The Party

by Shaderunner

Chapter 1

Two figures emerged from the Everfree Forest, and now they were surveying the wide pastures beyond the woods. Before them lay a field of grasslands with a small town, not too far in the distance, followed by rolling hills and even further they could make out a solitary mountain with what seemed like a city and castle built right onto its side.

“Ye got any idea where we be, because I sure as hells don't recognise this place?” the short and stout one said as he took off his leather helm. He was a medium sized dwarf with raven black hair and beard wove into four brails. He wore armor made of some strange material resembling reptile scales and was armed with a dwarven war axe and a heavy shield made of the same strange material together with his helmet, that had ram horns protruding out of it and one seems to have be broken off.

She shook her head.“ I don’t know much of the realms past the Silver Marches.” The dwarfs companion was a young elven woman with pure white hair tied in a long flowing tail that reached all the way to her knees, she was considerably taller than her companion and wore light strands of cloth that seemed to be tightly wrapped around her slender yet curvy body. She had no back pack or any other gear to speak of besides the two serrated sabers on her hips. Yet her most striking features were her read eyes and coal black skin marking her as a dark elf or a drow.

“Aye. But I doubt that we're anywhere near that place. Plus the flow of magicks here is a bit off compared to what I felt on me travels through those parts.”

“I’ll take your word for it, so... what now? We scout around some more?.”

“That be a good idea, but we’d best not put too much of a distance between us and the others.” The dwarf turned to regard his companion who lifted a hand to protect her sensitive eyes from the bright sun of the afternoon, the drow was still not used to it’s brightness more accustomed to the lightless underdark caverns, as she stared off into the distance.

“Ya seein’ sometin’?”

“A small cottage not far from the forests edge to our right. A good place scout out who our new neighbors are before going into town and starting any trouble.”

“Best weight for the others then, we don't want... ” the dwarf didn’t get to finish his sentence as the elf started sprinting towards the cottage. “Bloody girl’s too eager fer her own good.” He found a large nearby rock to rest on dropping his large backpack, almost as big as himself besides the bolder rattling the pots, pans, crowbar and mug tied along it’s side. The dwarf took out a bone pipe and some some smoking weed to enjoy while he waited for the others.

A few long puffs later and he could hear the rest of his little group catching up, and it sounded like the boy and the prissy girl were having another one of their discussions /arguments again. From the forest came a tall and well toned blond haired, human woman wearing a cloak and other clothes made from bear hide except the breastplate padded on the inside with some more bear hide. By her side was a large bore whose shoulder was at about the same level as the imposing woman’s chest. The bore was of a particular breed known as shoveltusks used by the dwarves as cavalry mounts and had a specialised riding harness with some chainmail added in it’s design for extra protection to the animal.

Behind them came another pair of humanoids these ones dressed in finer clothes and leather, the two were clearly arguing about who knows what intricate details regarding their particular crafts. One was a young human woman in her early twenties wearing a finely decorated tunic and frilly skirt, a fine silken cape ley over her right shoulder and a top hat on her head. The other was a young man wearing long flowing robes with a staff in his left hand and a large bag hanging along his right hip that seemed to bulge and move as if something was stirring within it. He had greyish black skin, pure white eyes and a pair of short horns protruding from his forehead. Features that clearly marked him as a tiefling, a unfortunate bread resulted from the joining of a demon/devil with a mortal.

“Chester. Come ‘ere me boy?” The dwarf jumps off his perch and walks up to the bore giving him a playful scratch behind the ears, receiving a few playful snorts from the creature who was happy to be reunited with it’s master.

“Glad to see you missed us Oric” the taller woman replied feeling a bit left out by her smaller companion. “Still it’s good to see you in one piece. Another hour of hearing those two lovebirds squabble and the party would have gotten a lot smaller.”

“Aye, its be good to see ye lot to just needed a moment's peace from those two.” replied Oric with an amused chuckle. He and his large barbarian friend did not have much patience for the ‘conversations’ of there more scholarly companions.

“So that’s why you always offer to go scouting with Dilline. And here I thought you had a thing for the knife ears. ” said Tula sifting a giggle

“Come now. Our discussions can not be all that bad, besides me and Bram are giving you good insight on the intricacies of the arcane and alchemical arts, free of charge I might add. Please show some gratitude.” The one with the top hat said in a refined tone feigning indignation, but she spent enough time with the two to know there didn't mean it, well not all of it.

“And by conversations you mean bicker on who’s smarter than the other.” commented Tula.

