A chance.

by Maiah

A chance.

“I mean we all need a second chance sometimes.”

~Joel Osteen


A Chance

By: aiah


Dark… Everything is dark… I’m falling, and yet I’m not… I feel cold, but I also feel nothing… Am I dead? I think so. Being killed by the person you love can give you that thought. Though, I wouldn’t have had anyone else but him take my life. I love him. Kohta… I’m sorry…


I jump at the voice and look around the emptiness for the source; none… Is this finally going to be my eternal reward for being such a monster? To forever be trapped alone in this dark nothingness and reflect on the sins I have done in the overworld?

I scoffed…

“I deserve it I guess. At least I got to see Kohta again after all these years.” I say as tears start to form over my eyes. “At least I got to say sorry… For everything.” I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I started crying and balled myself on the non-existent floor. “I’m sorry.”

“Lucy… Come…”

I snap my head back and stare at the source of the voice. There it is again. Yet she could not see the source. Was she already losing her mind in just this short period of time? Might as well. It wouldn’t be punishment if she didn’t suffer, but what if it’s something else?

"Lucy… Come to me…”

Again I stare at the source. I still couldn’t see anything, just darkness. Well. It’s not like I have anything else to lose. I shakily stood up and started walking towards the source of the disembodied voice. My feet connecting with solid floor yet looking down there was still nothing… Like I was just walking on air… Disregarding the somewhat unnerving feeling of having nothing below me, I kept walking towards the suspected source of the voice.


There it is again… But… Louder… I must be getting closer… With that thought I started walking faster towards the unseen source until. Is that… Almost invisible in the distance, I saw what appeared to be a speck of white. What is that?... I started to walk even faster and even started to break into a jog, wanting to know what this is. As I got closer, it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

I now stood in-front of a solid wall of light, almost blinding even. That and there was also an almost deafening wind blowing from the said wall of light.

But then over all the noise, I heard it again…

“Go in… You are expected…”

“Expected for what?! Who are you!? How do you know me!? Where am I!?” I yelled at the sky… or at least what I thought the sky would be…


I looked at the almost blinding wall of light. I guess there’s only one way to find out. At least it will be better than spending eternity here… I hope...

And with that thought, she stepped into the light. The latter becoming so bright that she had to close her eyes to avoid being blinded…

And then she stood there… Waiting... Until finally…

“Thou can open their eyes now. They will not be blinded by the light.”

It was a voice again… But it wasn’t the voice that had leaded me here… Unlike the first, which sounded low and masculine, was replaced by a soft but commanding feminine voice…

“My sister is right. Do not be afraid human. Open your eyes and do not be afraid.”

A third voice? Another voice, also feminine, but softer and more caring that the other…

I finally gave up and started to open my eyes only to be greeted by a blinding light… Or so I though as my eyes started adjusting and now I could finally see where I was… I was… I was…

I didn’t know where I was, but one thing I was sure of though…

Unlike the previous place I had been in. This place was filled with light.

I looked up, there was light.

I looked down, and thankfully. I saw a white floor.

I looked around and only saw more light and the floor stretching out into the great beyond.


I snap from my daze and look at the supposed source of the voice. It was once again that masculine voice that had first lead me to this place…

“Who are you?” I ask.

“Child… It is not important why I am… What’s important is what is going to happen to you.” He said

I felt my heart stop for a second. What does he mean what’s going to happen to me?.

“What do you mean me? What’s going to happen to me?” I ask the voice.

“That, child, is entirely dependent on what thou chooses to do.” The second voice answers me.

“What choice?” I ask again.

“The choice at a chance, Lucy, a chance to live once more, a chance to change.” The third voice answered me this time.

“A chance for thou to live a new life in a new world. That is what we are offering thou.” The second voice said.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing… Another chance? To live? A second chance at finally living a good life? It won’t be the same without Kohta but… Yes… I will accept this… And be a better person… For him… for Kohta…

“Child, we are waiting for thy answer. Does thou accept this new life or does thou wish to stay here in thy penance for the rest of eternity?” the second voice said, pulling me from my thoughs.

I swallowed hard.

“Yes. I accept this new life.” I told them sternly and accentuated it with a nod.

“Wise choice child.” The second voice told me.

“We hope to see you in this new overworld.” The third voice said.

“May you fair well in your new life human, now pony.” The first voice said, almost forgotten as He only now decided to speak once again.

Pony? What does he mea- My though gets cut off as a swirling vortex sweeps me up and encases me in itself. I can feel myself changing; To what, I don’t know. All I know is that I am finally getting a second chance. To live… To be normal… This is for you Kohta, I hope you are alright… Wherever you are… I love you… As I finish that though the light blinds me once again making me close my eyes to again, avoid being blinded by it. As I float there in the vortex, I start feeling ground and grass under my feet and hands… It was warm, along with my surroundings, everything felt warm, yet there was also a comforting cold that hugged at me. Then I started smelling something, like morning dew on grass, and started hearing a breeze along with several birds chirping. Where am I? I ask myself as I couldn’t really look around to see unless I wanted to be blinded by the light...

And then it suddenly stopped…

I felt like it was finally over… I started opening my eyes and my sight was greeted by grass. I started looking around. I was on a patch of grass in a small field also covered in it. I also noticed a tree that was shading me from the sun and a small lake right beside me. I tried to stand up but ultimately failed and fell on the ground with a thud. Ugh… Why can’t I stand? I tried looking my body over for any injuries I may have gotten.

What I saw shocked me.

Hooves? Hooves. Yes, like the ones horses have… But these looked more thick and… Cartoonish… Like they came out of a children’s show. I started to actually look myself over and saw that I had fully turned into this… Pony?

That’s when what the voice said ringed in my head “Human, turned pony” I repeated.

So I was a… Pony… I tried to stand again only to fail once more and now tried to stand on all fours and surprisingly it was… well… It felt more comfortable and natural… And after a few failed attempts at relearning how to “walk” in pony… I finally stumbled myself to the lake to see my face. It was feminine; obviously. I had my long waist length hair back. It was a shade of pink accented with a streak of fuchsia going through it. My eyes were a dark cerulean and my… uh… “Coat”, was also pink. Just a shade lighter than my mane… I looked around my body and saw this… Mark… On both my thighs. It was of a heart on top of a six point star. I didn’t know what it was but I just brushed it off.

I finish looking myself over I discovered that my tail had the same colouring as my mane and that I still had my horns on me great… I still look like a freak… I thought as I tapped my hoof on my re-grown horns. After I had stopped thinking about how people… err… ponies… would react to my horns. I was starting to think of what I was going to do.

That is, until.

“Umm… Hello?” a voice from behind me greeted and effectively made me jump into the air.

“BWAAH!” I land and turn swiftly at her only to see a pony… but wait… is that… It… She… had a horn… and wings… Where am I?

She coughed lightly and brought me out of my gaze then smiled softly at me. I look at her face and noticed that she wore a crown. She started to come closer to me and then she held up a hoof.

“Hello. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you.”