//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Night of Unholy Mares // by RAGNAROK //------------------------------// It was a normal day in the land of equestria. Pinkie pie was enjoying tea and cupcakes with her friends Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna they were talking and having a great time. Twilight said "Im hungry girls lets go to Sweet Apple Acres and get some Granny Smith apple pies.,When they got the apple pies Granny smith simply said, I should be asleep by now".They were having a blast.Twilight said,"lets go mess with rarity, I have an airhorn lets scare her".The rest agreed. They then snuck into Rarity's house and Twilight snuck up behind her and blew the horn into the fashion ponies ear, it literally scared the shit out of her, and knocked her out. They all laughed. Luna said, "Cheers darlings, it has been fun, but I do have other matters to attend to". The other ponies said," by princess luna", and she left. Now it was just Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight. Twilight was feeling kind of bitchy today, so they went to mess with Fluttershy. The sun was starting to set now, and they wanted to get there as fast as they could. The three mares went on. By the time they got there the was sun was down, and the moon was glowing dimly in the sky. They got to her shed door, and they heard Fluttershy talking to Luna, they couldnt tell what they were saying, they were talking to low to understand, then it got quiet to quiet. Then they were hit with something, and knocked unconscious. Many hours passed, and Twilight woke first chained to a tree with a gag in her. She looked around to find Rainbow it was hard to find here in the dim light. She was in the same perdicament as herself . Between them was three holes labeled, Pinkie, Dashie, and Twilight, but where was pinkie? Then she heard movement Luna and Fluttershy came out carrying Pinkie on a large stone, and lit six candles. She looked back to Rainbow, and saw she was wide awake, and had a worried look on her face. Luna looked over at Rainbow and smiled. Rainbow fluttered her wings, but luna threw a knife impaling into her flesh, and bone. Luna then walked over and said," none of that now", and she grabbed the knife, and pulled down slowly ensuring pain, slicing the pegeasus ponies wing in two ,and she laughed at her as she cried in pain. She then walked over to Twilight who pretended to still be out cold. Luna grabbed a saw, and kept walking towards her. She got to Twilight, and said," wake up sweety". Twilight opened her eyes to be gagging in pain as Luna cut off her magical horn, and put it on the table near Fluttershy who grinned evily at Pinkie, and then she grabbed a chainsaw, and started it up. This awoke Pinkie who started screaming, and trying to get loose. Fluttershy said," ive always hated you and your loud annoying voice for hat you lose your tongue." Luna then grabbed Pinkies tongue and pulled, Fluttershy then cut off her tongue. Pinkie started to thrash at the pain. Fluttershy then began to scalp her. She opened her head just enough to pour hotsauce in the opening. Pinkie attempted to lash out, but she was met by Lunas hoof, which struck Pinkies stomache, making her vomit all over herself. She was in excruciating pain. By this time she was starting to black out so Fluttershy said,"Luna this does not make me happy."Luna replied."My dear Fluttershy use the special knife we made together".Flutteshy reached into her bag and pulled out a strange blade. Twilight looked up and saw Rainbows bleeding has stoped, but she was hardly awake. She looked at Fluttershy who was slicing into Pinkie with a knife that had what looked like razors that were moving. Luna walked over to Twilight who liiked worried, and said,"Darling you were my favorite, to bad you die tonight." With those words she kissed Twilight, and cut her in half with a chainsaw. She then dropped her body in a grave, and covered it. Now it was Rainbow and Pinkie left. Luna looked over and saw Fluttershy covered in Pinkies blood and flesh. Luna and Flutteshy walked over to thier last victim after dropping Pinkies corpse in the grave marked for her. They broke Rainbows legs so she couldnt run away. They unchained her and carried her to the rock where Pinkie was killed. They placed her on the rock and Fluttershy said,"your going to enjoy this Dash". Luna said,"come here Fluttershy darling", and they hopped up on the rock where Rainbow was and started to make out. They had sweet lesbian love on Rainbows body. They then lit a torch and impalled Rainbow with it, and watched her burn from the inside out! Then they dropped her body in the final grave, then they filled it. They then made sweet love over the grave. Nobody even knew they were, or what happened that night, and nobody will never find out. Eveyone went on with there lives. Gay mariage was made legal in equestria. So luna and fluttershy were then maried. Spke was loked in twilights house for five weeks until somebody needed a book and found his rotting corpse in his bed. Not a single fuck was given that day. Now at this point im just typing to increase the length so I can submit this horribly written peice of shit. I realy do hate my friends making me typre this. You just read a story about fluttershy and luna slaughtering the the others except rarity. This must be fixed. You thought the story was over well your wrong. Raity was deppressed over the disapearence of her friends. So guess what she pulled a kurt cobain.. Thats wright deepthroat shotgun. Blood everywhere, the room was painted a nice shade of red, and tai from gears of war came and said and i quote."I love the color of blood in this shade of light". I am really running out of things to talk about. Well thats it i got a thousand words see you guys next time.