//------------------------------// // Deleted scenes 1 // Story: The Necro Walk // by WorldWalker128 //------------------------------// The Necro Walk Deleted scenes and rejected ideas Deleted scene 1 --= This took place only a few paragraphs after the start. --= (Golden Rosa had eventually caught on that I'd never say yes and proceeded to get busy with someone else that she eventually married. Centaurs were the eventual result.) who waved at me and smiled. I smiled for her sake and waved back as I passed her but my smile shrunk away after she was gone. Like with what happened to my friends, Golden Rosa's husband was still around and with his wife gone he took care of their children without her. At least he still has their kids, though I have to wonder if the fusion of Pony and Human DNA will allow for them to outlive him? It'd be terrible if they only lived as long as their mother! === Deleted scene 2 --= This bit took place when Jacob was editing his story in his room after taking Rarity and Twilight's horns back to his room. --= On Earth there were already two different forms of entertainment based off of the various stories floating and the documentary that fangirl had made about me before, during, and after the Canterlot battle. There was an anime, and a movie. The movie stunk (though the special effects were pretty cool), and the Anime was done furry-harem-style, meaning that the girls had been turned anthropomorphic, and all of them had a love interest in the character representing me, and the 'me' had no idea that they had affection for him. Except for Golden Rosa, who, ironically, was not quite as bad as she had been in real life. They made her more flirty rather than having her try to get him in bed with her at every meeting. It might have been entertaining if I had not lived the real version of it and knew better. Trxie never made an appearance in the Anime, and stayed a kid throughout the entire movie. === Deleted scene 3 --= I felt that this information was revealed too quickly, and cut it. This was part of the 'no longer chapter 2 and 3' --= “Jacob, can I ask you something?” I nodded. “Have you ever eaten an entire pepper before? Not just the juice?” I nodded. “Of course! The juice is good, but-” She placed a hand over my mouth and I raised an eyebrow. “Don't let my boss know that. Or anyone.” “Hmm?” She removed her hand from my mouth. “Why not?” “We don't eat plants. At all. None of us do.” I furrowed my brow, not understanding. “We only eat meat, Jacob.” My eyes widened. That would definitely explain why they're struggling with food in a jungle-world! Jungles back home are filled with edible plants, but if we were unable to eat plants, we'd be starving too! They're predators! Seeing the realization on my face, she nodded, her expression very serious. “Most of my people consider every specie that does not also eat only meat to be 'unworthy', regardless of intelligence, and treat them as food. If others found out that your race could also eat plants, they'd consider you as 'less than Human' and would try to eat your race too, regardless of how similar we look.” === Rejected scene 4 --= I was going to have this one run along the same lines as Last Mage did, but if I did that then it would not in the end follow along the lines of the story I had in mind already. That and my infamous 'wrongess' feeling was eating at me again. --= Twilight Sparkle headed for her library, her mind whirling from what the no-fangs Human had told her. Most of it was probably untrue (Flying machines and horseless carriages! Ha!), but there were some parts that she simply could not explain away. One of which being how he knew that it had been her and her five friends (by name and description, no less!) that had defeated Nightmare Moon and restored Luna to her true self. The Humans had not started invading Equestria until a year after that, and none of them ever seemed interested in them other than in hunting them. Twilight's stomach felt like it had twisted into a knot at the thought as she opened the door to her home and trotted to her writing desk without bothering to close the door behind her. Friendly or not, the Princesses should be told that he's here if for no other reason than to study him. When she finished writing up the note she trotted back out of her home and shut the door before she headed over to the postal office. Spike had chosen to stay behind in case of an emergency while Twilight interrogated the Human that had come with Fluttershy, and if her note were to get to them in short order, she would need his fire. Twilight walked into a room that had a line forming in front of Spike, who was breathing out flame every ten seconds, the colors alternating with every other letter as he sent them to with exception to green because that was reserved for letters (or objects) to be delivered to the royal palace. Feeling impatient but acknowledging that the she was not the only filly in the world and that it would only take a minute tops for her to get her turn, Twilight waited patiently and then told Spike, who looked like he was half asleep that it was to go to Celestia or Luna. Spike nodded blankly and torched the letter, then blinked and looked up at her. “Oh! Hi, Twilight! So how did the interrogation go?” “I'm not sure. He seems to be who Fluttershy claimed he was, meaning he's different from what little we've heard about Humans, but I'm not sure how much more other than that to believe.” Twilight stepped out of the line and the next pony walked forward. “Manehatten, please!” Spike nodded and and burned away her letter too. The pony stepped out of the line and headed back out of the building. “For the way he tells why he's here, I get the feeling that though he's telling the truth he's hiding something, and I think I know what it might be. I think he's trying to keep secret how he's able to use magic. There were times where he slipped and said he needed- something in order to use magic, but Fluttershy did not know what it was, and he always caught himself before he gave away whatever it was. I'm hoping that Celestia or maybe Luna will be able to get more out of him.” She took a new breath. “Some of what he said disturbed me, too. Apparently he's from a world where all of us living here in town right now have died of old age. The look in his eyes and the sound of his voice say to me that he believes what he's saying, but then he also claimed that Trixie, yes, 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' and he were students that were taught by princess Luna!” Spike stared at her in disbelief. “Maybe he's just an insane Human of a different breed?” Spike suggested. “There are four different breeds of ponies if you include the princesses, so-” Spike suddenly belched out a letter of the same green flames he'd sent Twilight's letter with. Twilight caught it with her magic and opened it, skimming the words briefly before rolling it back up and swallowing hard. “Princess Luna is coming here and will arrive within the hour!” Twilight announced louder than she needed to. Other nearby ponies gasped and dropped their letters and