//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Another Story where a human enters Equestria // by insert uncreative name //------------------------------// Author's note: In this chapter I'm going to try something new. And before you ask no it does not involve jumping off a five hundred story building and forgetting to fall. On second thought that is a good idea I might just use that. Back on topic what I will be attempting in this chapter is going against a current theory of the fandom (at least I think it's the current theory), and going with an alternate hypotheses. I will try to give an alternate explanation to what has currently not been explained by the show. In order to avoid spoiling the surprise for you, I will not tell you what I did until after the chapter. But you probably will have already spotted it anyway. ****************************************************** “I do that for two seconds and my head was already killing me. How are you able to do that for so long?” I asked Zecora who was doing a headstand, on a stick, with her eyes closed, to top it all was holding a conversation with me, and she hardly looked like she was even trying. “It takes years of practice to achieve this goal. It's not easy to headstand on a pole.” Zecora said. “You make it look easy.” I said, still in awe of this amazing feat before my eye's. Then all of a sudden there's a knock on the door. I looked at Zecora and to my complete, total, and absolute amazement, she was still head-standing on that fantastic rod she earlier refereed to as a pole. “I need to learn how to do that.” I thought to my self. “Please do come in.” Zecora said. The door opened and Big Mackintosh walked in. “Hello Big Mackintosh how have you been?” “Just fine Miss. Zecora I just came by to make sure that Martian don't get lost on his way to the farm.” replied Big Mackintosh “That could happen you know, I have a terrible sense of direction. OW!” I added while falling off a pole. “Ya ready Martian?” asked Big Mackintosh after chuckling at the human's failed attempt at pole balancing. “Yea, I need to get away from those poles before I hurt myself.” I replied. ****************************************************** Big Mackintosh lead me out of the Everfree forest, and to Sweet Apple Acres. When we walked in the door I immediately recognized Granny Smith, Applejack, and Apple Bloom. But there where two in the room that I did not recognize from the series. “Let me Introduce ya to the family. This here's is Applejack.” Said Big Mackintosh “Well howdy, it's a pleasure to finally meet the one who saved my little sister.” Said Applejack “And this here’s Granny smith.” Continued Big Mackintosh. “Eh, what that, did somepony just say my name.” Replied Granny smith. “Even though you saved her life I don't think you two have been properly introduced. This is my littlest sister Apple Bloom.” Said Big Mackintosh At this time Apple Bloom walked up to me and said. “Thanks fur what ya did. Saving my life and all. I really appreciate it ya know.” I really didn't know what to say. No humorous remarks came to mind. So I guess this is the time to take things seriously. Okay then serious mode ON. “You very welcome Apple Bloom.” I said. “And these here are our parents” Big Mackintosh said. “Ma, Pa this is Martian, he's the one that Saved Apple Bloom from drowning in that river.” That I did not expect. They were never in the series, and several fan fictions I've read just assumed they where dead. “Hello.” I said. “Hi it's great to meet ya. Once me and my wife heard about what ya did we immediately requested a leave of absence so we could meet ya.” Said the Apple's Father “Leave of absence. You work in the military?” I asked “The royal guard actually. Most of the Apple Family make their living farming, But some of the family find their calling doing something else. Me and my wife found ours in protecting what we love.” The Father replied. “So you guard the Princesses in Canterlot?” I asked “Sometimes, but what we royal guards mostly do is defend the peace by fending off any monsters like dragons, hydras, or any thing that threatens the lives of ponies anywhere. That's what a royal guard does. Because of that we aren’t home much, but we know we're keeping our little ones safe.” as he said this the Apple family came together for a large group hug. I look at the scene and I have to say, it was a thing of beauty. Then the Apple's Mother looked at me and said. “Come on, ya deserve to be part of this hug just as much as anypony in this room. I look at them and said. “You know what, I could use a hug about now.” “Oh just get over here” the Father said in a welcoming manner. And so I joined the group hug. “Alright lets see what's for dinner.” Said the Apple Father. At this point of the story what I want you the readers to do is let your imaginations do the work for me. Again lets face in, you can fantasize better than I can describe. So heres what you need to do. Put on a song that to you makes you feel happy, hopeful, or what ever you find appropriate for the upcoming scene. And while you listen to it imagine the night progressing through. everyone’s around the table talking and telling stores and everyone’s laughing and having a good time. As It's about sundown we move into the living area. It's lit only by a fire in the fireplace, we all gather around and are telling stores about our lives and the adventures we've had. As the fire dies down we are all tired. Apple Bloom is already asleep between her parents and the song is fading out. “...and from that day fourth we've had the joke 'never chew colored scented bubble gum flavored to look like a living room.' ” I said finishing my story. And while everybody was laughing the Apple’s Father managed to get out “you right, that was a lot like the time we where in the royal palace.” he looked at Apple Bloom and said. “Well I think it's time we head off to bed. Martian we've taken the liberality of setting up the guest bedroom for you.” “Thanks, I'm sorry I didn't intend to stay this late.” I said. He told me it was no trouble at all and then carried Apple Bloom to her room. I looked at Big Mackintosh and asked. “Hay Big Mackintosh could you show me the way back to Zecora's hut tomorrow?” I said. “What ya going back their for?” Big Mackintosh asked. “Zecora's been teaching me the basics of the Equestrian society and some potion making among other things.” I said. “Was the pole standing one of those things?” Big Mackintosh asked. “That was my idea actually.” I said in a voice that regretted nothing. Big Mackintosh gave me a long questioning look before responding. “Alright I'll show you the way to Zecora's hut after we see my parents off tomorrow.” ***************************************************** Alright so what I did was I had the Apple's parents still alive where all the other fan fictions I've read had them dead. I purposely didn't name them because I don't know what the fandom has named them. Do you guys think I pulled this off well, or was it a bad Idea. Leave me a review while I think of ways to get you to leave me a review.