//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Wanted: The Last Babylonian // by DJ-Photonix //------------------------------// Tyzander felt lost, and he could feel nothing. He opened hityes, and found himself in a dark place. Stars shone from above, and he felt stone under his hooves. Something felt odd about the stone, as it vibrated under his hooves. He used a spell to make a light glow off of his horn, and it showed a stone pathway. He stepped off his right hoof, then his left, but he didn't feel the pain it had while it was infected. Tyzander looked at his leg, and saw it was completely healed, without a scar in its place. Then he continued on down the path made of stone. The area was dark, but the stars were easily seen from were he was. The stones under him vibrated with out stopping for a second. It was like the area he was in was moving. It was easy to tell that he was, because the wind blew swiftly. It blew hard enough to pull his yellow mane. Just as he was about to stop, he heard somebody's hoof steps. "Hello!?" He called out. "A-anypony there?" There was no answer, but the hoof steps seemed to trail off from in front of him. He started to run towards the steps, but they too seemed like they were running as fast as he was. Angered now, he started to teleport forward, a few feet at a time. Again the other unvisible pony started to teleport as well, but it was flashless. It wasn't long before he started to feel tired. The constant teleporting started to put a strain on his magic. He stopped, and so did the other pony. "Where am I?" He asked. "You finally ask a question that I may answer..." A deep voice replied. "Though you will see me as a shadow, use more magic, and light the whole area up. I know you can do it, we all can." Tyzander started to feel energy flow from the stones under him, up through his body, This energy his body welcomed, and he used this new energy to make the area around him show itself. When he opened his eyes after a flash of light from his spell, he saw something extremely beautiful. As if he had died, and went to the Summerland. He saw a huge castle rise high above the clouds. Around him were shadow ponies that looked like unicorns. "Where, am I?" "You don't know do you?" The shadow in front of him. It wore a small crown atop its head. "This is Babylon, your home." "Wow..." Bystander said in awe. "But, I thought it was destroyed by the sun goddess?" "What you are looking at now is a mear reflection of the past, and the same day it was destroyed." "Why am I here?" He asked, still tying to take in his parent's destroyed home. "Well..." the king said. "We wish to give you a gift of knowledge." "We don't want to be destroyed you see." Said another shadow pony, this time it was another one wearing a crown, and had a light female voice. "Our kind has been known to kill an Alicorn of great power, with great power." The king said. "But we never really did." Finished the queen. "So wait? We were destroyed for no reason?" "That's not... entirely true..." The queen said. "Do you know how this island floats?" "No, my parents never got to tell me." "You feel the energy beneath your hooves correct?" The king asked. "Yes, I do, but what does this haft to do with the Island?" "Everything!" They both said, then chuckled noticing they said it at the same time. "You see, it was the mother of all who's energy that now flows through you. She battled our kind for three days before she was stopped by a small baby Babylonian." The king explained. "She was given a gift that touched her deeply. When she set her hooves on our island in the sea she saw then how poor we were. She had destroyed our other two islands, and nearly destroyed our last." "What was the gift?" Tyzander asked. "Her life..." the queen said. "The filly gave her life," "And then mother of all cried. She cried, and raised the sea to the mountains. After she cried, she looked at the mother, and father then spoke to them." The king finished. "She said, 'Her life was scared to you two, and she gave her life to end all of this? What have I done?'. After that she swore she would return by ending her life as well, and blessing the island with her power. It stayed in one place as the seas dropped." "So, life is the most powerful magic of all?" The king shook his head. "No, the true nature of magic has no limits when a mind can unlock it's full potential, and that is why my son...you are here." "We are dead, but being dead doesn't mean we can't tell you what your new friends have in store for you." "So, I am a prince? All this time I had been a prince?!" Tyzander asked in complete shock. "Yes, so about your small friends." "They are trying to help protect you as we speak. Once you wake up you have six seconds to turn the situation to your advantage. Challenge Celestia, goddess the sun to a battle to end this." "Kill her, and our kind will be restored. Then you may rule as king!" The queen said. "Once you've killed her, her magic will fly out of her body. It's enough magic to bring back one thousand! Go my son! Kill her who's killed us, and tortured you for years!" "Now wake!" In an instant Tyzander flew off the table his wounded body had laid on, just as celestial guards started to storm the room, killing off the doctors. "One!" He shouted shooting a bolt of magic at the guards. "Two, three!" He yelled running out the door running into more guards. "Four! FIVE!" He shot more magic bolts. Then stopped as Celestia walked into the room calmly. "Six..." He hissed. "Well done!" She said. "You've not only got the elements of Harmony to work with you, but surprises me the most is that you even got my sister to protect you." She chuckled as she walked around him. "Look at you... You've grown quite a bit...It's a shame that you're the last...I think I should let you live...to torture you till the end of your pathetic life." "Celestia!" Celestia gasped, "You know it is a sin to your culture to call me by my name!" She giggled. "Who's here to care eh? No pony is here to save you. The elements are peacefully sleeping in their beds, and I wiped their memories of your existence." "Shut up!" Tyzander shouted this time surprised at the sound in which his voice echoed. "Celestia! I challenge you to a duel to the death!" Celestia's eyes shrunk to his request to a duel. Quickly she regained herself. "I grant your final wish before you die. Shall the battle be private, or public?" She asked. "Public, so that your kingdom can cry when they see me cut your throat open!" He said. But deep down something inside of him, felt like he shouldn't kill her. He shook the thought away, getting even angrier. Celestia nodded. "If you win, inform my sister to end any search for you. If I win, just to let you know, your race will be wiped out...completely." "Deal..." _______________ Slowly recovering herself, Luna found herself still in her room. Her head hurt badly, but that didn't stop her from getting up. Her door was completely broken off it's hinges, and splinters of wood were scattered all over her bed room. Some of her Windows were broken, and small droplets of blood were on the floor. She checked if anything was broken, but nothing else was. Just then she felt a wave of energy that made her a bit dizzy. No! She thought. I must get the elements! With that she bolted off. ____________ Celestia smiled as her guards armored her up with her solar crest armor. It was embedded with crystals, and enchanted to slowly repair itself as long as the sun shone on it. "Princess, your set up is complete." "Good, is the Babylonian ready?" "We gave him armor, but he said he was given something other then armor." "What did he mean by that?" "He siad he didn't want any armor princess." The guard answered. "Would you like us to prepare a feast in honor of your victory in destroying the last Babylonian?" "Why not Shining Cluster, and see if my sister is in her room." "Will do princess..." Shining Cluster walked off as the gate infront of Celestia opened slowly. Tyzander was already standing out in the area as a large crowd shouted Celestia's name, while they threw food at him. Luckily he shielded himself from the food. Then the crowd stopped throwing food as Celestia walked out. They cheered even louder. Then they stopped after a guard standing at a microphone tapped on it to cause a high pitched noise. "Attention, and welcome to the Canterlot area! Today only we have a duel to the death. To my right we have the last of his kind, Tyzander, the Babylonian Prince. On my left we have our righteous ruler, and bringer of the sun, Celestia! The battle ends once either Tyzander, or Celestia stops breathing." He called, and waited a moment before speaking to allow the crowd to chear in excitement. "Any last words?" "Celestia! I will avenge my kind!" "And I shall avenge my mother!" "Fight!"