One Of A Kind

by UniqueSKD

Chapter Two - They meant to harm me, my hopes seemed bleak, until my savior came along, a hero most unique...

One Of A Kind

Chapter Two

By UniqueSKD

The world resenting me, I became a wreck,
I decided to take my life, and end it all,
But before Death's noose could embrace my neck,
There stood my guardian, a white knight standing tall
- UniqueSKD

The city was bathed in the magnificent glow of Luna's majestic midnight sun, her brilliant moon accompanied by a blackened canvas of thousands and thousands of scattered stars, by the time poor Maia had finally exhausted the last of her tears, her throat coarse and sore from what must have been a few hours of constant crying and weeping in that white-stone alleyway, all alone, silence and darkness her only companions.

Maia sniffled and dragged her foreleg across her face, wiping away what few droplets of tears remained. She took a deep breath and sighed. Crying made her feel a little better, getting all of her pent-up sadness and fears out of herself, though it did not change the reality that she struggled with.

Stretching out her leathery wings and wrapping them around her body to warm herself against the coldness brought on by the fall of night, Maia raised her head and looked to the heavens, at the great white moon looking down upon her, a featureless blank face that made no conversation, but listened to her sorrows.

As it was commonly known, bat-ponies were usually quite active at night-time, a similarity shared with most actual bats. Not Maia, though. A long time ago, as a small child she would flap her little precious wings with all the strength she could muster in order to keep up with her family, as they traversed the sky, their path made clear by the illuminating light of the Lady of the Night's marvelous moon. But then the lies were made and spread to everypony within the city, an infectious rumor that brainwashed the minds of the citizens like a cancer, and over time Maia resorted to drastic measures just to try and fit in, even altering her active-inactive cycles. For the first couple of weeks, she found it hard to wake up during the day, and then going to sleep as the sun departed and made way for the moon to rise, but she adapted to her new changes afterwards.

Years of living in the day and sleeping during night became a normal routine for her, and It helped to ease the bullying for a while, at least, until the nobles accused her of being a special breed of vampony, one who could walk in the light of the day, and this gave incentive for others to be wary, even fearful, of her.

As Maia looked up to the heavens, she realized that she had almost forgotten how beautiful the moon was.

She stared up to the moon for about minute, before deciding that it was probably time to get going. It was getting cold, and her home wasn't that much further away from where she was now. Besides, with the exception of the Royal Guards, she wouldn't encounter anypony out on the streets at this late time, so she needn't worry about being ridiculed or harassed as she made her way back to her shelter.

Maia straightened out her mane, running her hooves through her length of hair, and started to pick herself up from the ground. Folding in her wings against her body again, Maia turned to make for the exit out of the alleyway, stepping out of the shadows of the narrow space, and into the pale moonlight.

"Good evening, miss", spoke out a stallion's voice close to her side. Maia jumped out of surprise and gasped upon hearing somepony speaking to her. She turned her head and saw a large mint-green earth pony stallion, with a messy orange mane with darker orange streaks running through it. His brown eyes looked at Maia with an unnerving stare, his lips twisted into a small smug smile. On his flank, his cutie mark depicted an image of an ace of spades playing card.

He stood close by the exit of the alleyway, leaned against the wall, staring at the bat-pony in front of him. "Nice moon out tonight, don't'cha think, sweet thing?", he asked, his tone of voice not sounding at all friendly. "A pretty mare like you shouldn't be out at this time." The stallion shot a quick glance at her folded wings, and resumed looking at her. "Then again, bat-ponies do usually come out at night," he added.

Maia took a few steps back away from the stallion. "P-please, sir," she said weakly, "I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home, that's all."

The stallion pushed himself from off the side of the wall he'd been leaning against and stepped in front of Maia. "And there won't be any trouble, missy," he replied. "We just wanted to do our lovely city a massive service, that's all."

Maia raised an eyebrow in confusion. "'We'?", she asked.

Somepony tackled her from behind to the ground a second after she had questioned the stallion's comment. Taken by surprise and shock, Maia was too late to stop her attacker from pushing her snout into the alleyway floor, a strong hoof keeping her head face-down, which muffled her cries. Her wings opened and began flailing around in a panic, but the stallion from before stepped in and forced his hooves down on them both, eliciting a muffled cry of pain from the poor mare. In desperation, Maia writhed and shook her body as much as she could in some hope that she could shake her captors off of her, but to no avail.

A nasty chuckle made her cease her struggling. "This one's a bit of a fighter, don't you think, Ace Dealer?", a deep rough voice above her laughed to his accomplice.

The mint-green stallion from earlier, apparently named Ace Dealer, nodded his head in agreement, still pinning Maia's wings down,. "She looks it, Sledge, she certainly looks it. And that's just how I like em'," he responded. He leaned in closer to Maia's head, who managed to somehow free her head from the other stallion's hold. She stared up at him with frightened eyes, into his wicked and cruel expression. "I like my mares to have a little energy in em'. The longer they last, the better."

Maia yelped as she felt a hoof grasp her tail and lift it up, an embarrassed blush appearing upon her face. "Oh ho! Looks real nice down at this end, Ace! I think we got ourselves a jackpot catch here!", the stallion now known as Sledge laughed with perverted joy.

Maia's eyes began to well up with tears again, as she looked up to Ace Dealer with a look of pleading, begging. "P-please, don't do this. I-I promise I won't tell anypony about this. Just let me go. I swear, nopony will know about you both. Please!", the bat-pony whimpered.

