The Filly & The Changeling

by Finnie Nara

The Pink One (Part 2)

When Pinkie stepped out of the TARDIS, she was greeted by a familiar sight. Although swarming with changelings, Canterlot was otherwise untouched.
'Well this is new,' commented the Doctor, 'well not really Canterlot's been invaded multiple times before this but this must be the first time that a large group of changelings have come together to invaded it. For this timestream at least.'
'Hey look changelings!'Shouted Pinkie alerting the changelings to her presence.
'Confound it Pinkie!' the Doctor shouted as he ran with Pinkie skirting away from the changelings and towards an abandoned house.
'I think we lost them,' the Doctor commented.
'Yeah that was fun!' replied Pinkie happily
'No that nearly got us captured which would have rendered my plan useless,' said the Doctor sternly.'Now we need to get into the castle and get everypony of use out of there to formulate a better plan.'
And so the Doctor and Pinkie discussed the plan in minute detail.
'Ready?' asked the Doctor
'Yup!' replied Pinkie in excitement.
The two changelings standing guard at the castle entrance had a very odd day. First during the invasion a grey coloured pegasus with a golden mane flew towards them and asked for directions. As per orders, they went ahead and captured her but she did not even struggle when she was kidnapped she just kept saying 'are we going to a party?' over and over.
the changelings assumed that this was a ritual of some sort that ponies went through when they reached a certain age however they still thought it was very odd.
Later that same day, two ponies nearly escaped their attention however the pink mare had shouted something and alerted them to their presence. So they chased them down, however as they were chasing the ponies, their superior officer told them to help him with something so they had absolutely no choice but to help him as they were bred to only do as commanded. Soon they completely forgot about the two ponies until the brown stallion walked towards them.
'Hi could you please take me to the person in charge here?' asked the brown stallion
The changelings looked at each other and then tackled the brown stallion to the ground and bagged him up.
'Hey at least loosen the ropes' complained the brown stallion as he struggled a little.
The changelings ignored him and brought him into the castle. not noticing the pink mare that was using balloons to float up towards the window that she needed to get to.
Pinkie jumped into the open window and landed in it without making any sound at all*. She quickly raced across the corridor checking every turn to make sure that there were no guards. She saw the changelings carrying the Doctor towards the throne room as planned although she had to stop herself from helping him escape right then and there.She knew the place by heart after visiting it so many times.
She made the last turn and headed down into the dungeons where the Doctor predicted that the changelings would keep her.
Pinkie checked the corner and saw the cell that she hoped would hold the pony she needed to find.
Pinkie opened the door slowly and waited for her eyes to adjust. Inside the cell was exactly who she hoped to find although she looked worn out she had to do. Inside the cell was Princess Celestia.