//------------------------------// // Ch 0: Prologue // Story: Im not a hero // by WinterFall //------------------------------// -Lonesome Road Bar- February 16- 2:45 Am. -The Lonesome Road Bar… a rustic old western themed tavern in the middle of the highway 45, technically a bar in the middle of nowhere pretty accurate to the name, wood walls form the humble place covered in dust, a few vehicles parked on the outside and a neon sign of a cowboy walking forwards the horizon aside the name of the bar, in the inside some pool tables adorn the place along with a little stage where a band plays sometimes, an old jukebox was playing this time “Anything goes” giving a nostalgic atmosphere to the place, sometimes the place was full of drunken folks listen rock & roll playing pool or just hanging around telling bad jokes or playing blackjack, but tonight was a strange and lonely night, just a few men’s talking and playing cards, seems a calm night to everyone…except for one fellow. -“another …” *said a young man in dry and depressed tone clearly drunk sitting in a wooden stool on the bar, he was leaning with one elbow on the table with the face covered by his hand and long black and a bit scruffy hair, he was wearing a dark green cargo jacket over a black shirt underneath, a red crimson scarf wrapped around the neck and his hands were covered by black biker gloves, for last he wear blue jeans and black boots. -“I think you drink too much for tonight pal, you should better go home and get some sleep” said the bar tender, a middle age men with brown skin with black hair and beard wearing a leather jacket and a white shirt underneath, he was filling jars with cold yellowish beer from a dispenser and sending them to some other drunken folks across the table -“bullshit…” he turned to the bar tender resting his arm on the wooden table, his eyes ,red and tired with black bags caused by the lack of sleep glared the barman, under the light you can appreciate the unusual amber color of his eyes those cat-like eyes highlighted by his brownish skin, he got a cut scar across his left cheek, with a grim expression that says “Fuck off “ painted on the face, he took a pack of cigarettes out of the jacket front pocket, took one to his mouth, then lit it, he took a deep puff filling his lungs of poisonus smoke and then he expelled it out- “im making your business rich,so give me another damn beer already!!” –he demanded. -“alright, alright” –the bartender decide that was useless try to reason with the young man and acceded to give him another round- why you´re always this moody? -he wont replied, only glared the bartender- -“sorry for asking...” –the bartender say unamused- -The young man sighted- “whatever…” he dryly said. -“well…at least you gonna tell me what is bothering you that much?” –the barman ask, he was trying to make conversation, because nobody in the bar seemed to be able to speak coherently besides him- -“Why do you even care?” – The young man replied- -“well you been coming here for almost twice a week to get drunk until you pass out, getting in fights and always be in a hell of a mood for to months by now” -“ha!” –for the first time the barman hear something close to a laugh coming from the sad young man. -“it’s because a girl? Cause always guys come here to forgive old loves in alcohol” –the barman ask- -the expression of the drunk man got dark and its seems he want to say something but The noisy sound of motorcycles outside the bar cut the conversation between the two men’s in the bar followed by the abruptly opening of the bat-wing doors. -“oh great…” –says the bar tender in a frustrated tone- -The young man snapped out of his trance and turned to the entrance- “hmm? “ -“well, well, well, isn’t my dear uncle Ulysses…” said a cocky voice coming from a tall Caucasian guy dressed with a black letter jacket that says “Kings” a clearly gang member with jet black hair slicked back with more gel than necessary as a cliche wannabe badass from that a 50´s movie "grease". -“how many times I have to say it Frederick, you and your “pals” are not welcome in this establishment! “ -“what’s the matter old man? You can’t have a little fun in this shit-hole?” –the man approach to the bar followed by his fellows three more individuals wearing the same jacket, the few other men’s In the bar mind their own business or get out of the place before the scene turns ugly, all of them except one. -“I will ask one more time! You and your gang of misfits must leave this place at once!” -“Or what?” –said the punk with defiant tone- -“I call the police!” -“-he give a false sarcastic laugh- Call them! See if we care”-replied de punk- -“Better hear your uncle “pal”…you should better leave…now” –finally spoke the young man who turn around in the stool- -the punk took the young man from the shirt and with a flick of his other hand pulls out a switchblade to intimidate the young man “better mind your own business kid!” -The young man did not flinch and looked the punk with an indifferent look- “Better take that toy away before your cut yourself with it kid “ -“oh! We have a tough guy here fellows” –said the punk sarcastically while the others laugh- -The young man just continue staring at them silently- -The punk stops making fun of the stranger and look more closely at him- “wait a second… those eyes…I know who you are! You are from that gang of a freakshow! The Marked ones you are the golden eyed freak Zeeb! “–he exclaimed -the drunk stranger eyes widened hearing that name he was sure had forgotten long time ago- -Then the mobster committed the worst mistake he can make in his entire life- “hey goldy eyes what happen to your junkie girlfriend?”