//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Sparkle Patsy // by sevenofeleven //------------------------------// Sparkle Patsy Chapter 4 Nomin's Library Twilight dodged another pale green energy burst. Maybe she was better off wandering around by herself? A few hours earlier she was walking around in the quiet library. Something smelled different. Twilight followed her nose. It led her to a strange creature. The being had a blackish green cone like body, the bottom of the cone faced the floor. Shiny black tentacles covered the cone. Somehow it floated over the dusty floor. "Hello, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced herself. The creature waved its tentacles at her. Then an almost transparent blast of magic hit Twilight. It felt like a slap. Twilight decided to back up. The creature threw a bright ball of pale green light at her. She sensed it was destructive magic and blocked the attack. The next few hours were spent dodging attacks from the creatures and firing back. Twilight lost track of how many she had killed. It did not really matter because more would show up and continue the fight. She was hungry and tired but she kept fighting. Someone will come and help. Maybe? Canterlot Castle. Lisa faced Celestia. Celestia was going through the spell to change Lisa back to normal. The strange green book that transported Twilight to the alien realm lay on the table. "Are you ready Lisa?" Celestia asked. "Yes," Lisa replied with some misgivings. Spike took a few steps back. Celestia cast the spell. A white ball of light surrounded Lisa. She felt her vision go white. Damn, this bed is cold, Lisa thought. "Well, this is a welcome change," Rarity said with interest. Lisa realized that she was not in her bed but on a cold marble floor. No, she was not back home. A quick look at her leg showed a white coat. Celestia used her telekinesis to move a mirror next to Lisa. No more purple coat and purple eyes. She had green eyes, red mane and tail and a white coat. Now just a unicorn pony. Well, lets get this party started. Lisa walked over to the table. She looked at the book. The smiles on the strange ponies bordered on the insane. The text was not that much better. She focused on the book trying to make sense of it. Lisa could barely hear Spike. Spike said fearfully, "Gggood luck." Lisa could not answer, she was gone already. It was dark and smelly. Lisa was not a fan of moldy books. What sort of place is this? She cast a light spell. Piles of books came into view as well as an attacking creature. A blackish green upside down funnel creature was throwing hostile spells at her. Great, someone is pissed at me already. Lisa could not block the attacks but she managed to dodge and send some fireballs back. The creature got hit by both. It burst into flames. Seconds later it melted into a puddle of muck. Lisa could hear explosions a few feet away. She carefully headed towards the commotion. Yuck, she stepped in a puddle of melted creature. Have to watch her step now. Twilight was in a fight with eight creatures, she had been fighting ten but a blast of fire took out two. This was going to be hard. She was tired and hungry. Constant fighting was using up her reserves of magical power. Hay, She won many awards for using magic from the Destruction school so the outcome would not be in doubt. Eventually more will come and Twilight will not be able to handle them. She tried to not think of that. While Twilight was planning her counterattack, blue lightnings danced among the creatures attacking her. They blew up spraying blackish green muck all over the place. "Are you OK Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Lisa asked with concern when she walked up to Twilight. "I am OK. I guess they did not give you food and water," Twilight complained. "No problem," Lisa conjured up a chef's salad and a bowl of water for Twilight. After the food was made, Lisa stuck out her hoof and introduced herself. "My name is Lisa Huffington," Lisa said. Twilight shook Lisa's hoof and started eating. "My pretty fighty ponies," A new voice said. Who or whatever it was sounded young. Lisa looked to the left and saw a blackish green mass of tentacles and bright blue eyes. Twilight stopped eating to face this new creature. "Hello?" Lisa said. "Ooooh, you are so polite and precious!" The blue eyed creature gushed. It floated up to Lisa and ran a slimy tentacle through her mane. Lisa could feel the slime dripping down her face and neck. Ewww! "Sooo soft," The creature said with pleasure. "Do you have a name?" Twilight asked crossly. Did she go to an alien library to find another Pinkie Pie? "Ormagurd! I am soooo rude. My name is Ivni!" The creature said with excitement. "Are you responsible for the events in Equestria?" Twilight asked with a bit of anger. "Like Duuuh! I learned so many cool things. Would have learned more but things kept falling apart," Ivni said sadly. She floated closer to Lisa. Lisa stepped away from her. After that little slime covered pat, Lisa was not going to get her hair messed up again. "So you made the