Her response was hearty laughter. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie. We know you won't tell anypony! We know about your reputation around here. Nopony's gonna listen to you even if we did let you go!". He raised his head to look at Sledge, still on top of Maia. What kind of pony he was, Maia had yet to see, as her head was still being held against the ground by the stallion upon her back. But if she had to guess, she would assume that it was another Earth pony, given his overpowering strength. "Nopony around here will listen to you, nor will they let you anywhere near them. But we can't be too careful now, can we, Sledge?", the stallion asked his companion.

"Nope. Never too careful," came the response.

Ace Dealer turned his attention back to Maia. "So you see, sweetheart, I'm afraid we simply can't let you go. Besides, Canterlot doesn't really seem to like you being around very much, so ridding you after our little...", he pondered in thought for a moment over his next word. "...'playtime'," he continued a few seconds later, putting emphasis on the word, "would be a favor to everypony here. Hell, we might get a reward for removing trash like you from the street!"

Maia's eyes widened, filled more with fear now then before. Ace Dealer showed no sympathy for her, and leaned his head closer to her ear. "So, this is how it's going to work," he whispered to her, a smile present on his face. "Me and my friend here are going to take turns putting your body to the only use it has. After we're done 'playing' with you, we'll do you a kindness, and end your miserable existence. If you scream for any reason other than when we pound your marehood, we'll kill you a lot quicker. We'll go home and have a goodnight's sleep, and Canterlot wakes up a bat-pony-free world." He chuckled maliciously. "Everypony wins. Well, the ones who actually matter, anyway." Above her, Maia heard Sledge chuckled along with his accomplice.

Maia was terrified. No, 'terrified' wasn't the word to describe what she felt right now. Her heart skipped a hundred beats, her thoughts swarmed with images of herself, being violated by these disgusting excuses for stallions, and of herself being disposed of after they were done with her, her body never being found, nopony willing to look for her, or even mourn for her.

Despite wanting so badly to put up a fight, to wriggle and squirm and thrash about, anything to just maybe make the big stallion on top of her lose his hold so she could wrestle herself free from their hooves, Maia instead let her body go limp and closed her eyes, preparing herself for the torture yet to come, a single teardrop running from her eyes and down her sweet face.

There is no point trying to resist. Even if I were to live this night, tomorrow will only be the same as every other day, as would the next day, and the next day after that. Nopony wants me. Nopony cares about me. Better to endure just one last torture than live a lifetime's worth of it.

"Alright, Sledge. You won the coin toss earlier, so you get first turn with her. Just don't take too long - it's bucking freezing out here."

Maia felt the weight on her back shift lower down towards her rear, though Ace Dealer still kept her wings pinned to the ground. Although Sledge had gotten off her back, she made no attempt to struggle, having already accepted that this was her fate. She felt Sledge grab her hindlegs, and raise them into the air, held firmly in his powerful hooves so she couldn't kick at him if she even wanted to. She braced herself for the stallion to begin defiling her.


"What the buck?!?"

Maia felt her hindlegs being released from the stallion's grip, dropping to the floor as the sound of a jawbone being struck by a forceful blow, followed by a loud cry of agony and shock, made Maia open her eyes in time to see a dark-purple Earth pony with a brown mane suddenly fly over her head and past Ace Dealer, barely just missing the bewildered mint-green pony, who whipped his head around to watch his friend impact headfirst into a stone brick wall, making a large indentation splattered with a few drops of blood, before falling and landing on his back, laying very still.

Ace Dealer's attention was no longer on the mare, but on his injured partner, and without realizing it he had taken his hooves off her wings. Her body now back under her control, and with renewed will to live, Maia did the first thing that came to her mind. She raised her head up, and opened her mouth, revealing two tiny fangs. She clamped her jaw down upon Ace Dealer's foreleg, eliciting a loud scream of pain as her fangs pierced his flesh, causing him to bleed.

Maia didn't know what had just happened to the other stallion, or what or who had attacked him, but she didn't want to stay and find out. The only thought on her mind as of now was to get as far away from here as she could, while she had this chance.

Releasing his leg from her mouth, and spitting out the blood that had seeped in, Maia used the small distraction she had caused to quickly get onto her hooves and make good her escape. But Ace Dealer recovered from the attack much sooner than she thought, as he threw himself at her as she tried to take off into the air. He grabbed her tail and pulled her back to the floor

"Noooo! Let me go!", cried Maia, thrashing her hooves about, trying to get the stallion off her. He pushed her to the floor, and brought his head close to hers, his face a terrifying visage of fury and murderous intent. "You bucking whorse!", Ace Dealer roared, as he raised his injured leg high, bringing the hoof straight across Maia's face.

Maia's painful cry echoed throughout the alleyway, as her head began to spin, her vision becoming blurred. Pain exploded and ringed everywhere from the force of the blow, the side of her face hurting the most. Through her distorted sight, Maia saw Ace Dealer rearing his other foreleg back, preparing to land another blow to her, a snarling expression on his face. But just as he was about to strike her again, something caught his attention, for he looked up away from Maia, only to have a white hoof appear out of nowhere and slam straight into his face.

Maybe it was a result of being struck in the face, or her blurry vision, but Maia could have almost sworn for a second that Ace Dealer's face caved in a little upon being struck by the owner of the white hoof.

Ace Dealer flew out of her sight from the force of the blow, and it was at this moment Maia's consciousness began to fade in and out. Her hearing was wonky, but she heard what she took to be the sound of hooves running along cobblestone, which gradually became fainter and fainter.

Before her world blacked out into total darkness, the last thing Maia saw was a tall figure leaning over her, a pair of bright, glowing sky-blue eyes looking down on her. A pair of warm hooves slid beneath her body, gently and cautiously, the last thing she felt before she gave in, allowing her mind to be taken by the shadowy void of unconsciousness.