Hatred of the Anti-Brony

by Angrywritingskills

Chapter 15: Ghost from the past

I got a good look at Darius. He wore this really shady looking getup. Looked pretty expensive actually considering the fact it was all brand named apparel. Really what I would expect some kind of emcee to wear. Oh great my only black friend is here, who’s gunna be the next ghost from my past to invade? Wait that’s right, Darius is here? Darius.

All right I’ve been exaggerating when I said I lost all my friends after my little face tearing incident. Darius was really my last contact. Me and him were part-time neighbors due to his parents have complications. Anyways he had to go to school in a bad part of a city. So the transition must have been rough going from a nice suburban school district to an intercity school. He changed from overtime into a different kid but I adapted and grew to like him even more. Sure he was rougher and talked odder but he seemed to act more outgoing and it eventually rubbed off on me. He’s why I act like how I do today. We were childhood buddies

I remember him being more distant than my other friends but friendlier. Distant because I pretty much saw him on the weekends but friendly because we really connected together. In fact out of everyone he was the only one who didn’t care about my incident with my friend and his face. When I told him he insisted on seeing photographic evidence and then congratulated me on winning my first fight. I really owe him for that because he made me feel like a person not some monster to be shunned.

“Yo but for real though I ain’t seem shit like that in a long time; ya’ll know what I mean?” Darius laughed. I’m still trying to get over the fact he’s here.

“D- Darius? T-that you?”

“Would you look at this man?” Darius said acting like he was talking to other people. “Course it’s me, who else?”

It took me a while to respond. “It’s just I didn’t expect you to be here. Fuck I didn’t expect you to drag me into a limo.”

“Can you really blame me though? I mean I see someone I haven’t seen in five some years and I just got to have a conversation with them.” He then got really excited. “I mean motherfucker you ran away from home!”

“I was eighteen.” I crossed my arms. “I can leave home at that age.”

“You could.” Darius nodded. “But you didn’t because, now I’m gunna break it down for ya.” I turned towards him to better pay attention. “You didn’t tell ya folks.”

“Mhmm.” I nodded.

“You didn’t tell anyone else yous was leaving.” He was counting on his hands.


“You didn’t show up to your graduation.” He looked at me. “You do realize that means you never got your diploma and shit.”

“Mhmm.” I nodded to again show my understanding.

“You took your car that your parents were still paying for.”


“And you left everyone worried sick about you and we could never find you because you did stuff like throwing away your phone so we couldn’t track you.”

“Mmmhm.” I gave a finally nod.

“Man.” He slumped back against the seat then he jolted back up with some kind of renewed energy. “You just don’t give a fuck do you, ahahhaha!” He laughed at me. “Oh we’s got some catching up to do.”

I couldn’t help but smile. So I was inclined to tell him about my life and his mine. I kept out important details out of my story such as the anarchists, Rainbow Dash, and most importantly what all of Bronycon just witnessed. In turn he told me about his life. He was the friend that wanted to join the marines with me so I asked him how that went.

“Man.” He shook his head. “I was gunna do it for real but when you left, well I got mad nervous. Then of course I thought about it and uh, yeah military is a fucking joke now, know what I’m saying?”

“No not really.” I said. Darius seemed to focus up.

“Well think of it like this, 2019, and we’re on good terms with them ponies. Well they see all them soldiers training and troops in other countries training and they all like why? You know wondering why we need so many soldiers and we tell them that it’s to defend our country so they don’t believe all that. So then they bat their pretty fucking eyelashes and tell world leaders ‘oh look at our Equestrian Guard there are only enough troops to defend our country. Why don’t you do that too?’ And people fucking believe that shit and all of a sudden we start demilitarizing all over the place. Yeah and you got other countries who are looking at this shit and are like, for real though? And they don’t listen to ponies, because ponies are just fucking animals and when did we start listening to our dog? It’s just damn fuck em.” He got a little emotional there, I could tell.

