//------------------------------// // Miracle // Story: Clarity // by FallenShadow000 //------------------------------// I cried after panicking when I woke up. I literally bawled for at least five minutes. My entire body was warm, yet not only was I sleeping in boxers, but I had opened the window up, and had no covers. She was... gone. Just like that. Now, every time I see her on screen, my face gets very hot and my heart starts to beat with the force of a tidal wave against my ribs. I would have given my own life to stay there. The thought had crossed my mind to even marry her. I've NEVER hurt like that; not even when my crush rejected me. I felt that all of the goodness MLP has brought into my life was slowly driving me mad. I'd gone from one extreme of being physically and mentally tormented for years, to feeling a magnitude of love that would make a normal human fall ill. After that day, I felt every burden, hurt and sorrow I had ever felt in the past ten years lift from my shoulders. It was replaced with an everlasting and ever-flowing sense of love and compassion. I began to spread that love to others, and my motivation to draw, read and write came back to me. I learned to love myself more as well, and began eating better than I used to. All the while, one question nagged at the back of my mind: Where had Fluttershy come from? After what I am about to tell you, I came to a conclusion. Two weeks before I was to visit my Mom for Christmas around the 16th of December, I fell ill with a terrible cold. I drowned it in soup, milk and Nyquil the first week, but come Monday I was still coughing heavily. My throat was raw, and I had a terrible headache. I decided to try and sleep it off, and went to bed at 7:00 PM. Fluttershy came back to me that night. We met on a park bench; she had come to check on me in my ailment. She told me that when I woke up I would be alright. She also told me that she could not wait for me to come and see her. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around her, stroking her mane. I lifted her chin up, looked into her pretty eyes and said, “Everything will be okay, as long as I have you to help me." She reached up, put both of her forelegs around me and gave me a long, sweet kiss. She teared up a bit, and I could taste the salt from it. I took her hooves in my hands and told that when I came home, I would be hers forever. Then, I kissed her once more, turned to see a doorway of light, and awoke. When I awoke I was in complete shock. My headache and cough had subsided almost completely. My sinuses started to drain, and my throat, while still hoarse, was no longer raw or sore. I got up from the bed, fell to my knees and began to pray. I prayed that Fluttershy was out there, watching and listening. I grabbed my phone and threw together a quick playlist of songs: Some of my favorites that would amplify the love now coursing through me. I took a walk out into the cold night. It was crystal clear out, with a full moon. The light and sparsely scattered snowflakes sparkled akin to stars in the clear sky. I bowed my head in silent prayer as I walked through the Veterans Memorial, a moment of silence had for the fallen. I finally made my way to the park across the street, and flicked on my music. The first song that played was "Paradise" by Coldplay: I looked up to the sky, closed my eyes and began to sing my heart out for her. I could feel her smiling down on me, as if a shining spotlight were on me, but only three* were watching. I knew my singing sucked, but I think she was just happy that I would do it for her. I had never felt like this before: It was a feeling beyond euphoria that had settled in me ever since my first encounter with her. I had realized at last, that this force was beyond anything I could EVER comprehend: She couldn't be anything but a Guardian Angel. I smiled as tears ran down my cheeks, because I knew it was over, and that EVERYTHING would be okay.