//------------------------------// // Nightmare Moon Chapter 5 // Story: My Little Wolf // by Autobot Lancewing //------------------------------// Chapter 5 Comet Tail, Shining Armor, and Spike were hugging the wall of a building while hiding under some tables. "How did you bring me into this?" Shining whispered. “You tagged along,” Comet answered. “If you don’t like it, you know the way back.” Shining was about to say something, but… “Don’t even,” Spike said, “Comet didn’t force you into it.” He was shushed by both wolves. “Keep your voice down,” Comet said, “you’ll give us away.” “The humans are louder than we are right now. I’m pretty sure we’re fine.” “Yeah… Where are we anyways?” “A restaurant, I think…” Spike noted. “How do you know that?” “I’ve read quite a few of those books you brought Twilight, Comet.” “Oh…” “Yeah. Also, she’d appreciate it if you stop giving her vampire books.” “Well, unfortunately I can’t read, so it’s kinda hard to see the difference from those and science fiction.” “Hm… Good point...” “Yeah, but I’ll try to learn if I can get Twi back…” “Might be a good idea. And hey, Cadence and Bright Eyes also read. Why don’t you ask one of them?” “Um...cuz Twilight’s kinda cute when she’s in ‘teacher mode’.” “Watch it…” Shining bumped Comet. “Sorry, but it’s true…” “Um… Do you guys think we should figure out an escape route?” Spike suggested. “Oh, I’ve had a plan the whole time,” Comet said. “WHAT?!?!?” Spike and Shining asked in unison. “Yeah, I just didn’t want to rush it, after all, there’s,” Comet licked his chops, “Bacon…” “SNAP OUT OF IT,” they both barked. “Sorry...but…” “Hey, what was that noise?” A human asked. “Uh oh…” All three said in unison. “It sounded like a dog,” another answered. “Comet? Can you put that plan into effect, like, NOW!” “Okay, hold on…” Comet closed his eyes, and his horn lit up… ***** The trio teleported out of the restaurant, but they found themselves in another building. “Where are we now?” Shining asked. Spike looked and saw a shelf that held boxes of… “Kitty litter?” “Who’d put up a box of cat poop?” Comet asked. “Maybe it’s valuable?” Both wolves looked at Spike. “What? Human have had stranger things.” “Like?” “Like… Um… Hm… What about rubber bones?” “Strange...but not as weird as cat dumpings.” “Let’s just go,” Spike started to say, but he saw a certain white dog. “I-I-It’s Bolt!” Both wolves asked, “Who?” "You never heard of him? He was a hero among the humans!” "Really? That short mutt?" “Yeah! He keeps the world safe from the evil Doctor Calico while protecting his owner, Penny.” “How?” “Well, he has heat vision, enhanced strength, speed, and (best of all) his feared superbark!” Comet and Shining looked at each other, "So why's he with a cat and a...thing in a ball?" “Huh?” Spike looked again, and sure enough, there was a cat and a hamster in a ball. “Huh… Never heard of them. Maybe new sidekicks?” “Maybe…” “AH!!! WOLVES!” The wolves looked at the source of the voice. It was a frightened human. “AND AN OCELOT!” “Mountain lion…” Spike muttered. "I don't think they care!" Shining shouted. “Someone call animal control!” “I think you’re right, Shining. We gotta move,” Comet replied. "Maybe teleport us somewhere NOT overrun with humans?" “This way!” “Huh? Who said that?” Shining heard a voice, but he couldn’t find the source. “Hurry!” “Okay who said that?” “We don’t have time for this! Come on!” “Let’s go!” Spike darted off in that direction. “SPIKE! WAIT,” Shining called, but his efforts to bring Spike failed. Comet and Shining nodded at each other before chasing after him. ****** Wind Whistler was still trying to get Firefly and herself out if the well. Needless to say, she was having no success and was fatigued from the past thirty minutes of trying to scale the wall and even flap her wings. She thought In the end, however, she was forced to go with her logic and give up. There was no way out of that well, and she and her partner were doomed to die in a well… unknown to the rest of the pack… Firefly began to notice that Wind Whistler was starting to stop. She asked, “We’re never getting out of here, are we?” “No, we’re not. There’s no way out of here. My wings are too wet, and I can’t get my claws to grip the walls.” "Darn...and it's all my fault," Firefly sighed. “Well, there is a time and place to show off, and this definitely wasn’t the time…” “Well, since this is it, I guess I should tell