Wars, Battles, Scars, and Fate

by The Writer In Hiding

Awakening and Remembering

Prologue- Awakening and Remembering

'White. Everywhere I look, it's so bright.. So white, as well...'Was the first thing a pony thought when they got a glimpse of their current room, their eyes having flickered open from a very troubled sleep. The pony quickly closed their eyes once they had that thought, because the brightness of the room was painful for their newly awakened eyes and head. When they felt like the could handle the brightness of the room, they slowly opened their eyes, taking in their surroundings. To say they were surprised would be an understatement, because what they saw was something they hadn't expected to see ever again, even though they didn't realize they saw it before.

The pony observed the doctor ponies as they ran around, frantically trying to multi-task, looking slightly scared if you decided to really paid attention. If you didn't exactly 'Pay attention to detail', you'd only notice the simple known fact that they were deadly serious, not something ponies would have usually described doctor ponies. Usually, ponies would say that doctor ponies could be fun, even in a deadly serious situation. If you asked those ponies now, though, you wouldn't even get an answer from most of them, just far, far away looks. The rest, well, they'd give you a look that said 'Are you joking?'.

Soon, the pony's gaze went away from the doctor ponies, their gaze soon landing on a sight they had hoped not to be greeted with.'Oh my...'They thought, feeling sickened to the core,'Not again... Wait... again? I don't believe... I've seen something this bad before...'They drifted off, going back to staring at what had stolen their attention in the first place.

The area surrounding the pony smelt of a sickly metallic scent- 'Blood?' Was the first thought that came to mind to the pony, gazing at one figure out of many of its kind.

The body seemed... Unnatural, some how. Like what they were seeing should never be seen by mortal eyes. The pony had a feeling some of the other pony's body parts shouldn't be twisted the way they were, and that some of the things showed aren't meant for the eyes to see. Their gaze also landed on similar forms to the other pony. The doctor ponies were shouting random names as they observed the bodies of those ponies, the pony realizing, with a jolt, that they were identifying the ponies, as if they had died.'Dead... But why? What happened?'They thought, confused by everything going on around them. Their gaze then landed on a pony, who was moaning in pain, as if they were being slowly tortured. It looked like that pony had been slowly tortured, too, by the state of them.

The pony was covered in stitches and bandages, blood seeping through some of them. The pony had a feeling that the pony wouldn't be making it out of here. With another jolt, they realized that pony wasn't the only one in that sort of condition, because as they looked around, they saw many other ponies in pretty much the same condition of that one pony, albeit some more likely to survive than others. The pony was utterly shocked and extremely curious now, wondering what had happened to all of the ponies around the pony. they just couldn't phantom any ideas on how and why these things had happened to the ponies, and what caused this to happen. Their eyes widened slightly,'If these ponies are in here for such injuries, does that mean I'm injured as well? If so, why can't I feel pain?'The pony willed themselves to look down at their body, surprised, and slightly afraid, by what they saw.

Their body was pretty much wrapped like a mummy, bandages nearly covering every expanse of their being. They got small glimpses of their fur color- a beautiful light pink color, the color you'd see if you watched the sun rise. They stopped marveling at their apparent fur color, following one of the many tubes connected to their body, their gaze soon landing on one of the many machines surrounding them.'Why am I connected to these machines? Am I so injured.. I can't even feel the pain?!'They thought, panicking a little.'Am I going to die like those other ponies?!'

A doctor noticed the pony's distress, automatically coming to their side, worried greatly by their sudden, panicky movement."Princess Dawn Dancer?! Are you alright?! Are the pain medications wearing off?! I thought we had given you some of the strongest medication there is! Nurse! Nurse!"The doctor quickly scurried off, searching for a free nurse.

'Oh. It's just pain medications that make it so I can't feel pain? And did he just call me Princess Dawn Dancer..? That name... Sounds very familiar...'Soon, something in the pony's brain had clicked, their eyes widening just a bit more at the realization.'Of course! That's me! I'm Princess Dawn Dancer... Leader during this... War? Yes, this... War.'Dawn Dancer thought, and frowned a little, the new information saddening her quite a bit.

'I think I remember a little bit now. There was a huge battle a while ago, wasn't there?... A huge, bloody battle. I can't seem to remember much of what had happened during it... But I don't think I want to remember... I just know that lots of ponies were murdered ruthlessly that day, soldiers or not. I think... I think they even killed a few children...'She thought, her very being sickened to the core, feeling sudden anger.'I can't believe anyone has such a black heart to do that! Even if they are the most evil enemies we have face, NO one should have a soul dark enough to do that!'She tried to get up, to move around once more, to assure herself she was completely fine, to enact her vengeance for the poor ponies that were lost. A doctor noticed, and started panicking slightly at those movements. They quickly called a few other doctors over.

A few doctors quickly came over at the call, also feeling quite frantic."Princess, do not move! You'll injure yourself! Nurses, quick! Put her under anesthesia, and give her more pain medication!" A doctor ordered, a few nurses near by scurrying off to do what was asked of them. Dawn Dancer tried to protest, tried to say she was alright, but her mouth wouldn't cooperate, so it just looked like she was struggling against the 'pain', further causing the doctors to panic. Quite soon, the nurses came back, putting Dawn Dancer to sleep with some anesthesia they had managed to find.

'Must stay awake... For Equestria... For my ponies.. For my aunt..'Dawn Dancer thought, slowly slipping out of touch with reality.'I need to be there... For my ponies' sake.. This enemy is much stronger than we had first thought.. I can... Can not... Sleep... At a.. Time like this..'She was fighting a losing battle, knowing subconsciously she wouldn't win. She did not seem to register this fact though, and kept trying to force herself awake.'Can't... Sleep... Aunt Twilight... Needs me...'Her thoughts were soon lost, her mind finally succumbing to the wonderful embrace of sleep that the anesthesia forced her into.