Power Ponies in Hostess Ads

by Grenazers

Mistress Mare-velous


Mistress Mare-velous in The Shoplifting Streak

The Greystone mall, the largest mall in Maretropolis. It is the home to over hundreds of stores, each one selling their own unique goods to the many ponies that comes to the mall.

However, just recently many of these stores has been experiencing a lot of thefts in their shops. The thief behind this  is none other then the menacing Shoplifter. This stallion has been stealing items from the various stores he visits. At first only a few stores suffered from his thievery, but now he is targeting more stores.

The mall security tried to apprehend him, but he always escaped by rolling away on his roller skates. With them unable to stop the shoplifter, they decided to call for an aid from the Power Ponies.

Later that day the ponies of Greystone mall receive the arrival of Mistress Mare-velous.

"Mistress Mare-velous, thank goodness you're here!"

"What is the problem citizen?"

"It is the Shoplifter! That stallion has been constantly stealing things from our stores, if he keep this up our business will be ruined!"

"Don't worry ponies." Mare-velous assured the store owner. "Mistress Mare-velous is here to end the Shoplifter's reign of terror."
So the super heroine left and went after the villain. Despite her best efforts the roller skating villain kept on evading her. She tossed her lasso and horseshoe at him, but they prove to be ineffective.

"Darn it, I'll never catch the Shoplifter if I keep doing this." She said to herself. "I need to think of a new plan to catch him."
Thinking for a bit the heroine came up with something. "That's it! She said loudly. "I know how to capture him."

Meanwhile on other side of the mall. The Shoplifter was in a middle of stealing some items when he heard the announcements from the mall's intercom.

"Attention all shoppers there is a special of Hostess Cupcakes available at the Sugarcube corner, better come quick or else they'll be gone."

Hearing this the Shoplifter's mouth started watering. In his mind all he could think about was the cupcakes. The delicious rich chocolate and cream filling kept replaying over and over in his mind. Wanting them so badly, he immediately dash towards the Sugarcube corner, hoping to snatch himself a Hostess Cupcake.

When he arrived at the store, the cupcakes were presented right before him on the table. If he had taken the time to look, he would've seen the obvious trap . But, the alluring taste of cupcakes clouded his mind and he went for it.

The trap sprung and the Shoplifter found himself hanging upside down, with a rope tied to his rear legs.

"Nice going Mistress Mare-velous, you captured the Shoplifter."

"Don't thank me, thank Hostess Cupcakes for being so delicious!" The heroine said while holding a cupcake.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Mistress Mare-velous and The Rise of the Dead

Outside the city of Maretropolis Mistress Mare-velous was trotting through the dark woods. It was night time and air was cold. The costume heroine was searching for one of Power Ponies greatest nemesis, the Necromarecer.

The Necromarecer is truly a dangerous villain, for she has the ability to raise the dead.

Mistress Mare-velous received a anonymous tip that the vile villain was out in these woods. Apparently the Necromarecer was looking for the ancient burial site of the ancient moon warriors.

If that mare reaches the site and raise them up, she'll have an army of powerful warriors under her control. With this knowledge in her head, the heroine quicken her pace through the woods.

She eventually found the ancient burial site, but she was too late. Right in the middle of the site the Necromarecer was conjuring up a wicked spell.

“Rise, fallen warriors of the moon, rise!”

The ground beneath the pony was starting the shake.

“Rise, fallen warriors and serve me!”

Suddenly a rotted hoof sprung out of the ground.

“Rise up and trot once again!”

A series of zombie ponies emerged from the dirt ground. Sound were rotting to the point of having their bones exposed.

“Brrrrraaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnssss” One of the zombies moaned.

“Don't worry you'll have plenty of that, but first why don't welcome our guest.” The Necromarecer pointed to where Mare-velous was hiding.

“Uh oh.” The red costumed heroine said as she saw the horde of undead ponies started slowly trotting towards her.

“Must act quickly! What do zombies want more then brains?”

A light bulb appeared over her head and light up.

“That's it!”

Going through her saddle bag, the pony pulled out a bunch of Hostess Twinkies and throw them into the undead horde. This showed to be effective as the zombies fought over the Twinkies. Zombies were tearing each other apart one by one.

Finally once the dust cleared, the zombie horde was reduced to pieces.
With the undead taken care of, Mistress Mare-velous tied the Necromarecer with her lasso.

“Curse you Mistress Mare-velous for foiling my plan!” She said angrily at the hero.

“I didn't do anything Necromarecer.” Mare-velous stated.

Picking up a Hostess Twinkies, she showed the delicious treat to the tied up villain.

“It was the Hostess Twinkies that defeated your army. They couldn't resist the moisty spongy taste and cream filling of the Twinkies.”

“Yes its true, the Hostess Twinkies are truly a delicacy that is superior to all deserts out there. Just thinking makes me crave for them. Please give me some!”

“Don't worry Necromarecer you'll have all the Hostess Twinkies you want, in jail!”

Mistress Mare-velous pull the rope and dragged the villain back to the city, where she was put in jail with the rest of kind.

They left the area, leaving the scattered pieces of zombies, trying desperately to get the Twinkies, but to no avail.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Twinkies