//------------------------------// // Final battle // Story: To The End // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Chapter 9 Cole and Link backed into a corner of the room. The beast slowly walking towards them, fist raised. Link looked at Cole, desperation in his eyes, "Cole, what do we do?" A loud growl came from a corridor beside the beast. The beast stopped its advance, but looked at Cole and Link with a hunger. A Dark one came out of the corridor, but this one was a smart one, a introl. It reached up to its throat and turned a nob, "Ahh, I see you've meet our little pet." Link looked at the Dark one, "What is that thing?" The introl laughed evilly, "This is a bigger and smarter Phog." Link looked confused, "What the hell is a Phog?" The introl looked unhappy at the question, "You ponies are all the same, stupid. A Phog is the biggest of us, the dumb and tough ones. Does that answer your damn question?" Link's face went from confusion to anger in an instant, "Who the hell are you calling stupid?" The introl looked amused, "Oh, so I take it as your the stupid one of your group." Link took a step forwards, but Cole, who had not moved since they had been cornered, put up his hoof and stopped Link, "No Link, that's what he wants, to separate us. Just stay next to me and we may live to see the moon again." The introl looked at Cole, "Wait a minute, your that damn pony who killed my scout a few days ago." The introl laughed, "So your the pony we was looking for." Cole looked confused, "What?" The introl raised its hand, but instead of a weapon built into it, it held a device, "I will take the pleasure in killing you, by blowing your brains on your friend there." He laughed and aimed the device at Cole, it started to glow at the end. Then their was a sound of meat and metal being cut. Cole looked at the introl, who was standing there in shock. "What..?" It said with a weak voice. Flash landed next to Cole, her sword in her mouth already bloody. Cole almost jumped, "Flash! What are you doing here?" She looked like she had flown for miles, "I couldn't sit around and wait for you to die. You can say what you want, but I'm not leaving you." Cole shook his head, "No, Flash get out of here." The introl fell to the ground in two pieces, it looked up, eyes filled with fury, "KILL THEM! KILL THEM NOW!" The beast roared in rage and moved forward. Cole and the others looked at it in shock, "MOVE!" Yelled Cole. They all jumped in the air and flew above it. The beast brought its fist down on where they just were. The introl looked over to its side at the machines, and it pointed to them, "THEY PLANTED A BOMB! DESTROY IT!" Link came down crushed its head with his right hoof, "Who's stupid now, huh." The beast looked at the large machines and roar, now knowing their plans. Cole flew above its head, "Don't let it stop that bomb. Its our only hope." The beast swiped its hand up and barely missed Cole. Link flew in front of machine and raised his sword, "Come and try it you over sized bitch." Cole flew down on its back and brought his sword down on its neck and twisted it. Blood poured out of the wound, but it didn't even phase the beast. Its hand came up fast and swiped Cole against the wall. Cole hit the wall and slide down it to the ground. He looked up, eyes blurry from the impact. He saw Link take a swing at the beast, taking off one of its over sized fingers. All it did was make it madder and kick Link, who flew through the caves wall. Flash flew by and swiped her sword from side to side, taking off large amounts of skin and muscles. It roared in pain and rage, it brought up its hand, slamming into Flash and sending her up towards the roof. She hit it and fell to the ground, trying to stand as it neared her. Cole tried to stand, but fell back down, his right hoof was broken. He looked on in defeat as it neared his lover, there was nothing he could do. Then he heard a voice in his head, 'The bracelet Cole, use the bracelet.' His eyes opened wide and he looked at his hoof, yes the bracelet was their. He remembered what Necro had told him, just point and will it to fire. He raised his hoof weakly and aimed it at the beast, he willed it to fire with all his remaining strength. The bracelet heated up and fired out a beam. The beam traveled towards the beast, and slammed into its torso. The beast screamed at the pain coming from the huge hole where its stomach use to be. Cole smiled as the beast fell back, gasping for air. Cole slumped back down and felt Flash wrap her hooves around him, "Cole are you okay?" He smiled weakly, "Of course, now please get Link out of here, I'll be behind you." She shook her head, "No, we all leave together or not at all." Cole rubbed her mane, "Flash, I don't think Link can walk, I'm not even sure hes awake from that hit. Now get him out of here, I promise I'll be behind you." She let a tear fall out of her eye, knowing he was trying to save his friends and not him self. He kissed her, "Go now, and hurry. Link needs you right now." She shook her head, and flew towards Link. She lifted him up on her back and looked at Cole, "Be behind me, please." "I will my love." She jumped up and flew out of the room and towards the surface. Cole tried to fly also, but didn't have the energy for it. He stood and almost screamed in pain as he put his broken hoof down. He slowly made his way towards the hall that lead out of here. As he neared it, he felt a heavy object hit him in the side. He slammed against a wall and saw a Phog standing where he had, holding a pipe in its hand. It walked forward, pipe raised. Cole aimed his hoof