System crash

by Metaldrako

Chaper two: First trials

Copper stepped into the classroom.
His throat was dry like a desert while his skin was wet from sweating, he felt how the nervousness tried to slowly overwhelm him.
Copper slowly walked of the class he looked at his new classmates, the faces of his classmates gazed back expecting him to introduce himself.
Coppers throat was still very dry,”I could use a glass of water,” then he pulled himself together as much as he could,” don’t worry, you can do it Copper, don't be afraid, ” and then he started introducing himself.
“Um .. Hi! My name is Copper,” he gulped continuing with a slightly more unsure voice “Copper Sparkwire I'm living at my uncles new store.”
There was silence in the class everypony still gazing at him“Um … I like playing video games and creating things out of electronic parts and I come from-.”

He got interrupted by the voice of a filly, “Great! Another game smug!”

The class began laughing at him while Ms. Cheerielee tried to calm them down,“Please Everypony calm down” she tried in vain.

Copper could feel his heart pounding against his chest,he wasn't prepared for that! He wasn't prepared for that at all! Copper looked from left to right, Almost all of them are laughing!

“Hey! Weirdspark! You and Brainmash here make a good couple!”his sight blurred a bit while the laughter was getting louder and louder,Copper stepped back, he needed some space but the class seamed to shrink, Fear was building up, his hooves went numb and his legs began to tremble.

Another filly's voice spoke up “Look at him he is going to pee!”

Their laughter jabbed his mind like daggers, he wasn't able to say anything, he couldn't do anything, his thoughts spun around his mind barely making sense, he couldn't take it anymore!

“STOP IT NOW!!!” Ms. Cheerielee screamed

The class instantly stopped laughing it was like all happiness vanished, no one even dared to smirk.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!” She said still angry “I will have to give your good for
nothing parents a piece of my mind!”she slammed her hoof on her desk.

The faces of the two fillies she had spoken to quickly changed to fear, they looked at each other.

After calming herself down Ms. Cheerielee looked to Copper:“Please tell us more,”she smiled a little awkwardly,

Copper was just a bag of nerves slowly gazing from one side to another with one eye twitching.
He was sweating while his legs still trembled and he was wearing a face of terror.
He couldn't think, he couldn't react.
What should he do? His fear blocked his mind.

“Copper, are you alright?” Ms. Cheerielee asked with an unsure smile.

He shrieked out,“I'm a pizza pony from ilooloo!”

The laughter was about to start but Ms Cheerielee was faster, she looked at the class and strangled the laughter with her glare till it was gone.

She looked back to Copper,“I think we heard enough, Copper please take a seat.”

He was a shadow of his self not realizing he was gazing into the class like a dofus with an still twitching eye, even his tongue sticked out a little.
He made his way hesitating in every step he took until he reached the only seat that wasn't occupied, next to the one named, Diamond Tiara.

“Stupid smug,” where the words that her lips formed while frowning at him.
Her eyes said “I got into trouble because of you and you will pay for that” but she kept silent witch was even more disconcerting.
He sat down and tried to focus on class, trying to forget what just happened, with some difficulty's he pushed his feelings aside witch was allowing him to focus his thoughts on the subject Ms. Cheerielee was teaching on.
Class went on without any troubles until break.

As the class went out only four pony’s remained in the classroom, it was Ms. Cheerilee and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Girls I need to ask you something-” Ms. Cheerilee started

Scootaloo quickly interrupted her,“It wasn't us! We didn't set the shed on- AUTSCH!” Scootaloo got kicked by Apple Bloom on her flank.

“Ah think she wants to ask us a favor,” Apple Bloom whispered while glancing to Scootaloo.

Since Ms. Cheerilee stood next to her she could still her it,“Well ... yes! I want to ask you three if you could help Copper out a bit.”

“Help him out? You want us to spent some time with him?” Sweetie asked curiously

“Yes! You see he arrived just yesterday to Ponyville and he does not have any friends here and since he hasn't his cutie mark jet he may want to join the little club of yours.” these weren't the only reasons but Ms. Cheerilee kept them for herself.

“A new club member would be great” Sweetie thought and she knew that Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would approve of it.

“Don't worry Ms. Cheerilee,” Apple Bloom replied, “we'll help out.”

“Thank you girls you are such good fillies” with a smile on her face she walked out to look after the other young pony's.

“Are you guys nuts?” Scootaloo looked between her and Apple Bloom.

Sweetie and Apple Bloom looked with confusion at her “What is it Scoots?” Sweetie replied.

Scootaloo put on an angry face “What is it?! You guys are just about to let some strange dweeb into our Club.”

Sweetie was shocked she never saw her acting like that. It wasn't like her being so mean. She looked at Apple Bloom, her face told her that she was also surprised because of Scootaloos behavior.
“What do ya mean Scoots ?” Apple Bloom face looked still confused as she asked, “ Since wen do we have such requirements?”

Scootaloo facehoofed herself “ What I meant is that you guys just want to let in a complete stranger without even thinking!

“Shes right,” Sweetie thought while gazing at the floor, “we don't know anything about him besides his name, we can't just let him in like that, at least not yet.” she looked back to Apple Bloom.

Apple Blooms face was hardened, she opened her mouth,“Ah think everypony should get a chance,” she spoke it out loud and with full self confidence, “this is just like that time when Zecora came to us, nopony trusted her just because she was differed, besides Ah gave Ms. Cherilee mah word and Ah'm not gonna break it.”