ran out of the building to clean up their homes in case she paid them a visit. === Rejected scenes 5 --= Decided to have him go after Rarity first. He'd already lost one friend, was not going to lose two in the same night. --= walked back to the cage where the ponies were being held. Several guards ran by me as I trudged along, all of them ignoring me. Though grief clouded much of my mind I was still possessed the presence of mind to conceal the horns from plain sight and slid Rarity's horn into the boot that had once held the long knife. Twilight’s I returned to the backpack. Opening the door to the pony cage was simple enough (I lifted the door off its hinges). Getting the truthful answer out of my mouth when they asked where Rainbow Dash was proved to be more than a bit much for me, so I shook my head wordlessly. “I see.” The first of the adult ponies that had spoken to me said. “And the breeding pen ponies?” “I have not found them yet. Do you think you can get out of your own alright?” The ponies looked at one another, then looked around at their surroundings hesitantly. “I'll take that as a 'no'. Fine then, we'll all have to go, then.” I turned to the green pony. “What's your name?” He had what seemed to be several frosted sugar cookies in various shapes for a Cutie Mark. “Iced Tree.” For a moment I forgot my sorrow and nearly chuckled at his name, but there were more serious matters at hand and I suppressed my humor. “You said that you knew where she was. Can you lead us there?” He hesitated, then nodded. “I can, but what about the guards?” “Now that I'm here, you don't have to worry about them anymore.” Ice Tree looked doubtful, as did many of the other ponies, but they still followed behind myself and Iced Tree through the encampment. As Iced Tree had feared we ran into several patrolmen that drew weapons on sight and ran at us calling me a crazy old fool as well as several other insults. For the first pair I stamped a foot on the ground and brought a short wall of earth up under their next step and popped their leg out of joint at the knees (Or at least that was my intention. There might have been some additional damage). When they tried to attack us even after that I broke the blades of their weapons from the hilts and left them with no weapons other than their fingernails and teeth. When the fools still tried to attack us even after that they received several hoofs to the head until they were either unconscious, or perhaps dead. The second pair was a little smarter. When they saw that the prisoners were loose they looked at each other, and then reached for a small horn attached to their waists. “Naughty naughty!” I scolded, pulled it from their hands with telekinesis. They gaped at me as their horns floated through the air to my open hands. “It's you!” One of them exclaimed loudly. “Those guys were telling the truth! You do use magic!” “Give yourself a pat on the back, detective.” I said, deadpan toned. “Good night.” I knocked them out with a sleep spell. The largest (and last) encounter we had at the armory itself. The remaining fifteen patrolmen (most of them looking like civilians who'd just come back from a Renaissance fair) were in the process of arming themselves to search out whomever had killed the butcher. “Look for anyone you don't recognize. Nothing shatters a door into splinters like that, so there's a good chance that a Unicorn has sneaked in. Make sure that it doesn't leave!” “Um, excuse me!” I called from behind them. They turned and stared at us. “We're looking for the breeding pens. Any chance you could tell us where they are?” “Old man, I knew you were a kook, but I never thought you'd be nuts enough to let the ponies loose!” Old man again. I frowned. My emotions were starting to turn themselves back on again, Rejected scenes 6 --= Just didn't like it. --= Applejack followed along behind the group of Humans at what she believed to be a safe distance. She didn't know if she trusted this Human that the princess and Fluttershy seemed to, but Celestia had never been wrong before, and more importantly he did try to rescue Rainbow Dash and had rescued Rarity and several others, which was something she didn't have the opportunity to do. It ate at her that she'd been forced to leave one of her best friends behind so she could escape, even if it was for a greater good, though whether it really had been or not she was fiercely debating. “What good is tryin' to save a kingdom if'n ah can't even save mah own friends?!” She whispered through gritted teeth. “This man is a stranger! The way he looked at me said he knew me and knew me well, but ah've never seen him 'afore in my life!” After he'd left with the raiders earlier her first thought was that he'd joined the opposing side, but her instinct about folk kept telling her otherwise. There were some ponies that were unreadable, but this two-leg wasn't one of them. === Rejected scene 6 --= I didn't feel like goin through the whole situation of how he'd kill it since it was probably just too dang big unless I wanted to have him kill it Gears of War 2 style and take out it's heart(s) from the inside. --= this time by gasps as not a blue bear, but a pink monster knocked the rest of the trees over. “Dear Maker!!!” I exclaimed, my legs feeling weak and the rest of me frozen in place. I had seen a young Ursa Minor once when I was younger, and I had been astounded at its size. But I'd never seen an Ursa Major before, and I found that seeing one in person defied all description save one, however- I don't think that huge is an accurate enough word!- It was gigantic. You know those big monsters that you ran around in during that Rampage game? Try bigger. The trees were tall, but this more than two thirds of this thing's body stood above the treetops. “I suddenly wish I had my staff...” I muttered as it growled at us and took another step forward. I swallowed hard and tried to recall anything that might help me in this situation. There were a few, but for them to work I'd have to get extremely lucky, and my luck had been about average for the last few years. The beast took another step forward, looked down at us, and bared its teeth. That did it for the Hunter-Humans and they turned and ran away from it, scattering. It was all I could do not to do the same, though it was more out of a sense of 'you'll never make it' than courage. “What I wouldn’t give for a small nuke!” I lifted myself into the air, dodging the thicker tree branches and getting spiderwebs in my hair until I pushed up through the top of the trees and could look down at the creature. Up and up and up I flew until at last I was above its head. It's eyes focused on me and it growled, the small amount (in comparison to how much it probably could hold in its lungs) of breath it used blowing me backward like the winds of a tropical storm. I tumbled for a bit, and then righted myself and against my better judgment flew in closer again. --------------------- Yeah, only deleted and rejected bits. I know I haven't posted anything new in awhile, I'm hoping this will work as a tide-you-over until I finish the next chapter.