Bram raised a hand to his mouth and cleared his voice with a caught.”We’d best keep going and leave this for later. Right Eveline?”

“uhm....Very well. But this is not over.” stated Evelina as she folds her arms across her chest and pouts.

“So Oric have you found anything about where we are?” Bram asked, more than a bit curious, as he turned to regard the small village in the distance.

“Not much short o it not beein’ where we were a week ago. And Dilline offered ta scout out the cottage up yonder and see what we're up against.” Pointing, with his thumb over his shoulder towards the building.

“And by ‘offered’ you mean she ran of?” enquired Bram.

That she did ladye. Girl loves her craft... and getin’ int’ trouble.”

“Should I send Jerry after her?”asked Bram bringing a hand to his traveling bag.

“No. Best let the little guy sleep, he had a long night keeping watch.” Added Oric

The group started off towards the cottage knowing that they will meet up withtheir stealthy friend further along the way.

Sure enough a few minutes late as they were walking Dilline popped out from some bushes not far from the cottage.

“You finally got here.” She said with a smirk as they stared at her as always impressed by her skill and curious of what she might have found

Tula place a hand on her hip, using the other to help balance the greataxe on her shoulders looking quite impatient.“Cut the small talk and just tell us what you saw.”

“ After stalking the place for some time I didn’t catch a glimpse of ho’s inside. But there are a lot of wild creatures running around the place. I’d say that whoever lives here might be a warden of the woods or something. There's also a picnic in the back attended by several critters and a small colorful little horse, with butter yellow coat and its mane was all pink.”

The others were not expecting that.” Ah... Dilline have you been taking some of Orics ritual herbs?” asked Bram .

“I know how it sounds, but by Eilistraee that’s what I saw, plus the little horse had wings like a pegasus.”

“Then how should we go about introducing ourselves?” asked Eveline ”And please keep in mind that we have a dark elf and a tiefling with us, not the most welcomed company in the realms, so we should take care to try and avoid scaring them.” Dillin and Bram nodded in agreement fully aware of how others would reacted to their heritages.

After a moment of silence “So we are agreed! Oric, you and Tula will....” she trail off noticing that one of the two she was talking to was gone. Everyone quickly turned to see their more wild companion walking towards the cottage.

“Hold it you.” The others yelled off in unison.

“Come on. What's the point of beating around the bush. Why not just walk up and say hello?”

The others stared back at her in disbelief. Tula was quite an imposing figure to say the least a full head taller than the others and with deep battle scars evident on every patch of exposed skin on her. Plus the large Greataxe, as long as a man from head to pomel, she was balancing on her shoulder did not help to diminish her fear factor.

“Girl, you’d scare the sorry sods inside that cottage worst than these two put together.” Oric motioned to Dilin and Bram.” Now git yer arse back here.”

“Hmp. Fine.” Tula turned on her heels and walked back to her friends.

“Thank you Oric.” Evelyne gave a grateful smile then continued her idea.”First, me and Oric will handle the introduction and second lets see what we might be dealing with here. The design of the place is not human or of any race I know of so a peace offering would help to show that we mean no harm.”

“How about we save their colorful pets from being eaten, would that do?” was Tulas suggestion staring off to where the pony was having a picnic.

“What?!” the rest asked in unison as they turned to see a rather large bear making it’s way from the forest towards the seemingly oblivious equine. Also Tula started charging headlong towards the beast.

“Well ya can’t say she doesn't make a good point.” and Oric ran off as well trying to catch up to his much swifter friend.

The other three just shook their heads and followed them, now that the cat was out of the bag.

Tula quickly ran up to the bear and with surprising strength she rammed herself into the large beast making it stumble back about 10 feet before it fell to the ground in a heep. She planted her feet firmly into the ground in a defensive stance ready to take whatever the bear threw back at her, a too eager smile on her face.

Naturally the fact that the bear started to whimper terrified on the ground took her back. She let the axe head fall down as she regarded the large yet horrified beast, then she heard a melodic yet firm voice yell out “How dare you!!!!”

Tula raised an eyebrow, turning to face the picnic blanket. There was still no one there, beside the pegasus and it’s furry friends. The later was hiding behind the picnic basket, only it’s head poking out from one side, yet the glare it was giving the barbarian cold stop a orc in mid charge.

The little yellow pegasus took flight hovering up to Tula and staring her straight in the face.”Just because you're strong doesn't mean you can push little defenceless creatures around.”

Dumbstruck Tulas Great Axe fell to the ground followed shortly by her jaw, as the bear crawled behind the green eyed horsey like a child would hide behind it’s mothers dress. “ Now you apologise to Harry right now.” the pegasus crossed her forelegs over her chest like a angry school teacher.

