Sparkle Patsy

by sevenofeleven

Chapter 1

Sparkle Patsy
Chapter 1

Equestria,Outside Canterlot Castle, Current Times.

Rarity tossed and turned in her tent. Sleep was simply impossible! On the morning, wait, there is no such thing as morning or dusk. The sky is dark, no sun or moon. Luna and Celestia were missing. Well, when they break through the line of these summoned creatures, Empress Twilight Sparkle will have to be confronted. Somehow, they have to get the princesses back. What would she say? Twilight had been a dear friend, why was she doing this and other foul things?

Her friends were divided. Applejack was a victim of Twilight. Rainbow Dash would not help in the fight. Fluttershy was helping the wounded. Pinkie Pie turned against her former friend. Pinkie and Big Mac had been really useful in helping Rarity raise an army.

Empress Twilight Sparkle must fall and the princesses returned to power or Equestria will suffer famines and other worse things. Rarity got out of bed and resolved to protect Equestria. If I have to hurt or kill, my former friend Twilight Sparkle, I will do it! Maybe.

Chicago, Modern Times

Lisa looked out of her window and watched the mailman go about his business. Finally some slow time to recuperate. Chasing necromancers through subway tunnels was tiring work. No rest for the good or wicked. The people of Chicago have no idea what happens in the dark recesses of their city. I better enjoy this time off. Being a wizard in a modern city guaranteed not that much downtime.

While she slowly sipped her coffee, green eyed, red haired, Lisa Huffington thought about the strange dreams she was having. The grim determination in the green eyes of an orange pony, fear in a yellow filly's orange eyes and the confusion in the eyes of a purple green baby dragon. Of course looking into a mirror and seeing a purple eyed and coated unicorn staring back was also unsettling. Were these just dreams or omens?

Will have to do some divination spells to find out. Nope not today, have to spend some quality time with Robert Stills her boyfriend.

She could hear Robbie shuffling around. Time to start the day. The strange dreams can wait.

Later on, that evening

It was another great day and an even more fun night. Lisa was pleasantly tired and ready to sleep. Maybe no more dreams of ponies in trouble?

Canterlot Castle

Lisa woke up to something with sharp claws tugging at her.

"Twilight, you gotta do Something! They are at the door to the throne room," The young voice said with excitement and fear.

Lots of fear.

A quick look showed a small purple green dragon on her left side. Dragon? The poor thing looked so afraid. Lisa looked around. She was sitting on an ice cold throne in a dim empty throne room. The purple glowing brasiers did little to light up the huge room.

When she went to bed last night she remembered her boyfriend, Robert's arms wrapped around her. How did she get here? What is going on? The banging was not helping her think. The door burst open with a crash!

Several white unicorns in shining gold armor ran towards the throne firing multicolored bursts of magic at her.

"DO SOMETHING!" The panicked dragon screamed.

Lisa was not going to be zapped so she blocked the blasts and counterattacked with some stun spells. The attacking unicorns fell down and slid a bit on the floor. Being a wizard had its advantages. The unicorns would wake up with light headaches later. What ever was going on, Lisa did not want to be responsible for killing anything. Well not yet.

"You are not Twilight, are you?" The small dragon asked.

"No, I am not. Who is Twilight? What is going on?" Lisa asked.

She looked down at her armor clad pony body. I am a pony? Lisa wanted a mirror. This was no dream. What kind of weird reality did I get sent to?

More ponies came through the broken door. This time they moved slowly. A white unicorn with an ornate purple mane and blue eyes pranced up to the stunned unicorns. Prance is not quite the right word but it definitely was not a regular walk. It was the walk of somebody, um somepony with a high opinion of themselves.

"Oh no, its Rarity!" The dragon whispered.

Rarity turned her head and motioned for some ponies to walk up to her. They carried the stunned ponies away. She faced Lisa and slowly walked up to the throne. Lisa figured that Rarity was expecting some sort of attack.

The golden torc with the red diamond caught Lisa's eye. There is something special about that, she could just feel it.

"Well, Empress Twilight Sparkle, it is over! Soon your life will be done as well as that wyrm's!" Rarity said with a sneer aimed at the purple dragon.

"Wyrm?" The dragon asked.

Great, I get sent to another world and someone wants me dead, Lisa thought.

"Can you tell me what crimes I have done?" Lisa asked.

Time to find out what Twilight Sparkle had done. The triumphant look on Rarity's face slowly faded. Now she just looked confused.

"Well, you are responsible for..." Rarity was not so sure who she was talking to.

The pony in front of her looked like the villainess, Twilight Sparkle but she did not talk like her. Even her magical aura was different, it was not dark and filled with demonic magic.

"Well! Take her down! What are you waiting for?" screamed an armored red coated earth pony with green eyes and blonde hair.

He had galloped up behind Rarity.

