What the Mirror Saw

by Seirhune

The Importance of Not Being an Idiot

“Principal Celestia?”

She looked up from her desk to see Flash Sentry nervously standing in her doorway with a sheaf of papers in his hand. With a cocked eyebrow and a small smile she waved him to the chair in front of her.

“What can I do for you, Flash Sentry?”

“Well….umm…I…I’m worried about Vice Principal Luna, ma’am.” Flash shifted a bit in his seat and looked down at the contents of his hands, which Celestia could now see were photographs. She nodded for him to continue, which he did, with an audible swallow.

“You see, we didn’t want to mention it earlier what with the excitement from the Fall Formal and I certainly didn’t want to say it to her face, but we’re worried that something is wrong with her because she couldn’t catch the frame job Sunset Shimmer tried to pull on Twilight.”

“From what I understand Shimmer doctored some photographs, Flash. I have heard she had acquired a good grasp of our technology, so I am not surprised she was able to alter photographs well enough to throw off my sister.” Celestia tried to take a peek at the likely photographs in Flash’s hands. Luna had given her a rough overview of the event and apologized, but she hadn’t gotten a chance to see the photos in question. She held out a hand in silent request and, somewhat red-faced, Flash handed them over and Celestia looked through them.

The silence grew long and oppressive. Flash wondered if escape was an option. He knew messengers bearing bad news sometimes didn’t have the best of ends. He closed his eyes as she flipped through the photos and corresponding evidence of tampering.

The silence ended with a sharp thud. He opened his eyes and saw the pictures piled neatly on the desk and a blank-faced principal nodding to him. He thought she maybe her forehead was a little red, but before he could add the small numbers together Principal Celestia spoke.

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Flash. I understand your concerns and will do what I can.”

Flash nodded thankfully and took that as a cue to beat feet back to class.

Celestia rose from her desk and quietly shut her door. She quietly got her jacket and quietly wadded it up and shoved her face into it. She quietly screamed…

“Glued on! GLUED! For pity’s sake!”


Needless to say, Vice Principal Luna was quietly reassigned to a less challenging job at the Selenic Academy across town.