her that what she was going through was normal, that it was okay to be this way, and encouraged Pinkie Pie to tell her friends the truth. The Princess stood by her in the cramped little library, while Pinkie told her friends the truth. She knew deep down, if it were not for the Princess’ encouragement and support; she probably would never have been brave enough to tell her friends. “Well, I— umm,” the normally talkative Rarity was at a loss for words. “I suppose it is none of my business, and you are still a dear friend. It will—” Rarity shuffled her hooves nervously. “It will take some time for me to get used to, Pinkie Pie, but I will keep this secret until you are ready to tell anypony else… if you even decide they need to know.” Pinkie Pie beamed, and reached forward to give her friend a hug, and was hurt when her marshmallow friend scooted away from her touch. “I’m… I’m sorry dear.” Rarity apologised. “It is just a shock. Please understand, just— just give me a little time.” Pinkie nodded, hurt but understanding. Rarity was right to pull away. “Well, I guess I always kind of expected… oh no! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.” Fluttershy gasped, then hid behind her mane. “I mean, you’re still Pinkie Pie to me, and still my good friend!” “Heck yeah!” Dash cheered. “This doesn’t change nothin, Pinks!” “Wait! Are you saying yer okay with this, Rainbow Dash‽” Applejack asked incredulously. “Ah thought if somepony here would agree with me, it’d at least be you!” Everypony went silent as they turned towards Applejack. “Ah’m sorry, Pinkie, but Ah don’t like it.” She looked her friend up and down. “It’s jus’ not natural, an Ah don’t want no part of it!” Pinkie Pie bit back tears as Applejack slammed the door behind her, storming off into the night. Everypony sat in awkward silence, until Celestia broke it. “I will go and speak with her,” Celestia sighed, moving slowly to the door. The royal mare turned toward her student. “I assume you will take care of Pinkie whilst I am away?” Twilight started once again bouncing in her seat, her eyes glistening with excitement. Applejack’s abrupt departure could only hold back that inquisitive mind for so long. Celestia easily recognised the look on her students face: it was the face of somepony bursting at the seams with questions; in Twilight’s case, probably quite literally so. She hoped that Twilight would at least be a little sensitive, and not bombard Pinkie Pie with too many questions. Twilight jumped forward as the door closed behind Celestia. “Oh wow this is so exciting I’ve never met somepony like this before how does it feel what is it like when did you know‽” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Oh silly filly, I’ve always known, I think. I’ve always been this way, I’ve just been too afraid to tell anypony.” She looked around the room at her friends, sans one Princess and one Farmer, and smiled. “You girls don’t know what this means to me, I’ve been so afraid. I thought you’d not want to be my friends anymore.” She wiped her eyes dry. “So, who’s up for a party?” Everypony cheered, and Twilight turned to the kitchen to get some snacks for the impromptu party. At the archway to the kitchen stood Spike, eye’s wide as saucers, staring in horror. “Spike!” Twilight chastened the little dragon. “It’s not polite to stare. You’ll make Pinkie nervous.” Spike worked his jaw soundlessly, continuing to stare. “Spike!” Twilight barked. Words tumbled out of the little dragon’s mouth. “Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Pinkie Pie R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.” “What did he say?” Rainbow Dash hovered over Twilight’s shoulder. “I’m not quite sure,” Twilight Sparkle held the back of her hoof against his forehead. “He seems fine. Spike, are you there? What’s happening.” The little dragon continued his chant, in a slightly higher pitched and frantic voice. “Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Pinkie Pie R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!” Twilight turned to her friend, an embarrassed blush across her face. “Pinkie, I am so sorry.” “It’s okay; you don’t be scared, Spikey-wikey,” Pinkie tried to reassure the little dragon. “I’m still your Auntie Pinkie.” “Ia! Ia!” The dragon screamed as one of Pinkie Pie’s fur covered tentacles wrapped around the body of the panicking dragon. “Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Pinkie Pie R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!” Spikes screams rose to a crescendo. “Come on, Spikey, come and give your Auntie Pinkie a hug.” “Ia! Ia! Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaahaaaaaa!”