"I am not the Twilight Sparkle you are looking for. She probably switched places with me so I could take her punishment," Lisa tried to say calmly but her voice broke a few times.

The red pony had approached the throne and was in her face. His anger was pretty palpable. If he attacked it would be with lethal force and maybe she would have to kill him. That would not help her case.

"Big Mac please. Do you remember that we are a lawful land and Twilight Sparkle deserves a trial?" Rarity said.

Big Mac breathed in Lisa's face, in another situation maybe it would be more interesting but now it was like she was so close to a nasty fight. The angry red pony reined in his anger with some difficulty. He turned around and galloped out of the throne room.

"You and your wyrm are responsible for many crimes against Equestria. Your little coup has deposed the Princesses, Luna and Celestia and has brought the land to the brink of ecological disaster," Rarity said in a loud voice.

"Can you stop calling me wyrm please!" The annoyed purple green dragon said.

A malicious grin crossed Rarity's face.

"Don't worry Spike. Once you and Twilight are executed, you will not hear that term again. Well, unless they use it in Tartarus," The white unicorn said with a toss of her pretty mane.

Spike gulped.

"You will have to prove that I am Twilight Sparkle first," Lisa said.

Who ever is responsible for this is going to pay!

"Fine. Lets meet some folks that could tell the difference then," Rarity said.

Lisa got on all fours. What? Walking on four hooves was pretty easy. She walked down the throne steps slowly. Spike climbed on her back. It felt a little weird. Rarity touched Lisa with her left fore hoof.

"How about we move a bit faster? You, especially do not have all day," Rarity said in a cold voice.

Several of Rarity's guards came up and surrounded the group.

After a bit of walking they ended up in a garden in front of a statue of a strange creature. It was a mix of all sorts of creatures but most of it was dragon and pony.

"That's Discord, you turned him into stone when he would not help you take over," Spike said in a whisper.

"Spike! I am not Twilight Sparkle!" Lisa said with some anger.

"We will see," Rarity said.

Lisa scanned the stone statue, Discord was still alive just slowed down a great deal. The demon magic was pretty strong but she was able to break the spell. Break is not the right word, it was more like snipping the red wire or picking a lock. Anyway the cold gray stone slowly faded to skin, bone and fur.

Discord leaned down and looked Lisa in the eye. Then he stood up and turned away.

"Well, its that Twilight Sparkle?" Rarity asked.

"No. This one is different," Discord said.

"Spike, where are the princesses?" Rarity asked.

"They are in the dungeons," Spike answered.

He was hoping for leniency. Banishment is so much better than the guillotine.

A half hour later they were in the dungeons standing in front of a large cell. Inside, a gray coated alicorn with red eyes languished under a mass of red and black demonic chains.

"Lets see if you can look your former teacher, Princess Celestia, in the eye," Rarity said.

"I did not do this," Lisa protested.

Spike was going to say something but a cold glare from Rarity silenced him.

A guard opened the door. Lisa walked inside and bowed. Princess Celestia stood up and quietly faced Lisa. This spell was harder to break. Lots of power had gone into making it. She found herself panting and straining but the spell was turned off. The chains faded away. The gray coated alicorn changed. Her coat brightened up to white and her mane started to glow.

Rarity bowed. Undoing Celestia's binding spell took a lot out of Lisa but she managed to stay on her hooves. Hooves? Again she wished for a mirror. Celestia leaned down and focused her whole attention on Lisa.

Under a microscope, no, this was more intense. Luckily it did not last too long. Lisa did not like being scrutinized so closely.

"Rarity, make sure our guest is treated well. We shall talk later," Celestia said and left the dungeon.

Lisa was feeling pretty tired.

"Well, its not over yet. Princess Luna needs to be freed," Rarity said.

They walked over to Luna's cell. While Celestia was quiet, Luna was not. She shook her chains and cursed at Lisa. Shaking the demon chains took a lot of power. Lisa wondered what would happen if she freed the dark blue coated, blue mane and eyed alicorn princess.

"I can't undo the spell if she moves the chains like that!" Lisa complained.

That caused a volley of curses from the irate Princess Luna.

"Why don't you two go over there?" Rarity said and pointed to the dungeon stairs.

Lisa and Spike complied. After a few minutes Rarity brought them back. Luna was still but Lisa could still see anger in her eyes. Undoing this spell was easier but Lisa was very tired. Finally the spell was gone. Luna gave her a cold look and headed up the stairs.

"Now, you will enjoy the lovely accommodations that we have in our fine dungeons. If you can wait, you can enjoy a wonderful dining experience too!" Rarity said and pointed to an empty cell.

At least it was clean.

A guard led Lisa and Spike to the cell and locked the door when they stepped inside. Rarity's sarcasm hurt but Lisa was so tired. All she wanted was to take a quick nap. The purple alicorn curled up and went to sleep. Spike slept next to her.