//------------------------------// // 4 - Haven's Journey Begins // Story: Haven // by Xplounder //------------------------------// Chapter 4 - Haven’s Adventure Begins Haven and Shimmer were walking down a path in the forest. It had been a several hundred yards since either of them had said a word. “So,” Shimmer interrupted the silence. “Where exactly are we going?” “Not really sure myself...” Haven laughed a bit. “But for now, were heading to the mountains. Here, read this; it should give you a bit of an idea on what we’re looking for.” Haven pulled Joseph Everfree’s memoir out of his saddlebag and handed it to Shimmer. “Crap... I thought I was done with reading when I left Skyfield,” she joked. The two stopped when they came across a cave. It was rather small, but definitely large enough to check out. “Stay behind me. I’ll light the way up with my horn,” Haven said. Haven’s horn lit up, and the two walked slowly through the dark, damp entrance. On the inside, it was much larger than the outside had implied. Rats, and the corpses of various small animals littered the cave’s stone ground. As the two approached the end of the cave, they saw something that made them both stop in shock. It was the corpses of two unicorns. Any clothing/accessories that had been on them had either rotted off or had been looted, as the only things that was left were bones; it was very obvious they had been dead for a long time. “Oh, crap!” Shimmer gagged. “Definitely wasn’t expecting to see that when I woke up this morning.” Haven walked closer and began investigating the scene. Among it, he eyed a piece of yellowed paper sitting next to one of the bodies. He used his magic to pick it up, and was horrified when he read it: “They’re coming. I knew it would happen sooner or later, but why the hay does it have to be now?! We were so close... Discord must not have his way. If he does, there’s no telling what could happen. We were heading for the mountains... Everfree’s stone is the only thing that can help us now. Please, if anypony reads this, find it. Find the stone and put an end to Discord’s reign! He’s planning things that can only make the world into a living hell... I hear the guards... I don’t have much longer. Discord took my friends, my home, my son, and now, my life. Please... Destroy him before this happens to anypony else. Remona Sapphire” Haven staggered to his feet, dropped the paper, and began to weep. “What the matter?...” Shimmer asked curiously. “What is it?” “Th- That was my mom...” he quietly managed to choke up. Haven had never witnessed death before. In the small village he had grew up in, it was rather rare for anypony he was close to to pass away, and when they did, they were given a proper burial. Death was often portrayed as something peaceful; like an extended slumber, away from any and all evil in the world. But this... Such a change. Death wasn’t portrayed as a peaceful slumber anymore; it was portrayed as decay, horror, and fear. There was nothing that could have prepared Haven for such a sight. Shimmer read the note and, unaware of how exactly to handle such a situation, simply sat next to Haven and wrapped her wing gently around his back... About an hour past, and Haven stood up and began to head toward the cave’s exit. Shimmer, who had recently fallen asleep, bounced up at the sight of the bright light radiating from Haven’s horn, and raced to catch up with him. Seconds past, and then minutes, and then hours without a sounds from wither pony. They simply headed north. “They left me, you know,” Haven said, breaking the silence. “What do you mean?” Shimmer responded, acting rather confused by the statement. “My parents... They left me with an Earth Pony the moment I was born.” Haven spoke in a rather sad tone. “I was told very little about them. They didn’t spend much time in town even before they had me. All I really got to know about them was a couple of names. But you know what? I held on to that. I thought... I thought maybe one day I would find them and they would greet me with open arms, ready to accept me.” Haven paused for a moment. “I knew they were dead; they just had to be. But in the back of my mind, I was able to hold onto that tiny spark of hope. To have that spark die so fast, and so unexpectedly...” Haven remained silent for the rest of the evening. The two made camp and had a glass of tea. Haven went to bed, while Shimmer stayed up and read Everfree’s memoir by the fire. The next morning, the two ponies ate a quick breakfast and continued heading north through the forest. “So... About that cutie mark of yours,” Haven started to ask curiously. “What exactly is it for?” He said as he glanced at the flaming lightning bolt engulfing her flank. Shimmer looked around at all of the trees. She began to laugh. “Well, if I were to show you, things would probably get a little weird... I’ll show you once we get out of here.” She smiled. Haven laughed. “Okay, I’ll take you up on that.” Shimmer was pleased to see that he was feeling better. After a few hours, they began to notice the trees getting a bit thinner. Shimmer flew up into the air to check it out. “Looks like less than a mile left!” She yelled from the sky as she began to descend. “What’s after that?” Haven asked. “Looks like a few Pegasi settlements, but I think I can see the silhouette of the Crystal Empire from up there.” She replied. “Great. Think we could be there by tomorrow?” Haven asked. “Easily,” she replied assuredly. Just as their conversation finished, they approached the end of the woods. As they looked out, they saw the sun starting to set over several small, grass covered hills, a few large oak trees, some scattered weather stations, and a few small homes. The Crystal Empire’s castles, and the mountain’s silhouette were visible for a few seconds before the sun set behind them. “You ready for this?” Haven asked. “Definitely,” she replied. Next chapter: Haven’s Confrontation, and Entering the Crystal Empire.