The Diary of a Princess

by BumbleFlow

Entry Six - Settled in

I wake up early to Celestia shining her sun directly into my eyes. Agh, does that hurt.. Can't it be night forever..?

The sunlight is so bright, I really don't like it at all. But I guess if it's what's keeping me busy and awake, I have to deal with it like every other night loving pony such as I.

So, I start to unpack my things when I start feeling this cold drift in the house. Now, where could that be coming from? I don't know exactly, but I do not enjoy this.

Ignoring the cold spot in the front door of this old dusty home, I continue to pack, I put on a hat, and, to be more exact, a fedora. Because fedora's are cool.

Indiana Pones wore one. So, I figured. Why not?

The next few hours pass of sorting things, and making sure everything is in it's place. I didn't have too much though. A few pots and pans for simple cooking in the kitchen, some seeds for plants and edibles, and of course the utensils. I also have bedding and a small mattress, enough for me, and that extra space, it really bothers me, but. What can I say?

I've been trying to ignore my little... Anger... Issue, let's call it. Since I tend to get annoyed or angry easily from time to time for Luna knows why. (Yeah, forget Celestia. It's all about Luna.)

Hm, talking about Luna, I saw this odd stallion as I walked out from the train station into PonyVille, he was sleeping on a cloud, but I almost mistaken him for Luna. He looks near exactly like her, except his mane and tail, are not same at all. Not all... Mystical, and stuff.

You know, right?


Anywho, getting off track, I do all that boring sorting and unpacking, and after I'd guesstimate 4-5 hours of that work, my stomach grumbles.

Woah, what a surprise.

I'm hungry. Who would'a guessed?

So I go over to PonyVille's main... Place, thing. I can't exactly remember, not exactly the youngest mare in equestria, with not the greatest memory either.

I wander around a bit and find a quiet little restaurant of sorts, and then I begin to wonder.

Why are these ponies looking at me so odd?

Oh Luna! Did I forget to leave my fedora on?! I check by looking upwards and, sure enough, it is still intact with my head.


But still, what's wrong with these ponies? Maybe it is because I am not exactly...Well, a proper citizen of this town. Or, I just... Stand out? Who knows.

I walk into this little restaurant, and the pony at the little sale's thingy greets me. And has a waitress sit me at a table, just for myself.

I order a sandwich and when I'm done with that, pay the two bits, and leave.

I try to maintain the nicest possible reputation, not wanting any-pony to be afraid of me, or dislike me. Although in reality, I couldn't care all that much.

I spot the six ponies who greeted me surprisingly at the train station just before I went in to go to PonyVille, and I decide, why not go and say hello. Wish them a good day, or something in that sort.

"Hey there!" The... The pink one? I think it was her, I had forgotten her name at this point. Although I remember her foalish voice from before, there's no way to escape it.

"Um, hello." stating back as nicely as possible.

"Well, hello darling, and, how do you do this fine morning?" the white unicorn said to me. I wonder how she could keep such elegance, it just isn't all that normal. That's what makes her.. Her, I guess.

"I am doing well. Settled into the new home, of which I thank for showing me. The perfect place for me to stay." I slightly bow my head in respects to the six candy-colored ponies.

Then things got a bit silent, they kind of just stared at me odd, why is everypony looking at me wierd?

"Uh... Something the matter?" I ask, kindly.

The tan-ish pegasus hides behind the blue one. She looks more scared then when a foal see's a changeling.


The purple unicorn, also the one who lives in a giant tree, comes near me, just slightly. Only one hoof closer to me, she looks scared too.

"Uhh..." she hesitates, I can just hear it in her voice, "What's your thought on.. Dragons?"

I look at her wierd, I furrow one brow, and then say, a filly's favorite word. Can you guess? "Why"?

"Wellit'sjustthere'sonebehindyou" the tan pegasus speaks very quickly. But quietly.

I turn around and see my old companion, I light up, oh finally, something that will keep me happy.

"Fire Flow!" I run to the dragon as it shrinks to pony size, and hug her.

The six ponies now behind me have their jaws to the floor. You just, wow. It's too funny.

Fire Flow, is one of my old companions as a filly, she was given to me as a young dragon, I was probably about 5 or 6 years of age. But, do I love this dragon more then ever.

"Fire Flow!?" they all say surprisingly in unison.

"Yeah, just to put it long story short, she's an old companion of mine." I said once I turned around, she stood besides me.

"I saw her shrink!!! Ooh! What else can she do?!" The pink earth pony asks me as she jumps up and down. She seems to be taking this well.

"Well, lots of stuff. As any other dragon with wings, she can fly." And just as I said that, Fire Flow flapped her wings and flew. Only for a few moments, just for demonstrating's sake.

"She can breath fire." I looked to her, and she let fire come out of her mouth, and towards the dirt, making it singe. Oh, do I love that sound.

"And uh... I don't know really what else she can do." I paused, "Besides making herself able to be younger or older to her will, but she only did that once.... On accident." I look at her, with that one look that says 'remember?' and Fire Flow slightly blushed, and smiled sheepishly.

Aha! Her name is Pinkie Pie, so anyways, she looks at her in awe. "Woooaahhhh... That's so cool!"

That one purple unicorn had her thinking face on, everypony knows that face, one eyebrow furrowed, hoof on the bottom of her chin, and just... That stare.

"But anyways, really, I should get going." I yawn, and stretch my wings. "I really am getting tired.."

I look to the rest of the ponies, and they simply nod, but that white one said something. I can't remember what, exactly.

I rode Fire Flow to the house and showed her around, she said to me that she will be staying for a few weeks.Of course, since I haven't seen her in.... Let's just say, a really long time, I with ease said something like 'please do!' and she made herself comfortable.

And so, I started to do the little things, like plant my seeds behind the house so my plants may start growing, and I spruced up the place a bit, but kept it dark, because I like it that way.

I saw the sun outside of the cursed window that awoke me, and by my surprise, the sun actually decided to start to set!

Awesome, now I can have a somewhat less crazy evening.

Then I put blinds on the window. I don't want the sun to wake me up again.

And so, I go to sleep. *yawn* See ya... Let's call it a journal, so I don't lose my mind.