“So you gave up on military life?” I asked trying to sum up his little speech.

“Yeah but damn did I want to be a soldier boy.” He said slouching back again. Now I felt real bad. I mean I selfishly ruined my friend’s life by running away.

“Yeah I’m real sorry for that.” I said.

“Oh are you?” He dived on top of me and we fell onto the floor of the limo.

“Yo what the fuckk aaaaaah!” He grabbed my wrist and twisted it.

“Apologize!” He demanded.

“I just did you dumb motherfucker!”

“Apologize again!”

“Fuck you faggot!” I laughed. He twisted harder. “Aaaaah!” I slammed my other hand on the ground repeatedly.

“Don’t try and tap out.” He said. “Just apologize.” I wanted to see how long I could last but it was really starting to hurt. We used to do this thing all the times when we were kids, just roughhousing. It’s kind of how we bonded. He might be bigger and strong but hey I can still try.

“Alright, I’m sorry.” He didn’t let go.

“Sorry for what.” He said smiling obviously enjoying this.

“I don’t know? Sorry for being a pussy and not joining the marines with you.” That seemed to be the response he was looking for because he released me and sat back down. I got back up too and rubbed my now sore wrist.

“Hey.” I slapped him on his arm to get his attention. “We’s back!” He lit up.

“Oh hell fucking ya we’s back!” He yelled. “Woo! We taking this country over now! Oh but one thing.” He calmed down. “If you and me is gunna bang, you gunna need to dress differently.” I looked at my clothes. Yeah he’s probably right. “I mean what the fuck you wearing?”

“I was a janitor and I kept the clothes, give me a break.”

“You still a janitor?” I took a while to answer. Darius was there when I got my first ever job as a janitor.


“Yeah I guess being homeless and cleaning people’s shit really does something to you. Yo ain’t that right?” He spoke as if there was a larger crowd around us. “Hahaha, anyways you can borrow some of my clothes.”

“Uh Darius?” I looked him up and down. “I don’t think I can pull off that thug look you got on.”

“Hell no you can’t, yous a white boy.” He laid back on the long bench. “But we can work something out. Yous going on tour with me. Yo I don’t give a fuck if you got a deal somewhere; you and me are sticking around.”

Tour? I don’t know what he’s talking about but I like the idea. A tour means going around the place and if I’m lucky he might go back to Earth and I can leave this place. They’ll never think to look for me on Earth. But another reasons is so I can travel. It’s kind of my passion to travel the roads since I don’t plan on settling down ever.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I nodded. “I’m homeless after all so it’s not like I have anywhere to go.”

“Motherfucker!” Darius exclaimed. “I’m homeless too! You think I got a home somewhere? Fuck no I’ve been on tour pretty much from the start of my career. I ain’t bought a big place on the cliffs but that’s gunna be different after this tour.”

“Well that’s a good plan.” I said looking out the window. This is fantastic. I’m escaping the city and I met another ghost from the past. Oh wait this is going to go bad. I quickly glanced back at Darius. He’s probably plotting my death as we speak. But there’s no way that can happen. After all this is Darius, my last and only friend. I know he’s one of the good guys.

“Hey Darius.” I spoke gaining his attention. “Who you on tour with?” A frown appeared on his face.

“Other musicians.” He said with a grunt.

“Oh that explains all of this.” I motioned with my hands to point to the entirety of the limo. “You’re a music artist. What do you do?”

“I rap.”

“I guessed that.” I said with a smirk.

“Why? Is it because I’m black?” I said with scorn.

“Yes.” I replied still smiling giddy.

“Well shit you had me figured from the start.” He tried not to smile. “But anyways I’m not the only emcee here. And I use that term with little actual meaning behind it.”

“What, emcee? Why?” Darius waved his hands.

“It’s just bullshit that I’ll tell you about later.”

