//------------------------------// // Ch.1: New Adventures await // Story: A New Beginning // by BurningProse1929 //------------------------------// New adventures ‘Ahh, beautiful!’ Prose thought as he stepped off the train. The wind was blowing enough to slightly ruffle the bit of his mane that stuck out from under the front of his green hat, and Celestia’s sun shone bright, as he breathed in the fresh air he thought, ‘Maybe now I can just relax and…’ His thought was interrupted as he collided with a bright vibrant pink pony. “HOLY CRAP!” Prose yelled as he fell over the bouncy mare in his way, she seemed to not even notice his presence until he sat up, his eyes spinning. “OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU OK!?” asked the pink mare, as Prose got up on his hooves shaking his head to make the spinning go away. “Yes I’m fine Ms…..” began a very dizzy Prose. “You can call me Pinkie Pie!” interrupted the clearly excited mare. Prose extended his hoof, after getting his bearings, “Pleasure to meet you Ms. Pie, I happen to be new here…” As he said this he clearly could tell he might have just said the wrong thing. As he tried back pedaling from the look in Pinkie’s eyes, it only got more intense and the smile on her muzzle grew even wider. Prose was swept up into a spine destroying hug as pinkie started to ramble. “OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO AWESOME! A NEW PONY! I HAVE TO START MAKING PREPARATIONS AND GETTING MY PARTY CANNONS OUT AGAIN, AND OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO GET INVITATIONS MADE AND PASSED OUT AND WELL YOU CAN’T HAVE A PARTY WITHOUT CAKE AND OTHER SNACKS AND GOODIES LIKE THAT! AND ALSO…” Prose merely stood there with this bright pink and downright sugary sweet mare hugging him and not letting him get a hoof in edgewise, he finally managed to stop the pink ball of energy by putting a hoof over her mouth and then immediately felt a pang of embarrassment hit him, as he drew his hoof back he said, “Ms. Pie that’s awfully kind of you to want to throw me a party but I just stepped off the train and was wondering if somepony could help me find my way around ponyville first?” Prose paused as he saw what he thought was Pinkie’s smile falter at the mention of no party right now, but as soon as he looked her smile had returned in full force. “Why not? I wouldn’t mind being that somepony to show you around but..” she looked at the cart of ingredients she had momentarily forgot about when she was bumped into, “I have to get these ingredients back to Sugarcube Corner..” She trailed off and Prose saw this kind of shimmer shine in her eyes. “Hey! I know, how about I show you around town and then maybe we can get a snack at the store when we get there!?” said Pinkie without even taking a breath. Prose just about protested, but the grumble in his stomach silenced that notion.“I think that would be lovely.” Prose sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck, his stomach continued to grumble, as he thought, ‘How long has it been since I ate? One, maybe two days? Time sure has a way of sneaking up on you.’ “It can sneak up without any forethought or notion that somepony exists within its limits.” said Prose out loud. Pinkie stared at him in confusion, “What can sneak up on you? Like a surprise. CAUSE I LOVE SURPRISES!!! LIKE THIS ONE TI…” Prose had put his hoof over her mouth again to stop the torrent of words the he knew would be coming from her. Then after realizing what he did he took his hoof away quickly and just as quickly started apologizing, “I’m so sorry Ms. Pie, I-I didn’t mean to seem so rude, I was just thinking out loud” Prose stood there with a blush on his face, but what she did next shook him out of his embarrassment, she started giggling. “It’s ok mister, sometimes I start talking and thinking out loud and never seem to stop, like the other day my friend rainbow dash had asked me to get her some muffins and as I was talking about what Gummy had done the other day then I thought out loud about the different cupcakes we sell and getting her snack, that’s when I noticed a rainbow streak heading out the door and me without a muffin in my hand, I figured she was just late for something you know? Like when your late for a party, but nopony is ever late for a party, the party just doesn’t completely start until EVERYPONY is there. You know what I mean?” Prose just stood there trying to take in the stream of consciousness that was her sentence. But all he could think was ‘This has to be normal….right?’ Pinkie brought him out of his thoughts with a question of her own. “So what’s your name? I have to make sure the Welcome to Ponyville party invitations are correct.” Prose smiled, “Well Ms. Pie my name would be Burning Prose, but you can just call me Prose.” He stuck out his hoof for a proper introduction and was once again swept into a hug. Gripping Prose in her bear like grip Pinkie started enthusiastically saying, “That’s such a nice name! I wish my name was like that, but Pinkie Pie is great too in fact its better than great, I mean your name is great also…” She was interrupted by a hoof hurriedly tapping her on the shoulder, “Ms….Pie…..AIR!” is all Prose could get out as his face started turning from green to blue. Pinkie released him from her vice like hug and apologized. “Sorry about that I get a little over excited! Also stop calling me Ms. Pie makes me sound like a school teacher….UNLESS THAT MEANS I’M LIKE YOUR TEACHER ON ALL THINGS PONYVILLE! OH MY GOSH THAT WOULD BE SO GREAT!” Before she could continue Prose interrupted with a, albeit winded, cough. “*ahem* Ms. Pie….I-I mean nothing by how I address you it’s just how I was raised. Would you rather I call you something else instead?” “Just call me Pinkie, just like everyone else silly billy!” Pinkie said with a smile. “Ok, then Ms. Pinkie, I..” Prose stopped talking as inspiration hit him, walking around Pinkie Pie, he started saying what first came to his mind, what came forth only made the pink mare confused. Prose started to, almost as if in a trance, speaking every word that came to him. “Vibrant, colorful, and cheerful ball of sun like energy Partying like no tomorrow exists, and yet plans ahead for more of the same Cannons and streamers everywhere as everypony dances like no one is watching Happiness abounds as she bakes and creates delectable treats for young and old Of sugar and spice and everything nice I see no end to this pretty in pink ponies party life” Prose's poem about the pink mare finished, he sat there blushing, ‘Oh man, not again, every time!’ was his only thought as he sat hiding his eyes behind his hooves hoping Pinkie wouldn’t be mad, he chanced a look and saw something else, something that he didn't expect, what he saw was probably the biggest smile someone has ever given him. Confused, Prose looks at Pinkie, “Ms. Pinkie…..umm…you ok? I didn’t say something bad did I?” Pinkie burst into laughter, “OH MY GOSH! THAT WAS GREAT! HOW DO YOU DO THAT? IT SOUNDED SO COOL WHO WAS IT FOR?” Prose could only sit on his haunches confused before saying, “Umm that was for..about you Ms. Pinkie, it’s kind of a problem for me. I-I..well everytime I meet somepony I end up having inspiration strike and…well that happens. If you don’t like it I can..” Pinkie interrupted him, “No, no I liked it! In fact I loved it! It sounded so, well like what a waterfall would sound like if it could talk like regular ponies OR a better analogy would be a party cannon laughing!” Prose simply sat there for a minute pondering what Pinkie said. ‘Well that’s not the worst response I’ve gotten….it was way better than that time in..no, no thinking about the past, it’s time to go towards the future.’ Prose thought to himself. Pinkie waved a hoof in front of Prose face, “HELLO? EQUESTRIA TO GREEN AND PURPLE PONY!” Prose snapped out of his thoughts, “Oh yes sorry,” rubbing a hoof the back of his neck, “so you said you’d give me a tour of ponyville correct?” Pinkie smiled and nodded her head in excitement, “Follow me TOWARDS ADVENTURE!” shouted Pinkie. With that her and Prose trotted away from the train station, and if anything could be more prophetic, it would be Pinkies declaration.