-the punk ask mockingly but the answer was a sharp blow on the face that pull him back with one or two less teeth’s and a broken nose- –The punk cried painfully holding the torrent of blood coming from his broken nose and teeth’s while he whimpered- “You gonna pay for that! Guys kill that bastard! –He ordered- -“the worst mistake you will...ever make...” –anwered defiantly in a murderous statement- -the first one attempt to slash Zeeb’s face with a knife but was stopped by a powerful grip holding his wrist that start to creak- “AGH!!!” he cried in pain feeling the crushing grip twisting his wrist make him throw the blade to the floor, Zeeb grabbed a half empty bottle of rum and crash it onto the thug face that was knocked back covered in blood and some broken glass, he grabbed him from the shirt collar and struck a killing head-butt that make his own forehead bleed. “That’s it! im gonna stab those pretty goldy eyes with my own fingers!!” exclaimed one of the remaining rascals before grabbing a pool cue and beginning to wield it against the ferocious foe who was dodging the constant blows while he was stumbling because of the alcohol that was messing with his balance, a low kick followed by a sharp pain on the calf take down the mobster who cried in pain and the next thing the poor bastard felt was a pair of boots landing on his gut making him throw up. “Damn… you disgusting son of a-“ zeeb was interrupted by the hit of a blunt object landing dryly on his nape knocking him down near to the fallen tug- “Ugh!” –his vision blurs as he crawled on the bar floor trying to get up while the world around him was spinning, he turn back to encounter an approaching foe trying to stab him with a sharp broken pool cue, his eyes widened by the adrenaline rush he got clearing his sight just in time to repel his aggressor kicking him in the crotch “Ah! Fuck!” –he yells while bending in pain for the previous kick, Zeeb took the chance to get up quickly, grab the disabled tug from the hair and hit it with the knee on the face make him get up just for being slammed face on in a near table. *Pant, Pant* “ugh… “Exhausted after the fight with the thugs he recover a little himself, grab his breath again, then he took the sharp broken pool cue from the floor- “You! Crazy bastard son of a bitch! so the rumors about you were right huh?... But, what you gonna do now asshole?” –yelled the last of the crew, Frederick the prick with the broken nose, he was cowardly holding a knife against the neck of his uncle the bartender. - Zeeb gritted his teeth for the anger that was boiling inside him “you are calling me crazy bastard while you plan cut your uncle´s throat just for a fucking bar fight?! If you ask me, I said you are pretty fucked up dude, now…leave the knife and nobody gonna regret something today. -“No fucking way pal!” –replied furiously- “you really thing you can come here, beat the fuck out of my partners , punch ME in the face, and just walk away like nothing happened? This doesn't work like that”. -“Frederick! Think what you're doing! – Yelled the frightened barman- -“You SHUT UP OLD MAN!” –Replied pressing the knife against Ulysses neck- “when I finish with you uncle I’m, gonna kill that bastard and take this bar for me and my gang! End of the fucking story!” -“you know what? I’m tired of your shit!” –Growl zeeb before he clench the pool clue on his hand- -“and what you gonna do Hero?!” –Replied defiant- -“this…” –before he can react zeeb grab the pool clue and throw it like a spear against the rascal with incredible strength nailing him in the wall by the jacket dropping the knife and letting go the barman who run for his life close to the an exhausted zeeb who approached to the nailed thug. -“how…how you do that!?” –ask the now frightened Frederick- -“Just call it…Luck” –and with that last answer he knocked out the foe with a clean blow on the face- -“so…really you could miss that shot and kill me?” –Ask the confused barman- -“Normally I have good aim… but now I’m a bit drunk…” – replied Zeeb- -“oh god…” -“I should go now…” –said Zeeb recovering his serious tone- -“Yeah you should…” –replied the barman looking at the mess caused by the fight, half of the bar was destroyed and stained in blood, beer, splinters and broken glass- -zeeb put his hand in his jacket and pulled out a wad of cash- “I hope this covers the damaged of the bar” –he said to the barman -"actually i think it does!, now that explain how you can come so often…”-the barman mocked- -“hmp”- a little smile was the only response from the young man. -“better go before I call the police to pick up this ruffians” -“Yup” –zeeb answered and then he walk to the exit and rise the right hand as a farewell sign -“now that’s a strange fellow over there hehehe” –the barman said once the Youngman was out of the