The Crystal's Shadow

by HexGirl

Chapter 6

With every step I took the images of my darker self flooded my brain. The stench of blood and torn flesh smothered me. I don't know why but tears flew from my eyes trailing behind me in the wind.Eventually I stopped running and wiped my eyes so I could see. Looking around I found myself in a wood. More tears crept in and blurred my vision forbidding me to view my surroundings. The moonlight grazed my back and strangely allowed my eyes to cease crying. Now I could make out many bushes and trees around me. Finding a rather large tree I curled and stared at the beauty of the moon as I fell asleep.
"Sombra. The moon is beautifulisn't it? Absolutely stunning." I found myself starring at... well... myself. "Surprised? You shoudn't be. I must say you did quite well at the school. I thought you wouldn't be able to follow through." The other me stated as his horn turned red and curved followed by a pruple mist streaking from his now green eyes. "Don't worry," He revealed fangs. "it is only a dream. For now."
"I didn't do anything to those fillies! You did!" I revolted.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Maybe I used you like a puppet on a string and made you dance. Maybe your passions for life are my fuel towards an explosion of the Crystal Kingdom. Exploit its weakness and have eternity handed to you. Become a KING!" Shadows envoloped him revealing a crown and cape. "It is time to take what is ours, it is time to wake."
Awake I did. The sun had begun to rise and my body told me 'seek shade!' Luckily a foredt loomed before me. I don't know how long i lived in that wood. Day after day, practicing my magic skills, honing in on ridding myself of the terror that had my life in a cage. Night after night I would fall asleep to the moon and the Shadow King would haunt me. Day and night I tried to stay awake but eventually I would collapse and sleep.
One night it changed. Starswirl appeared. He was in some sort of peril for he was running and panicked. A cry for help rang in the air but I couldn't help. His body began to transform revealing my villlainous self.
"Haha, 'help me'" he mocked. He seems to have found trouble in Canterlot. I think I am ready for a good killing spree, how 'bout you."