“Oh okay.” I looked out the window again. We were driving around in a city I knew nothing about but I’m with my best buddy so whatever. Only question is where to now? “Hey uh, where we going?” I asked.

“Well it’s,” Darius looked at his watch. “almost three so, I don’t know what do you want to do?”

“Well I’m kind of hungry.” I told the truth. Haven’t eaten a whole meal in a while, I had a budget I needed to maintain so those five hundred dollars weren’t really that useful. Actually I think I have about four hundred something left now. Still I need sustenance to survive.

“Well where you want to go? I know a lot of good places around here.” I looked out the window thinking. Just then we passed by the answer.

“Right there!” I pointed. Darius leaned forwards to see.

“Oh come on, really Mickey D’s?” I nodded my head furiously. “Please I know plenty of places that serve great food instead of that crap.”

“No I want McDonalds.” I insisted.

“Come on man.”

“I WANT MICKEY D’S!” I shouted.

“Alright man fine!” Darius snorted. He moved over to the front of the cabin grumbling all the way there. “I got your McDonald’s right here.” He said under his breath. Pressing a button on a speaker, he talked briefly to the driver.

“And go through the drive thru.” Darius said. “I don’t want to be around the public after that little assassination and my guest isn’t dressed appropriately to be seen by the public.” He moved away from the speaker. I’m slightly annoyed.


“What you look like a fucking bum and,” He leaned closer to me and took in a whiff of air. “Dawg you fucking smell like shit. When was the last time you showered?”

“Yesterday!” I lied. Actually I haven’t showered in a while; I’ve actually forgotten… the sweat of my brow is my shower! Eventually we pulled up into McDonald’s driver thru.

“By the way I’m inclined to say you’ll be paying for this.” I informed my friend.

“Yeah bitch I guessed as much.” Darius spat taking out his wallet. We ordered our food. At first I was guilty because I doubled up but then I remembered he was rich now so it doesn’t matter. The driver seemed to speed off as we left the parking lot. We were beating the traffic from the panic of Bronycon so it made sense why he was in a hurry. If I put some thought into it, we’re probably following up with the rest of the tour, where ever they maybe.

“Be conscience of how you eat.” Darius said roughly. “Don’t fuck up my ride.” Little fact, when your friend is rich as hell, disregard his warnings, he’s just being cheap.

But really these cheeseburgers are delicious. One thing I remember about going to that rest stop before coming to New Canterlot was that is answered cultural questions. There was this guide about the culture of Equestria and it answered questions that I thought I would never get answered. Who knew that to find answers you just had to look for them? Anyways the rest stop served as to teach tourists about Equestria culture so they could better meld with the scene.

Turns out meat is fine in Equestria. Ponies are perfectly fine with carnivores roaming free in their country eating in front of them. I don’t know I thought that they would be all nervous and such but there were fine with it. In fact they actually suggested that we improve our food industry which included meat. Every human knows that food is processed in ways that are killing us slowly and when the ponies found out they raced to our rescue. Ponies have influence on humanity, it’s rather hypnotic, they talk and people listen because good ole Lauren Faust sold us this “perfect” society and we have to follow what they want. Sure we look like children at the schoolyard but who cares because ponies have such a perfect way of understanding and fixing every problem ever. Not!

Anyways ponies in government offered their council and eventually it started this whole thing and very quickly laws were put down to improve the quality of meat and other food produced by corporations. Eventually places like McDonalds started making more superior food. It’s still crap by regular standards but at least instead of killing you in ten years it’ll kill you in twenty. So it goes that ponies made Earth a healthier place.

I stopped eating and looked at the burgers in my hands. It had just occurred to me that the reason that these aren’t under so much heat is because of ponies. Oddly it seems that ponies actually did something good to benefit humanity. They gave us compromise.

