MLP X Pokemon Adventures in the Equestria Region Episode 6: The Mysterious Man!

by trahzo

Part 18: The Big Confrontation!

Team Disharmony has now stepped foot into Ponyville!

"Alright everyone, attack! Take no prisoners & kill 'em all! before killing any of the women, if they sexually arouse you, rape them!"

The order was carried out, they ran in having their Pokemon use powerful attacks, but then Querxov learned the owner of someone's PC is Mane Goodall! He requested he get all of his Pokemon! Mane Goodall agreed and then it was time for war! Fluttershy had her wild Pokemon friends fight before a single innocent was killed or raped! Querxov and his Pokemon army drove through all of the thugs! Then, it was time for Querxov to take-on the person who's been threatening him ever since his 1st visit to Baltimare! There he stood, face-to-face with the mysterious cloaked man!

"'s the only way out!"

"There will always be a solution to end things besides death!"

"Let's just see boy! Let's just see!"

*You are challenged by Team Disharmony Executive ??? ! Executive ??? sent out Trevenant!* (Lysandre's battle theme plays in the background.)

"I'm gonna settle this! Go Malamar! use Dark Pulse!"

*It's Super effective! the Foe's Trevenant used Leaf Storm!*

"Malamar! Use Flamethrower!"

*It's super effective! The foe's Trevenant fainted! Executive ??? sent out Mismagius!*

"Come back Malamar! Do it Infernape!"

*The foe's Mismagius used Psychic! It's super effective!"

"Shake it off buddy! Now use Shadow Claw!"

*It's super effective! The foe's Mismagius fainted!*

"...One left! This one will determine your fate!"

*Executive ??? sent out Dusknoir!*

"Infernape return! I choose you Bisharp! Use Night Slash!"

"Counter with Fire Punch!"

The 2 attacks collided creating an explosion! Both sides Pokemon jumped out of the dust cloud, both have inflicted much damage to each other!


"What are you looking at?"

"What's that leaking out of your cloak?"

"My dark energy! The hatred I feel for this world is endless!"

"Why do you hate this world?"

"I hate the world because I don't own it, but if I were to kill every last living thing besides my self on this planet, then that automatically means the world is mine!"

"That's horrible! I can't believe that you'd do this! There's gotta be a way to convince you that the world is better when it isn't owned!" Querxov pleaded.

"No, there isn't! I'm a stubborn man and with that, my plans to rule will come to fruition and all that I need to begin everyone's doom is to kill a trainer & his beloved Pokemon!"

"That's insane!"

"Isn't it? Now enough talking, my victory is within reach! Dusknoir, use Fire Punch!"

"Bisharp, use Aerial Ace, then Night Slash!"

Bisharp used Aerial Ace, to run quickly and slide kick Dusknoir over! With the opponent trying to get up, Bisharp saw his chance and then...

*It's super effective! The foe's Dusknoir fainted! You defeated Executive ??? !*

"Hmm...looks like I'll have to end you another time!" Then he disappeared in a bright flash!"


"Men, I just got an order from the boss that we must retreat because Xeenam's been defeated!"

"Let's move out!"

Then the grunts all started running out of town. Fluttershy and her animal friends all cheered with joy after they left. Yes, She did her trademark: "yay!". Querxov then had all his Pokemon go back to Mane Goodall's PC, well except for Jenny the Serperior. They would be discussing who gets to battle the Gym Leader.