//------------------------------// // The Examination: 2 // Story: Rearity's Fashion (Alt Nick) // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I had apparently passed; I just wasn't told, not yet. I guess she was hoping for me to fail on my own; even after I had managed, what she pulled over me? What I had realized, is that I had apparently a tail. Since I had not freaked out; but rather just continued on my assigned work, I had passed the initial test. It's not easy, you may say; and it is true. It's not supposed to be, after all. Of course she had forced me to change the initially planned design. I can't wear the skirt; unless I make adjustments, in order to leave room for the tail she just gave me. A two inch thick tail doesn't just go through the fabric of the skirt I had intended to make; and which that, I had been forced to improvise. I guess the element of improvisation is a part of her test? I had started out, just checking how the material chosen was stretching around the dummy provided; it is a first step in making my dress fit on the intended target body. For a moment, I was trying to stretch the material around the body of the target body; then I lean towards, just how many seams a skirt would require, in order to have the intended fit. Thinking back at what I had been wearing; I came to a conclusion, four seams seem to be the ideal compromise between the fit, and the effort in creating the intended garment; considering the amount of lost materials. Somehow, I had the feeling she was watching me intently; but then I felt a smile slowly growing onto her lips, spreading out over her face as I got into my work. Of course I was enjoying what I was doing, not just because of the great materials supplied, but also; because it is what I enjoy doing in the first place. At least, it is what I used to enjoy doing; and I had to confess, I still do enjoy it, this far. I may not know, just what she was to through at me, later on; but first things first. Right now, I am enjoying it. Cutting the quarter inch thick material aside, I soon managed to press the finished parts onto the dummy, feeling it coming together fairly well; no gaps, and no unevenness to bother me; hoping she thought I had been on target, close enough for keeping her confidence. “That does start to look interesting!” she pointed out; as I had figured out, just how to work the seams of the dress I'm working on; even though I'm still a way behind, on how to make the new and special adjustment. “Thanks!” I pressed, just as I finally managed to finish the final seam; thus completing the original design, pulling it off of the body of the dummy; before examining the seams, in order to see how well I had managed to get, what I had originally set out to do. Since the seams not only looks smooth, but feels smooth, both inside, and out; I guess I had managed the initial target accomplishment? Not that I was about to ask, right now, in part; because I had to make a few minor, and a rather large adjustment, in the last moment. First I simply added the hole intended as exit for my tail; since I had imagined I was to wear it. Then I cut out the material, intended to make the hole more than just a cut out exit. The first part is the rubber that goes around the tail; I decided on a two inch width of the strap, not including what was to integrate with the skirt where the hole had been cut out. Then I placed the material around the hole, making the initial seam and fusing it into place; making it a single garment. Then I cut out, what I figured was to be required; in order to reinforce the garment, in order for this in particular; holding together for long-term use, even if it was to be slipped on, or off; when one was in a hurry, and had little to no time, caring for the skirts durability. I managed to put this into place, making the seam, before I had gotten anywhere further. Then as it is a solid mass, after the final seam; I guess it had been completed? Now I moved over to the next step of my project, the top. Cutting out the details, patch by patch; pressing them onto the dummy, seeing as they kind of stuck into place, for the time it takes me to create a seam; thus fusing patch by patch together, until I had completed the entire top. Looking closer; the top was to reach from the lower edge of the rib cadge, all the way up my neck, and cover both my jigglies, including my nibbles; that incidentally were showing fairly aggressively in the chosen material and the hue it was; but also a handful of inches along both arms. Naturally, I had chosen to work with the same material. Not just in order not to need to swap, but I felt comfortable with what I'm working with. Something came over me, and I chose to take the chance; risking it on a pair of gloves. Cutting the patches required, only now I was working on a light pink; almost passing for a skin tone, on my part. Patch by patch coming into place, seam by seam; holding the garments together, as it slowly fused to the two separate garnets. Just a pair of gloves, as it were; but it did complete the suit. Only now, I chose to allow it to be considered finished and complete.