Wait no that’s not right. They did it to gain our respect so they can control us through our thankfulness. Common tactic of villains and bad guys alike. But still if ponies are improving society like this then how can I prove they’re the bad guys. Sure maybe I hate ponies but I’m not wrong in my opinion. After all I’ve been attacked and told I’m a nothing by ponies so I have to have some credibility. This will be something I’m gunna think on. I know that ponies are not to be trusted and should be ignored but if I wanted to convince someone I’ll need evidence.

“Darius.” I said getting his attention. He looked up at me from his food. “Why are you dressed like a no good rotten drug dealer?” Darius rolled his eyes.

“I thought I told you I’m an emcee.”

“You’re an emcee?” I asked bewildered.

“God damn it!” Darius exclaimed. “Fuck have you been paying attention! Yes I’m a fucking emcee. Would I dress like this just for the fuck of it?”

“Yes, you’re black.” I was inclined to say it.

“No I rap for a living mother fucker!” Darius sounded angry but he softened up. “I need to look the part. You know criminal rap game and all that shit.”

“Ooooo.” I smirked at him. “Someone’s a studio gangsta.” He smirked back.

“Nah I’m just the only one who is still willing to rap about guns and drug dealing. Everyone else raps about clubs and strippers.”

“Oh I stand mistaken.” I backed up. “I didn’t know I’m in the presence of an OG.”

“Man.” He waved his hand. “I’m gunna tell you just how fucked up the game is these days. Just keep in mind what is was like for us growing up and you’ll get the picture.”

“Yeah so what’s your rapper name?” I asked.

“8-set.” He mumbled.

“Oh sounds familiar.” A that comment Darius lit up.

“So you heard of me?”

“Somewhere.” I said. “Think you were in the news?” I recalled that dinner and how just before I left it mentioned a rapper.

“That was me!”He smiled. “I need to tell you about that shit too.”He rubbed his hands together. “Some underground nobody beating a legend, now that must have been a good news story.”

“Must have.” I shrugged. There was a question that was nagging at me. “Darius do you hate me for leaving?” Darius stared at me but was smiling.

“Hate you?” Darius seemed to laugh. “Hate you? No. Sure I’m was pissed off. Still pissed off that you abandoned everyone but at least you’re here now. So no I don’t hate you. Remember I had five years to get over it. Don’t think I’m that much of a pussy.”

Alright so I guess Darius isn’t like Lewis but still I wonder if he’ll try something. Guess I’ll have to see what happens. However I have a feeling that this could be the best opportunity for me yet. My break away from my poverty and into a relaxed state. I’m not going to pursue a career or anything but I’ll try and not stoop to staying in abandoned buildings. Still hate ponies, now more than ever before, but this time I think I can cope with a friend by my side.

But I want to go back to ponies and their deal. I know I just pretty much changed Equestria forever but I feel like I’m not done. There’s something in me that just needs to have satisfaction but I just don’t know what I can do. Fluttershy’s death sated me but it was only for a short while. Now I feel like I need to do something more but I don’t know what. There’s nothing more I can do short of more death. That opportunity was a chance in a lifetime and I at least didn’t completely blow it. Now I’ve got to look to my own future.

I’ve always wanted to change the world and I did but I don’t think I changed it enough. Ever since ponies arrived I wanted them gone or something bad to happen to them so I would never have to hear about them again. But now it happened and there’s more I can do since I’m guessing nobody is going to shut up about Fluttershy for the next ten years.

Question is, how will I deal with the situation? I always dreamed of pony genocide but that’s far beyond my grasp. But what if I could somehow changed the public opinion? What if humans hated ponies and they treated them like how I think they should be treated? Only problem with that is I’m all alone.

No wait I’m not all alone. I looked at Darius. I have a friend that had the nerve to drag me into his limo and wants me to stick around just because of our friendship. That has to count for something right. Maybe this is what I’ll do. I’ll hang with him and maybe get back on my feet. No more starving every night and slinking around in abandoned buildings. I’m gunna live my life and show these ponies that I’m not one of them and never will be. And maybe one day, everyone will see things my way.