//------------------------------// // Carrot is all about Plowing // Story: Tale of The Cursed Twins: The Other Story // by HypherRanger_04 //------------------------------// CHAPTER 2 "Where the fuck am I?!" I screamed while running with no sense of direction. Seriously, I am totally lost. God have forsaken me; I wish for another world to be appreciated but not like this. Good is not my word for today. Also, if my foster parents find out that I am not home yet, I would end up like a slaughtered pig. For now, I am not a human; maybe a type of animal, basing on my body structure. It’s obvious to notice that I can’t run nor walk on two’s. Thence, this animal is surely quadrupedal type. There are also a lot of trees in here; doubtless this is a primitive period. I still can’t believe that the book send me to another dimension. Worried, yet at the same time, my mind was fascinated though because it reminds me of my current dreams. Running like a careless soul, I suddenly bumped into someone, for the matter in fact, something. "Ouch... Stupid me, not looking in my way..." I give a simple glimpse at it. Light-yellow hair and tail, its complex is grey but her body composition is similar to mine. But the weird thing though, its eyes are skewed; there is sternly no aim or view on what it sees. I gradually push myself back away from her. Unexpectedly, it spoke, "Hey there, are you okay? You’re galloping to fast.” I panicked mentally; it spoke! The voice of it is feminine-like, guessing it could be a girl. "Agh!!' Don’t touch me!" I screamed and continued trying to move away from her. "Okay. Okay... Geez. But can I know your name?" she asked with a concerned tone. "Aghhh!" Due to those sudden events, my head was on a scared disposition; I just ignore the question and run away from her as quickly as I could. Besides that, I hardly notice the wings at her back, which I lack upon my body. "STUPID! AHHH!" But again, my utter stupidity let me fell to a steep land; it’s kinda high in my state of fall or roll if you put it that way. "Ouucccchhh! Darn it!" Careless is now your middle name, Griffin, as what I joke. I try to regain my sight when suddenly someone asks for help. "Hey partner, can ya lend me a hoof?" Same body structure, but this time, the skin is colored sun-flower with a curled bright orange hair upon its head and tail; a womanish tone with slight Cajun-like accent. I was really dumbfounded at first, since I don’t know on what to say or do. "Hoo- what now?!" I asked back with a state of confusion. Panic will make me looser and bullshit, though because she clearly said “hoof”. Wait, does that mean I’m a horse? Oh this really great, really great God! "Thanks! Come on." She grabbed my hand, I mean hoof, all of a sudden. There are still a lot of questions bugging on my head. I tried to force back and replied."Hey! Hey! I didn’t say yes yet!" "Well now ya said it! Now come on!" She strongly pulled me towards our destination. I was amazed and bewildered at the same time; a carrot farm having a weird sense of architecture, even though I knew a little bit about it. I presumed that this maybe her house also. "By the way, what's ya name? I never saw ya before. Tourist?" She asked me looking throughout her field. "Ugh... It's Griffing Wing." I replied on a tone-downed voice. "Really? Well that's a cruel name for an earth pony, don't ya think? Anyway, I’m Carrot Top. Nice to meet you." She taunted over my name, which I didn’t find funny. Horses do jokes? Well, that’s cruel to me. "Well your name is much- Wait! You said I’m a pony? A pony?!" Bewilderment struck me again, I asked with an ounce of shock on my face. So my dream was all about colored equines on a primitively strange world, how childish but simultaneously fucked up. "Well, can't ya see ya hoof? That ear, mane and tail!" "Ouch!" I reacted after she pulled my tail. "Oops, pardon fella. Ey... ya don’t have a cutie mark yet?! Hahaha! The cruelty has been doubled!" She continued to insult, but also, she looks wondered at me. Am I that unique? And then again, another term was confusingly formed in my head and asked. "What's a cutie... Mark?" "What?! Did somepony hit you in a noggin'?! A cutie mark is the symbol at your rump, silly. It shows what kind of talent ya have. It's like it tells who ya really are." She explained and giggled afterwards. At the same time, she stated a word “somepony”, Seriously? Back to the subject, her rump has a symbol of three carrots; so, to be concluded, she is really good at carrot farming stuffs and whatever terms about carrots. Questionably, my rump doesn’t have one. Does this mean I’m sort of nothing? Everything just got worse to my identity. "Hey there, are ya alright?" Carrot Top asked me with a concerned look on her face. "Yeah... I'm fine." "Good, I really need some help right now. I need a strong colt to plow my carrot field so that I can sow right away. Ok?" She instructed while preparing to leave me at the field. "But I am not that strong, you know." I cautiously warned her. She doesn't know what I’m capable of; destroying stuffs and making their lives a chaotic one. "Ya can do it! I believe in ya, fella!" Confidently, she just tapped me at my back and began to gallop towards her barn. "Ugh... You’re going to regret this!" I shouted to let her remind it again. "Just do it, ok?! I'll be right back!” She ignored the warning one more time and just went inside afterwards. Darn! But I am menacing bulldozer for crap sake, anytime and anywhere. Just relax and keep it together, Griffin! We can get through this. There's already too much stress to make myself traumatized enough. I should be finding my way back, and now, I am stuck in here, helping a talking colored pony to farm. Ok, I just need that plowing contraption right now to settle everything. As I wander my sight through the field, I saw a small old shed; assumingly, the equipment is there so I went over to look inside; for a very large object, it’s really freaking hard to find. "Shit! It's very dusty in here. Where is it? Agh!" I suddenly tripped on something. "Ugh. Never mind what I said!" I said with glee. The equipment is really old by the way; and it’s heavy at the same time. As I guess, Carrot Top might be a stingy mare on stuff. Obviously, I can’t hold things with hooves which made it a lot difficult to carry. Conclusively, I dragged it with my mouth; I hate the taste of dust and soil on it, Seriously! Hardly notice, her carrot field is really, really big as soon as I went outside. Do I really have to do all of this?! In matter of confidence, I just exhaled heavily and continued walking towards the field. "Just don’t do anything reckless, Griffin! And besides, what could go wrong this time?" Impassively, I sounded like Mr. Baxton! That’s kinda creepy in my state of humor. As I try to start-off, there’s already a problem; something’s blocking the plow. It’s just a minor problem, isn’t it? There’s might be a rock, or some sort, clogging within the soil itself. I attempt to carry the equipment but it's surely stuck at the ground. No way will this field ruin everything! I just need to pull it harder and it will budge. Of course, this may naturally occur since this my first time to plow. "Ugh! COME ON NOW!" I strugglingly shouted as I pull the equipment. Absolutely, this is getting me nowhere! This is not a dream anymore; I am surely sweating in reality. If I leave this unattended, I don’t know what tortures will that mare may give to me. More errands, I guess! “One more pull…” I continue to pull in desperation. Suddenly, “Finally! Who's the great one now, you stupid thing?!" It finally budged out! As I turned around to look what I have accomplished, everything just got fucking worse. “What the heck, dude?!” I shouted in alarm after seeing the equipment gone at sight. Panic starts to consume me again. I look throughout the field; nothing’s there. “Don’t tell it flew off in the sky?!” As I speculated, I look at the sky and see the contraption falling eastward, heading to the forest. Me and my stupid mouth! At the same time, I awed myself; I do have inner strength within my body. I dismissed that thing on my mind first and headed towards its trajectory, considering somebody, I mean somepony, might get hurt when it lands. Secondly, Carrot Top might kill me if she finds about this. “Have you already started, Griffin?” My heart beats fast after hearing her voice. Me and my stupid mouth, again! I began to gallop faster towards the site. Why does it always happens to me?!