book so Twilight could get trapped?" Lisa asked. "It was way cool. A quick Polymorph and I was a pushy purple pony princess. When I could not learn anymore, I summoned another to take my place. It would be cool to see what happened. Now I am getting bored. Time to learn something new!" Ivni enthused. Lisa was getting angry but the enthusiasm in Ivni's voice made her feel scared. Twilight was getting more angry too. An image appeared of a sunny day in another world. Colorful ponies splashed at the edge of a quiet lake. Lisa looked closer at the ponies. They had eyes at the side of their heads. This was not going to end well. "What is that place?" Twilight asked. Her rage was being overcome by curiosity. "Its your new home! I want to see what happens when fighty killy ponies meet nice pretty ponies. I know the both of you are good at killing. Remember the mirror pool Pinkies? Lisa was a killer long before she was a pony. The two of you together will cause so much fun carnage!" Ivni said, her eyes and tentacles were dancing with glee. "Those were not real ponies, they were clones," Twilight said dryly. "Really, clones have feelings too. Are you sure you got the real Pinkie Pie? Maybe you killed her and a clone is your friend now," Ivni said in a knowing tone of voice. Twilight had to stop and think a bit. Lisa kept her mouth shut. She walked next to Twilight. They will have to fight Ivni soon. Real soon. The image of the pony world became more real, they could hear the ponies giggling and splashing. "I FORBID THIS," Glymour said with power. Twilight noticed that Glymour was much larger and brighter. The image of the ponies faded and was gone. "YOU WILL UNDO THE DAMAGE YOU CAUSED AND SEND THESE PONIES HOME!" Glymour demanded in a voice that shook the building. For some reason Twilight and Lisa were not deafened. A bright light surrounded Ivni. "Dadeeeeee!" Ivni bawled for her father. "HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR POWER IN MY REALM," A deep voice said with anger. The strength of that voice had Twilight and Lisa on their knees. Even Glymour lost some brightness and height. A mass of blackish green tentacles and black eyes appeared. This creature was so big it reached up to the greenish black ceiling. Lisa figured that the ceiling was pretty high but not that high. It looked like it was at least ten stories. "Your daughter has overstepped her bounds. We demand that you stop this meddling!" Glymour said. "Leave us now child," Atar Nomin said. Ivni vanished. "You talk of my meddling but what are you doing now?" Atar asked. "We have refrained from meddling in your affairs here but recent events have forced our hands," Glymour said. It grew bigger but not as big as Atar Nomin. "Who is this we? I only see a brief flame," Atar said with some contempt. Around Glymour there was a group of glowing beings. One of them was a sky blue alicorn. Lisa could not recognize these beings but Twilight recognized the alicorn. Way back in the past, ponies in Equestria worshiped a being called Oonte. This was even before the princesses and maybe their parents. Glymour continued, "If you or your servants and relatives continue to meddle in our affairs we will have no choice but to isolate you from Creation." "Isolate me? You do not have the knowledge and power," Atar said. He was not impressed. "Would you like to test that?" Glymour asked. It was quiet for a few minutes. "Fine, all of the damage done by my daughter in Equestria has been undone. We will have to discuss the rest of your demands," Atar said without too much regret. Lisa wanted to know why she was involved. "Thanks but why was I chosen instead of someone else?" Lisa asked Glymour. "I was able to interfere with Ivni's choice of fall guy/gal so you would be summoned. I know that you would act from goodness and try to fix things," Glymour replied. "What will happen now?" Twilight asked. She wanted to go home. "I will send you and Lisa back home. Then we will talk with Atar Nomin," Glymour said. Canterlot Castle Rarity thought that Lisa was gone for a few minutes when Twilight appeared on the table. "Are you going to dance now?" Celestia asked with a smile. Twilight looked around. "No," She replied and climbed off of the table. Rarity asked,"Have you had anything to eat?" "I had a little bit of food," Twilight replied. She was still hungry. "I will order some tasty things from the Royal Kitchens for you," Celestia said with a smile. "What happened Twilight? Where did you go?" Spike asked. "I have to admit Spike, there are bad books. I do have to be careful. You should have seen this place..." Twilight explained her trip. Chicago, Modern Times Lisa found herself standing in her living room. She could hear Robbie moving around in the bedroom. Cool. It looks like she does not have to explain where she went. What did she look like? A look in her bathroom mirror did not show a pony. She was human again. Wait! What was that strange colored stripe in her hair? It was a color she had never seen before. Damn you Ivni! Lisa thought she heard a familiar giggle in the distance.