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie, waiting for her to say something.
Sweetie panicked, she wasn't sure what to say, “ Zacora was alright but that's no guarantee that the colt is to be trusted, he could turn out to be like Apple Blooms cousin Babs but maybe this time it won't end that well."

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie's face, she knew her friend very well it told her everything she had
to know “Fine! Then Ah do it without ya guys!” she said and walked outside.
She couldn't believe how her friends could act that way, she thought about how the colt -, what was his name again? Uh..... oh yeah Copper was his name, how he must have felt when everypony was laughing at him, yeah she laughed at him to but just because it took her by surprise.
Apple Bloom turned her head left and right looking for Copper but she couldn't see him, suddenly she heard a strange loud noise, she focused her hearing and heard it again but this time it was more quiet ” TONK …...TONK …..TONK..”it was like something was hitting at wood, she followed the noise...

Some moments before.

He couldn't believe it- “TONK” -he just couldn't believe it- “TONK”-how stupid he was.
He was hitting his head against the wall for two minutes now but nopony could see him since he hid behind some trashcans.
“I am so” TONK “stupid”TONK … he stopped, his head was hurting “just like School in Mahnehatten, just like when I tried to impress mom with that cooking machine, just like ... EVERYTIME IN MY LIFE!” TONK! ... heavy pain struck his head, it felt like he just split his head into two pieces, his mind swirled around.
After it settled down he saw a crack in the wall “Did I just do that?... Naaaw that would be ridiculous! Maybe I just didn't saw it before,” since he wasn't distracted anymore his thoughts awaited him with a vile grin.
He started again TONK”stupid” TONK “idiotic” TONK “moron”TONK” how can you “ TONK ” be so “ TONK “stupid” TONK.

“Uh ... hi! Are ya alright?” the female voice came from behind his back, someone was watching him how he sat there and hit his head against a wall like a maniac.
He was startled by the sudden voice”Waaahrg?Who?” he turned around and saw a yellow earth-filly with a red mane and an pink bow, she was the one that was asleep at class, her eyes had a worried and confused look.

“Oh shot” he felt how he blushed “Um … yeah that is um... hi! Yeah i'm alright uh ... thanks!” He babbled, “how about you?”

The filly scratched her head “Well Ah guess Ah'm fine,” she put on an unsure smile “Ah'm just a little tired today, by the way ma name's Apple Bloom”

“Mah .. er .. my name's Copper, you can call me Cop or Coop for short, nice to meet you Apple Bloom” Copper raised his hoof for a hoofshake, “oh no! I am doing this to fast am I?”.

Apple Bloom replied the hoofshake and asked with a smile “ Ah think Ah stick to Copper, so where do ya come from?

“Phew,” it seamed like it would work out, “Well I'm definitely not from ilooloo, “Apple Bloom chuckled at his joke, he felt how the pressure fainted a bit “ I came from Mahnehatten with my Uncle.”

Apple Bloom suddenly seamed exited “From Mahnehatten? Maybe you know mah cousin, her name is Babs Seed and she is the leader of the Cutie Mark Crusader branch in Mahnehatten.”

Copper searched his memory's, “Babs Seed? Cutie Mark Crusaders?” he didn't know anything about that, “Sorry but I don't know anyone named like that, besides ... what are Cutie Mark Crusaders?

Apple Bloom grasped as her chin dropped on the floor “Ya never heard of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” she frowned and tipped her chin with her hoof, it looked like she was thinking “that's strange Babs told mah that -”she was interrupted by a female voice.

“Sweeeeetiiiiieee! Let me go!”

a different voice replied,“Nw whew awe gowng thugew.”

Copper looked at the direction the voices came from, he saw a white filly dragging an orange filly, the white filly pulled the other one on her tail holding it with her mouth.

The orange one shouted,“I can walk on my own! Stop killing my tail!

The white filly spit out her tail and smiled “ It wouldn't have been necessary if you just had followed me,” the orange filly angrily mumbled something Copper didn't hear.

“Those are mah friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom pointed first at the orange pegasus and then at the white unicorn,” if Scootaloo says something rude to ya don’t take her seriously she's somehow on edge today” she added while whispering.

“Did you ask him already?”Scootaloo looked grim at Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom shakes her head, then Scootaloo continued, “OK! Let's just get over with it,” Scootaloo cleared her throat, “since you don't have a cutie mark jet just like us, we wanted to ask you if you want to join our club so we can search together for our cutie marks,” everything she said had a obvious tone of annoyance, now she looked at him waiting for an answer.

“They are searching for their cutie marks?”Copper looked at the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, it felt strange that he just got invited out of nowhere from three girls he didn't really know and one was obviously against it, but on the other hand it was a good opportunity to make some friends, make his errors undone and he may find out why he hasn't his cutie mark jet while knowing at was he was good at,” Fine with me, I'm game” he said trying to sound at least a little cool.

“Great!”Sweetie jumped into the air, “How about we go to the Sugarcube Corner after School and celebrate?” all pony’s agreed on it.

Just a little later the break was over and the young pony's headed back to class.

From a distance a voice whispered: “So one of these so called “Crusaders” is my target … that's strange there are multiple signals?”the voice paused” Whatever if I get the wrong one I’ll just make it quick and painful” a laughter could be heard and then the owner of the voice diapered.