//------------------------------// // Reminiscence // Story: The Shadows of the Moon // by RaptorOfDeath //------------------------------// "Oh, Little Moon! Where are you?" A mysterious figure called out from the darkness of the castle gardens. "You can't hide forever..." It was obvious it was a stallion, by the look of the shadow he was also an alicorn. From the bushes to his right, he heard a little snicker followed by somepony else shushing whoever was snickering. "Luna! You know we need to hide from him!" the young Celestia said to Luna, her bubblegum-pink mane concealed within plain sight. "If he finds us..." "AHA! There you are!" the stallion proclaimed peeking his head into the bush. His bright orange eye glaring at the two young fillies. The filly sisters both shrieked and burst out of the bush, running around the courtyard. "Come back here you!" said the stallion. He reached down and picked the sisters up, only to put them back on the ground and immediately begin tickling them. Both Luna and Celestia were in fits of hysterical laughter, as was the stallion. "Daddy! Please! No! Stop tickling me!" Luna called out, hardly managing to speak through the laughter. "Oh, come on Luna! I haven't gotten a chance to hang out with you for a few days!" Luna tried to stop laughing and just looked up to her father, her eyes wide and a forced frown on her face. "Oh, okay. I'll stop." "Huzzah! I love you daddy." she said, gripping her father with her forelegs, embracing his very presence. Luna came back to grips with reality, momentarily drifting out of the dream-like state she was in while she remembered the long-forgotten past. The indigo mare looked out upon Equestria and sighed, knowing that she would have to endure the pain of a thousand years of isolation and guilt. Nothing but her thoughts, her mind, her memories...