at it and fired a beam at it, sending it flying towards the wall on the other side of the room, its top half missing. Cole could no longer move, all his strength used to the point that even breathing was a struggle. He lay there, knowing he was going to die. He felt at piece, almost. The thought of Flash brought tears to his eyes, he wouldn't be able to live a happy life with her now. As he lay there, accepting death, a blur flew past him and something picked him up. He felt himself moving at a high speed. There was a loud explosion behind him, but it was far off. His mind was not working right under the amount of pain he was in. Soon he felt him self being lower to the ground and the sounds of voices around him. He opened his eyes and his vision slowly returned. There was Nightblades around him, all looking worried. A Nightblade stepped forward, a unicorn that was a medic for them all. His horn glowed and Cole felt his bones popping and his skin started tingling. The Nightblade medic stepped back, "There we go, he should be healed now. Just don't try to do a lot of heavy lifting for a day or two." Cole slowly stood, feeling better, "Who saved me?" But he already knew the answer. Flash stepped forwards and hugged him, "I did, I knew you wouldn't be able to follow, so I went back for you as soon as I dropped Link off here." Cole looked around, there was Dark ones and Nightblades covering the ground, a bloody mess. "How did we beat the Dark ones?" A grey Pegasus stepped forwards, Blend, "We don't know, the Dark ones just fell over at the same time, they aren't dead, just in a kind of sleep or something. We are walking around and finishing them off." Cole smiled, so it had worked. He pulled back from Flashes embrace, and kissed her, "Thank you Flash, I knew I could count on you." She smiled, "What would you do without me." Link walked up with his brother, "Hey, remember my brother Blaze, right." Cole smiled happily, "Of course I do. Hey Blaze." Blaze raised his hoof and Cole raised his, they slammed their hooves together. "How ya been Cole?" He said in his relaxed voice. "You know, surviving, getting put on the brink of death, the usual stuff." Blaze laughed, "That's the Cole I remember." Blaze was a light black Pegasus, like Link. His mane and tail was also black, and his cutie mark was a skull with two bones crossed behind it, and also a feature on either side. "Where's Blitz?" Asked the second in command Nightblade, Fade. "He didn't make it." Cole said with sadness in his voice, he had known Blitz since the beginning of his training. Fade looked down, "That means I'm in charge, I always wanted to be the leader, but not this way." Blaze put his hoof on his shoulder, "Don't worry, just because hes dead doesn't mean you won't be a great leader. Now lead us back to HQ to be greeted by the Princess." Fade smiled a little, "I guess your right." He turned and looked at the other Nightblades, already awaiting their next order. "Everypony, back to HQ." They all began the hour walk back to the HQ. Flash's head on Cole's shoulder the whole time. Once they where at the base, Cole felt like just going to his room and falling asleep. The crowd of Nightblades all walked into the bunker and began the descend to the main bunker. As they all walked into the main room where the Princess holds all mass meetings, the Princess wasn't on the thrown. Instead sat something that made every Nightblade jump back in horror and raise their swords. Because, in the thrown sat Nightmare Moon, a big smile on her face. "Well its good to see all my wonderful Nightblades back safe and sound." She laughed with a evil tone. Fade stood tall, "Nightmare Moon, we should have known you would wait for us to leave the base to take over Princess Luna, you coward." Nightmare Moon laughed, "Why wouldn't I? Its so much funner this way." Cole looked stunned but found his voice, "Where is everypony that was here. What did you do to them." She smiled evilly, "I haven't done anything to them, all I've done is kill all the ponies that posed a real threat to me." A dark brown Pegasus flew towards her, "YOU BITCH!" She laughed and the Pegasus was blown into pieces. She looked at the crowd of Nightblades, "You see what happens when you try to fight me, instant death." She smiled and a pony who was backing away stopped and flew into the air, "And where are you going." The pony was ripped in half by an unseen force, his guts and insides falling to the floor. The Nightblades looked in horror as the pony was killed with no effort. "Drop your swords and I will allow you to live for now. Don't and you will suffer the same fate as the last two." Every Nightblade looked at each other and dropped their swords, knowing they stood no chance. She smiled, "Great, you have earned your selves some more time to enjoy what life you have left. Now, I'm off to have a little fun with the ponies outside of those walls, I will be back for you when I'm done with them. Enjoy." She laughed loudly and disappeared. The Nightblades looked at each other in worry. "What are we going to do now, Nightmare Moon is back and we have no way to stop her with out the scientist." Fade said while he slumped to the ground. Cole looked around and sighed, was there ever going to be a time to rest and enjoy life. Fade stood, regaining his composure, "Come on Nightblades, we don't have time to stand around and think about what may happen. We need to take action." The Nightblades all cheered half heartily. Cole stood, Flash by his side. He felt like he could take on the world with her at his side, and he may have to do it sooner or later.