//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: True Beauty // by bahatumay //------------------------------// Spike tugged nervously at his collar. “And you’re sure my name was on the invitation?” he asked again. Twilight rolled her eyes. “For the fortieth time, Spike, yes. Your name was specifically on the invitation, and you’re supposed to be here.” Spike looked down. “I don’t know,” he said. “I just feel kindof guilty, you know? Because I-” Spike’s words disappeared as he felt himself be physically lifted from the ground and forced in a tight hug. When he could breathe again, he realized that it was Rainbow Dash who was squeezing him in a tight but affectionate hug. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “Don’t feel guilty. Don’t ever feel guilty. Applejack and me, we’re here today, together, because of what happened; and you—you gave me my life back, so don’t you ever feel guilty.” Spike nodded and smiled nervously. Rainbow straightened up painlessly and quickly adjusted her white shirt, tugging at the long sleeves that hid the scars that still covered her body. Though the spell had repaired her nerves and given her back her full range of movement, there was still little that could be done to fix her appearance. “That, uh… You didn’t see anything,” she warned, taking a step back and waving a hoof mysteriously in the air. Spike chuckled. “Ok, I didn’t see anything.” He turned back to Twilight. “I’m gonna go see how the others are doing. You’d probably better run through the script again.” Twilight grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ve already got it memorized.” * * * And sure enough, when the time came, Twilight Sparkle was perfectly prepared. She looked at the two ponies standing in front of her; Applejack in a dress that had probably been the one her mother used at her own wedding, and Rainbow Dash, now wearing a perfectly pressed tuxedo. Both shifted nervously, but it was the apprehensively excited nervous and not the afraid nervous, and Twilight couldn’t help but smile. She opened a large book resting on the podium (though that was largely just for show; she’d memorized this speech the night they’d asked her to officiate) and began to speak. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”