Fall of Equestria

by King Tsunami


The dark, blue maned colt cried, when the doctor held him, "How is he" asked Tsunami. The doctor replied
"He's a healthy colt," Tsunami sighed and made the mistake of closing his eyes for one second to relax, and the doctor was gone with the colt when he opened his eyes.
Tsunami yelled at the guards to come in the room, but it was too late, the doctor was gone and never to return. The guards broke in the room, fully armed to see what happened, but all they saw was the window opened and Tsunami crying on the floor. The guards pulled him up on his hooves and called the advisers to set the empire into lock-down.
"H-he's gone," Tsunami exclaimed as he continues to cry. The guards tried to calm down, but he was to focused on the teddy bear that he was going to give to his son. The advisers contacted all of the empires in the family to be on high alert, Tsunami continued to cry as a flame sparked in his brain. Ten years later, the search hasn't stopped, Tsunami was more calm, and ready to find any evidence. Miles away, Metro was being taught by changelings, as a fire spy watched from the window.
"Bravo has found the target," The fire red scout said to an unresponsive radio, not noticing the changeling guard behind him. The guard grabbed the scout, and knocked him out with a choke hold. The changeling teleported him to a random area but didn't notice that he teleported the scout in front of Tsunami. Tsunami smiled as he found the first clue, hinting that his son was alive.
"Send in both alpha teams in the area the scout was in," Tsunami ordered the advisers as he moved towards the balcony. The advisers followed orders, and sent the orders to alpha team via radio. Alpha team received the orders, and began moving to the designated area, unknowingly being followed by changeling scouts. The changelings took down the team's numbers, one by one, until the captain was left standing.
"What do you want?" the injured captain questioned the changelings as the changelings surrounded him but then the changelings tackled him. The changelings took all the technology the team had, and sent it to the queen for reverse engineering. At the time it was a good idea the changelings thought, but they don't know what the punishments will be about the technology.