The silence stood for a few seconds before Tula fell on her rump with tears in her eyes laughing hysterically on the ground as rest of the adventurers caught up.

“Argh... Did that lil’ horsey just talk? And I think it just broke Tula?” Oric walked up to his friend who was pounding the ground with her fist still laughing madly.

Evelyne and Bram walked past those two and approached the meek pegasus who lost most of her previous bravado now that more humanoids had appeared. “Uhm... Hello, we apologize for the crude way our friend approached you. But please consider where we’re from bears are not the norm for pets or companions so I hope you can understand that there was no ill will intended.”

“Nor are talking pegasy for that matter.”continued Bram. He bent down on one knee so he was at the same level as the pegasus staring her in the face. More precisely in those large green blue eyes that showed intelligence and free will. “What are you? You’re unlike any creature I ever seen or heard of. Perhaps some extraplanar being like a fey. Are you a familiar to the wizard that lives here? Or maybe some sort of advanced homunculus?”He was about to reach out a hand and further examine when something grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

“Bram not now, plus you’re scaring the poor thing.” before Evelina finished her sentence the little ponie feinted crashing to the ground overwhelmed by all that attention.

“Ops... might have overdone it a bit?”said Bram with a sheepish smile.

The yellow pegasu was beginning to stir as she lied on her picnic blanket while Harry was holding her forehoof in his paws stroking it gently to help awaken her. She opened her eyes and noticed the large bear tending to her. “Uhhh... Thank you Harry. I must have blacked out from the sun. I had the strangest daydream about five bizarre creatures.” She rubbed her sore head while gingerly got up on her flank. “I’m still a little dizzy.”

“ ‘ere take some o this. Should help settle down yer nerves, lassey.” said a gruff voice.

“Thank you.” the little pegasus took the offered mug and swallowed a mouthful of the liquid inside. Next her eyes went wide spitting out the mouthful she just drank all over Oric's face.

“Now why did ya go and do that for?” said the dwarf with gutbuster, a very strong dwarven drink, dripping down his braided beard.

“what... but .... you ... and...” the mare started to hyperventilate as her eyes shifted from Bram to the other members of the group.

“Really Oric! She wakes up from a major shock and you give her that?” said the girl with the top hat as she walked up to them irritation saturating her voice.

“Well it worked fer her.” Bram pointed with his thumb towards Tula who was lounging under the shade of a nearby tree with a wooden mug in her hands. Next to her Diline was doing the same thing without a care in the world taking small puffs from a long slender pipe.

“Yes, but not everyone copes stress with strong drink.” Oric throws his hands up in defeat and walks up to join his slaking friends for a smoke. Evelyne kneels down and takes the little yellow pegasus’s hoof in her hands to try and calm her down putting as much kindness as she could in her tones. “Greetings miss. I apologise again for the way my companions treated you and your pets earlier.” It seemed that her words did calm down the little creature a bit.

“I’d also like to say I’m sorry for coming on to you like that. It’s a habit of mine when I find something new that I haven't seen before.” Bram approached them scratching the back of his head feeling quite awkward.

Fluttershy started to gather up in a small ball trying to hide in her mane, intimidated by the tieflings bizarre look as Evelyne gave Bram an irritated glare.

The poor pegasus really didn’t know what to make of them, the one next to her seemed nice and friendly but the rest of the group were so imposing in their demeanor and those weapons they carried were too sharp for her liking.

Evelyne picked up on that and turned to Bram. “Would you mind going with the others? The both of us might be too much for her to handle right now.”

He quickly turned around and left without further questions. “There, now that it’s just the two of us, my name is Evelyna Colt. And you are?” The human girl extended her hand as a gesture of goodwill.

The pegasus stared at the appendage unsure what to do, these creatures seemed so violent and scary earlier, especially the blond one. Yet they didn’t harm her while she had fainted and they really seemed to want to make peace and be friends.

After a few grueling moments waiting for the pegasus to react with a overly kind smile on her face Evelyne was ready to drop her arm when the yellow mare placed a hoof in her palm. “My name is Fluttershy.”

‘Weird name but strangely appropriate.’ thought Evelyne enjoying this small victory.

“So what's yer thoughts on the li'l horsey thing?” asked Oric as he let several smoke rings trail off into the sky.”Any o ya, ever seen one o them before?”

Tula didn’t bother to try and answer the question and looked to her other two friends, she had spent most of her adventuring days along side Oric so if he didn’t know anything about this “pony” then she surely didn’t.