bar. -“damn…what a night…” –exclaimed zeeb in a groggy tone while walking the where his motorbike was parked but a few steps away from his bike he felt dizzy and his sight go blurry- -“shit….I doesn’t feel…very well…” he leaned a little to recover himself and when finally the sensation stops he sat on his bike, a navy blue chopper bike with some red stripes on the sides and a name was printed on the front its says Midnight Sun in silver letters form some reason that name mean something for him just don’t know what, after organize his thoughts he turn on the engine and head to the road- -besides the alcohol and the fights something that zeeb loved was the sensation of the wind running across his face on the road, travel through the dessert at night with the cold wind and the moon as he´s only companion was like flying something that he ever wanted, for the last couple months his bike and the constant rides through the road have been the only reasons that prevent him of go insane because for a few moments at day he can stop thinking about that incident. -the cracking sound of burning flames runs across the mind of the night traveler in an instant, he does not pay much attention to it and keep driving, but the sound comes again to the thoughts of the young man, he shakes his head- “I must be hearing things now…must be the fatigue” he said to himself. -but the mere sounds of flames turn into lights in the front of the road, first like little fireflies, then like burning coal sparks, and then they turn to full visions, the visions of the blazing fire burning in the night- “Shit!” –the visions stop has zeeb realizes that he was losing the control of his bike, he struggles a little before recover the control of his vehicle- “what’s wrong with me tonight… “–He ask himself before stop the bike in the middle of the road to take a breath- -“Oh! My head!” –he whimper while holding his head with the hands- “Zeeb”- he clearly listens somebody calling his name and immediately turn around to find there´s nobody around, but he felt like he wasn't alone, he take a deep breath before starting the engine again and continue his journey -“I must hurry before I crash or something…” –he said- “Zeeb!” again he hear someone screaming his name but he don’t see anybody, the flames appeared again in front of him, this time blazing furiously burning something this time…he can clearly hear the crack of the wood burning, he can see know what is it…a house…burning- “Zeeb!!” –now he can clearly heard it…it’s not his voice…is a familiar voice…a female one he can recognize, inadvertently he accelerates, tears form in his eyes but they don’t go anywhere just stay there like frozen memories, he is accelerating more than he should, but don’t mind…just want to go away from there, the incessant sound of burning wood cracking accompanied with the constant screams of that female voice that call his name-“Zeeb!...Zeeb!!...Zeeb!...Zeeb!!” he was going crazy, he mash the accelerator -“No…No...No…I need to keep going”- he sees the lights of the nearly city like a light of hope in the horizon but…then it happens. -“ZEEB!!!” –Something looking like a woman, a young woman covered in flames with here’s skin falling apart appeared in the middle of the road- “LUCY NO!!!” *SCREEEEEEEECH* –he yells in horror before making a violent brake that sends him and his bike flying across the air before all went black. -our traveler open his eyes, he can’t see well, his sight its blurry and his head spins around and cannot move, he can see flames but they´re real, not in his head…his bike…burning he remember the accident but he cannot get up… and then…in front of him a big figure a big black shape approach him he can’t see what is it in the dark but clearly it’s not human. -“so…at least I’m gonna die” this though cross his mind before the figure spoke. - “The time has come” the figure speaks in a deep unnatural voice. -“Finally…” –zeeb said before black out. Everfree Forest- February 16- 10:30 Am. -“Hey…hey…wake up” –a voice called- -“hmm?” -“wake up! You need to wake up!” –insisted the voice- -“Again” -“HEY YOU IDIOT! WAKE UP!” -it took a few seconds before zeeb understand he was talking to himself- “so…I’m not dead?” –he ask- -“Duh! Obviously! How the hell you think we are talking right now?” –The voice replied, it’s clearly was his voice but seems like he was talking to a completely different person – -“now I’m truly sure I’m getting crazy…” -“yeah, you are crazy but if you don’t wake up now! You gonna be Dead too! Now move your ass! WAKE UP! - He suddenly awakened taking a deep breath filling his lungs with oxygen before he was fully conscious- “wow…that was…interesting”- he said before getting up, stumbling a little because of the dizzy feeling of the hangover he was having -“My head…what…happen” –he opened his eyes to look at his surroundings, he was standing in the middle of a huge and dense forest, the skies cover by trees, flowers and plants that he never saw before even in T.V, birds flying around and squirrels running on the thick branches of the trees- “where the hell I am?...this place seems… uncomfortably familiar…but why?” – for some reason the place looked like if he had been there before but he can’t place it why, Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on the head- “AGH!” –some memories of the night sky covered in ashes and smoke, blazing flames and the cold feeling of the sand- “now I remember… something happened last night…I have an accident... lost my bike...something more i can´t place it…but that doesn't explain what is this place…or what I'm doing here" -“I should look around…maybe I can find where I’m …or find someone...maybe…” –he reached his pocket searching for his cellphone he grab it and hope for signal without any result- “Why did I even bother…this is how horror movies start…” – he kept walking straight along the path that had been left by animals and other creatures of the forest. -15 minutes later- -“oh bingo bangle bangle I’m so happy in the jungle forest tana nana nanah! Bingo bangle bangle I’m so happy in the jungle forest I refuse to go my ass!” –He concluded his singing with a grumble; he was walking across the forest without finding the end of it. -“Damn forest! Damn lack of signal! damn luck!” –he yells frustrated while pulling his hair in distress until he notice an intense shaking from a bush. -alarmed Zeeb pulled out his folding knife from his belt and unfurled with a flick of his wrist, a four inch straight silvery two-edged blade with an ornamental golden and crimson handle, a fancy looking knife but in Zeeb’s hands it was one of the deadliest weapons, he stood in a defensive position waiting for the upcoming attack. -Suddenly the shaking stop and a little red squirrel jump out of the bush- “…why I wasn’t expecting something like that? I mean…it’s a forest after all it’s not like…” - in that same instant a huge beast come from behind the bush and devour the little squirrel in just one bite, then the creature jump in front of zeeb snarling and growling. -“Oh crap! now I’m really screwed…” –Without warning the huge beast jumped over zeeb, but in a quick instinctive reaction he jumped backwards in an unnatural speed- whoa! What just happened?! –he was at least 2 meters away from the beast that now was clear on sight, a gigantic wolf of the size of a polar bear, with white fur and piercing yellow eyes showing his blood stained fangs ready to tear zeeb apart. -“Easy doggy…easy…” –he was walking backwards without losing sight of the ferocious mutt he was sure running wasn’t an option he will be outrun and that will be the end, however the previous jump make him realize something, he was feeling lighter than before like a feather, maybe there’s still a chance of surviving if his current attempt of scape doesn’t work. -the humongous wolf attack again with his powerful paws trying to shred zeeb but he jump sideways and skidded on the ground to jump again backwards increasing the distance between the two of them, the beast doesn’t give up and lash out against zeeb who only can doge he´s overwhelming attacks one after another with his incredible new speed and agility, but after a few more jumps he began to get tired “Dammit! I can stay like this to much longer; I have to finish this before I end being his dinner!” –the wolf attacked one more time trying to bite zeeb of the face, he jumped backwards but a tree stopped his leap “Ugh!” the wolf took the chance and pounce against his prey, with no place to run he decided to jump up, for his surprised and the wolf´s too he jumped above the beast for a few inches now was his turn to fight back he made a somersault in the air and grabbed his knife with both hands before use the fall speed to stab the wolf in the head but a few inches of the fatal blow the beast jumps backward and the knife only cut his face making the animal growl and cry in pain- “Crap! Almost had it!” he recovers his fighting stance as the beast glared at him again craving for blood, the beast was enraged at the time he attacked again hitting the air most of the time because of the blood on his face that was blurring his sight the battle lasted some more minutes before a blind blow hit zeeb on his side tearing his clothes and part of his abdomen and up to his chest -“AGH!!!” -he cried in pain, the surroundings turn confusing as his vision turned red, his survival instinct told him to run and that was he do, he run without stopping through the dense forest, he can almost feel the breath of his pursuer on his neap but he still running his vision turns dizzy because of the critical loss of blood. “This is the end?” –He ask himself- “I’m gonna die like this?”... “Becoming someone else meal… this wasn’t what I was expecting for my last minutes”. -he was about to collapse, to give up and die…but then, like a guardian angel he heard a voice…a female voice…a voice that yells at him something…an order… “GET DOWN!!!” –ordered the voice -he just fell to the ground as if he had stumbled with something in that instant a thick branch pass above him hitting the wolf that was closely behind him directly on the face. -the animal cried in pain, hurt, humiliated and with nothing to eat he decided to run away with the little dignity he had left. - before fainting zeeb managed to sit, leaning against the tree behind him and even with a blurry vision he saw something approaching to him but it wasn’t walking…was floating… a yellow and pink figure…”T…Thank you…” –he said before pass out.