you that I had a pup about a year or two ago.” "You what?!" “Yeah, but her father died trying to drive off a grizzly and my daugher met another wolf and started her own pack. Unfortunately, my pup… Well… Disappeared… She was taken by poachers.” "Wow...I'm sorry...What was her name?" Before she could answer, a voice called from up top "Hello? Is someone down there?" Both wolves looked up. “Yes,” they both yelled Firefly added, “We can’t get out.” “Just stay calm, we’ll get you out of there,” another voice said. This one sounded very familiar… “Twilight!!!” Soon, a bucket was lowered to them, "I'm afraid I can only get one of you out at a time.” "Wait, I have a better idea," Twilight said, "If you can put me on the edge of the well, I may be able to use my magic to levitate them out." "But would that hurt your pup?" "No, in fact using magic on occasion can soothe pups." “And too much?” “Can range from allergies to magic to a minor defect. Nothing serious.” "Are you sure?" “Yes.” “Okay… Also, allergies to magic?” “Yeah, a bit of irony to that.” "Sometime today would be nice, girls." Firefly pointed out. Twilight was helped to the edge of the well, and her horn began to glow. Soon, an aura of light embodied Firefly and Wind Whistler and they were lifted slowly out of the well. The were almost at the mouth of the well when… “TWILIGHT!” Twilight turned to the source of the voice to see Celestia, Lancer, and Lightning Thrash. “Celestia! Lancer!” She accidentally stopped the spell, causing Wind Whistler and Firefly to fall into the well again with long, loud screams. Twilight looked back in the well and blushed when she processed what happened. “Oops, sorry!” She proceeded to try again, though the thought of seeing her mentor again was weighing upon her. “Who’s down there right now,” Lancer asked. “Wind Whistler and Firefly.” Twilight replied, trying not to lose focus. “Ah. Allow me.” Lancer’s horn began to glow, and he was able to lift the two wolves out of the well. “Thank you Twi-,” Wind Whistler started to say, but was interrupted when she noticed Celestia and Lancer. Firefly was just as surprised as Wind Whistler. “What,” Lancer asked, “is there something on my fur?” “No,” Wind Whistler replied, “It’s just that… We assumed you were deceased.” “You thought we were dead? Who gave you that idea?” “Bright Eyes saw Nightmare Moon vaporize you and Celestia.” "What she saw was actually a teleportation spell,” Celestia answered, “She wanted you to believe that we had perished.” "Why? Wouldn't it be easier to destroy you?" “She was saving our deaths for last because she wanted us to suffer by watching you die. But either way, you would have been put into a state of chaos.” "Yeah..." "I wonder if-" Twilight winced in pain. Apparently the pup hadn't enjoyed the magic show. “TWILIGHT!” There was concern in Celestia’s voice. Twilight jumped at her name. “Yes?” “Are you okay?” “Yeah, just my pup reacting to my trying to get Wind Whistler and Firefly out.” “You used magic, didn’t you?” "Yes..." Her tone then went from concerned to angry. “What were you thinking?!” "I-I'm sorry, I was just trying to save them..." “You could have hurt your pup!” “They could have drowned!” “The human was willing to take them both up, why not let her?” “Because it would be faster and it wouldn’t be as exhausting for her.” “But at least your pup would be safe.” Megan decided she should speak up, “If I may suggest something, I think-” Celestia, along with every other wolf in the area (except Twilight and Fluttershy), gasped. “Did that human understand everything we said?” “Yes, Celestia...she has a necklace that allows her to understand us, and vice versa.” Twilight explained. “That’s odd, I’ve never heard of necklaces doing that,” Lancer looked to his Aunt, “Right?” “Actually, I have heard of it,” Celestia said. “Really?” “Yes, but it only works on someone who truly has a heart for wolves.” “Why didn’t you tell anyone about this?” “Because I didn’t think it would appear in their lifetimes, but your mother was going to tell you, but she was captured before she was given the chance.” “Um...Excuse me?” Megan asked. Celestia and Lancer looked at Megan. “Well, if it’s possible, I could help to treat those wounds. After all, that is a pretty nasty gash on his shoulder.” She pointed to Lightning. “It’s no big deal.” “ I see, but what about that broken wing?” “It’s not broken,” Lightning attempted