“She is an adorable little creature, still weren't pegasy supposed to be as big as regular horsed? And I know that they’re intelligent creature but I never knew they could talk” The drow was also taking in a few puffs from a long elaborately designed pipe held gingerly in her long slender fingers.

“They don’t, and I’m as much in the dark as you. I’ve spent countless hours studying the tomes in the Harpers library back in Longsaddle. Yet I can't recall any reference of colorful talking pegasy. Maybe she's some yet undiscovered breed.” Bram added his two cents.

Tulla took a swing from her wooden mug then let out a long satisfying sigh. “Why don't we just ask her.” then she motioned with her cup towards the approaching pair of Eve and Fluttershy.

The two quickly walked up to the tree where the others were resting.”Everyone this is Fluttershy, she’s the one who lives in this quaint little cottage and after I told her a bit about us she agreed to answer a few questions so we can get our bearings and be on our way. Fluttershy these are: Bram Harper, Oric Muffinhead, Dilline Sharom and Tula of the Icewind Dale barbarian tribes.” She motioned to each party member when saying their names and they in turn responded with a there own greetings themselves.

“Well first thing would be finding out where we are. Could you tell us the name of this land?” asked Bram, curios to see if maybe the name of the realm would help him remember something about this magnificent being.

“We are next to the Everfree Forest in the middle of Equestria.” answered Fluttershy in a low voice.

Oric raised an eyebrow as he scratched his head with his pipe. “Any o ya lot ever heard o this Equestria place?” The others shook their heads just as confused as him.”Thought so; How close are we to the Spine Of The World mountains or the Sword Coast, that should help us get our bearings.”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side raising an eyebrow herself unsure of what the dwarf told her. “I’m sorry sir but this is the first time I ever heard of those places. Maybe somepony back in Ponyville could be more helpful.”

Dilline lowered the pipe from her mouth now quite curious.”How far did we wind up? Even in the underdark the drow knew of the Sword Coast, and the Spine of the world well it’s pretty much the roof of the world.”

“I’m sorry.” was Fluttershy’s response as she backed away a few steps uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting.

Brams eyes went wide as a disturbing idea flew through his mind.”Ah... Fluttershy do beings resembling any of us live nearby?”

She just shook her head in response as Evelyne caught on tho Brams train of thought and did not like where this might be going.

“Fluttershy...”Evelyne started in all seriousness.” Have you ever seen or heard of anything resembling us? Do you even know what we are?”

She shook her head again having a really bad feeling about where this was going.

“Fluttershy what is the name of this word?” asked Bram fearing that their problems might just be bigger than they originally thought.

“uhm... T-Ter- Terra.”

Bram was shocked to hear this thought, he was even more shocked to find the ground coming up to meet him and staring up at a very pissed off Evelyne sitting on his chest and shaking him by the collar. “How the hell did you boch this up damned troglodyte. You said the cube will take us to safety, but you forgot to mention it’ll take us off Toril. Tell me how am I supposed to get back to Waterdeep, how am I supposed to open my shop, stuck on this gods forgotten plane.”

“Well we're boned.” were Tulas words to described the situation, and there was not a better way to put it as she watched Evelyne try to shake an answer out of poor Bram.

“Hold up lass.” Oric wrapped his hands around the desperate girls waist and pulled her off the pinned wizard. “Now listen up fer a bit, it’s not like the lad had much of a choice back them. Twas either this or stay there and let those damned wizards fry our hides.”

Evelyne stopped trying to get out of Orics grasp and back on top of Bram, her body went all limp and she slowly began to sobe. “I don't ... there is... we could have... I’m...I’m”. Oric let her go as she fell to her knees crying, the rest of the group weren’t faring much better. Sure they were grateful to be alive but the price was almost too high, being stuck a worlds away from their homes, friends and loved ones with no visible way back. That’s a hard blow for even the strongest minds and spirits.

As the young human girl cried her eyes out and the rest of the group stared into the ground wondering what to do now. A weak voiced broke the gloomy silence but it’s message was like the blow of a sledge hammer. “I can fix it.”

“What?” everyone lifted their gaze to regard the young wizard.

“I can fix the cube and take us home. All be it it may take awhile, months maybe years but it could... can be done.” Said Bram trying to convince himself as much as the others. He had no idea on how to fix the thing or even where to start but right now some good news was desperately needed.

“Excuse me but I know a pony that could help you. Her name’s Twilight Sparkle and she’s very good with magic.” said Fluttershy with a weak smile hoping she might help her new friends.