to- “Ouch!” “Really? Sure seems like it to me.” Lightning’s cheeks turned a bright shade of red that even his black fur couldn’t hide. “I guess you should…” ***** The trio finally made their way out of the pet store. They were panting heavily from all the excitement. “Thanks, whoever you are.” Comet panted. “You’re welcome,” the voice said finally revealing himself to be… “Bolt?!” Spike’s jaw dropped. “Yup,” the small, white dog replied. “Now, what brings you to a pet store?” “Um...we accidentally teleported here from a restaurant.” “Why were you in a restaurant?” “We’re looking for my mate, Twilight,” Comet explained, “I guess you haven’t seen her? She’s lavender and has a six pointed star on her hindquarters.” “Oh. Well, I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen her.” “I figured as much, thanks for saving us, anyway.” “Anytime. It’s too bad my pups weren’t here, they would love to meet some real wolves...that aren’t at the zoo.” “What’s a zoo?” Shining asked. “It’s basically a place where humans take injured animals to recover before being released. It’s also a place for humans to learn about the animals there.” “Hey! Maybe Twilight’s there!” Comet’s tail began to wag. “Maybe. I didn’t see her there, but then again, it’s been a month since I’ve last been there.” “So there’s hope.” “And if she isn’t and we get caught again,” Shining asked. Spike commented, “Then Bolt could get us out of there. He did it back there. Then again… Why didn’t he use his powers?” “Powers,” Bolt asked. “You know… The ones that the humans were reporting.” “Oh, I see… Yeah, those ‘reports’ were actually episodes in a television show. They’re basically performances.” "But I thought you were just fighting aliens a few months ago...." "That's a replacement." "Seriously?" "Yup… Long story short, I accidentally got shipped across the country, found my way back, saw my replacement with Penny, walked away depressed, found out Penny was in danger, rescued her from a fire, and basically quit the show." "Oh, that would make an interesting show." “Well, at the time, before I got lost, I had no idea that what I was doing was for show. They made me believe that I actually was a superdog.” "Really? That's weird." “It was a little something they did to keep the ratings up because… well… I thought my owner was in danger constantly, and I was just doing my job to protect her.” "Wait, dogs LIKE humans?" Shining asked. “Yes. Well, most of them anyway.” "Not sure how any canine can like a human." “Humans are able to give dogs the home that they need as well as provide for them. Some of us like to return the favor in different ways. Mine… Well… You get the idea.” “Yeah… But still, a human?” Comet pushed Shining to the side. “Don’t mind him. He just doesn’t like humans.” “Ah.” "Can you blame me? They hunt us, kill us, skin us, and some even eat us!" Bolt gagged at the idea. “Sometimes, dogs have that unfortunate bit of luck.. Some are even taken to labs.” "See?" “But not all of them are bad.” "Hmmph." “Bolt?” Bolt’s ears perked up once he heard the new voice. “That’s Penny. I have to go, but good luck on finding your mate.” "Yeah...thanks." Comet sighed. “Hey, keep your chin up. You’ll find her. Just hang in there.” “Alright…” “See ya around!” Bolt ran back towards the pet store, leaving the trio to discuss their next move. “So… Try to find out about this ‘zoo’,” Comet asked. Shining sighed, “Might as well. I mean, what other option do we have?” Shining’s horn began to light up, and with a brilliant flash of light, they were gone. ****** The trio found themselves in yet another area. They saw a large expanse of land surrounded by a stone wall. There were humans on top of that stone wall staring at them. “So this is a zoo,” Spike said, “A little limiting, but not bad.” “There are still humans staring at us,” Shining pointed out. "Well right now I don't really care, I just want to find Twilight,” Comet said. “Yeah, just stop nudging me, Comet,” Spike said. “That wasn’t me…” “Then who was it?” They all looked back. An expression of shock was etched on their faces when they saw a herd of elephantsstanding over them. They were not happy that strange creatures had trespassed onto their territory. "Comet?" "Yeah?" "Who was the goofball that taught you teleportation?" "Your sister." Shining froze in embarrassment while Comet and Spike stood in fear. How were they going to get out of this one?