Equestria: A Flux Tale

by Star Sage

Flux Court

“I tell ya yer 'onor, that varmit dun stoled mah lively ood!” shouted the stallion again, and across from him, as had been going on for the last five minutes, a mare who looked every bit as old as he, shouted back. The two, both earth ponies, one a white stallion, and the other a dark blue mare, had been third on the docket for you. And after sorting out two relatively minor disputes you'd figured it would go quick with these two. That had been over four hours ago.

“I have done nothing of the sort you ruffian. I merely moved the stone markers you moved back to where they belonged!” countered the mare, and you again wished you had the inclination to just snuff the pair out, or maybe pull an Agent Smith and make their mouths vanish for a moment or two, as they started physically throwing things at each other, finally necessitating that you intervene, lest they hurt somepony.

“ENOUGH!!!” you cry out, using your power to generate a holding field on both of them, while your voice echoes out around the chamber.

“The two of your are acting like foals, and that will not be tolerated,” you told them, your voice turning back to normal as you rose from your chair. It wasn't a throne, since you weren't a Prince, but it was still fairly fancy, with gold inlays and a few swirled patterns on the back. It fit nicely with the golden armor you wore.

“I have reach a decision about your lands an hour ago, and you agreed to abide by my decision, correct?” you tell them, releasing their necks just long enough for them to give you a slight nod.

“Excellent. Then I shall have the guard give you each a sack of special seeds to spread at the edges of your lands. These seeds are of a special plant, one that takes time and care to harvest, and I expect the two of you to not only plant them, but to replace the seeds I'm giving you, which are both two pony jobs, do you understand?” you told them, letting a cold hard edge creep into your voice. This time you release them completely, and they fall to the ground, slowly rising back up, and then quickly nodding, before darting off.

“Spitfire, please instruct the guards to give them each a sack of seeds marked with the scorpion tail from the royal reserves. Then make sure they know that we expect them to harvest at least twice as many seeds in return,” you order, and Spitfire nods, darting off, while Dash and Soarin move closer to the throne to stand beside you.

“Major Domo, might I hear the next docket?” you ask of the pony standing off to the side. Apparently he'd been amused by your little display, quickly reading off another pair of names, with two from the crowd in front of the dais stepping forward. Luckily, their problem was easy, just a dispute over a river you cleared up with a word. After that, no other dockets remained.

“I thus declare the First Flux Court closed. If any wish to speak privately to me, please do so through the guards,” you say, mimic something you remember hearing Luna once say after a Night Court. You then rise once more from your throne, your guards gathering around you.

“A little harsh with those farm ponies, weren't you? I mean, they were annoying and all, but you could have just told them to get over themselves,” commented Dash as you exited through the side door.

“Not harsh enough if you ask me. If they'd bothered listening to each other, those two would have realized that a manticore was the cause of most of their troubles. Thing had its home taken over by a hydra, and decided their farms were good grazing ground. Instead of joining together though, they let a few family grudges get in the way of helping each other,” you explain your new senses having given you a good view of what was going on, sort of like a slide show in your head.

“So I'm guessing the seeds are something to ward the manticore off?” asks Spitfire as she hovers beside you, and you nod.

“It's Mantibane flowers. Hopefully working together to plant and harvest those flowers will bring them closer together, and maybe keep them from fighting anymore,” you explain, grabbing the bridge of your nose between your thumb and finger and rubbing it, trying to make the slight migraine you had go away. None of the bolts said anything more, as you stalked through the castle, guards saluting your group as you passed.

Finally, after climbing uncountable stairs, you arrived at your room, and waved the pegasi away. The three seemed ready to protest for a moment, as if they thought they should be sleeping in your room from now on, but they didn't. Instead, Spitfire and her squad bowed, wished you a good night, and then flew off through an open window to their squat barracks in the distance. Sighing, you opened the door to your room.

“Finally. I was beginning to think you wouldn't ever finish with that silly Court,” said a familiar voice, sitting at a table, already set up with two dishes for you and her. Octavia, her face positively radiant in the candle light, smiled at you, as you stood there, flabbergasted, you mouth hanged open.

“Heh, now come on, don't just stand there. It took a lot of skill to make a meal we could both enjoy, and I won't have it going to waste,” she told you, and almost automatically, you obeyed, closing the door gently behind you, as you walked over to the small table. On it was a simple meal. Pasta, a loaf of bread, and a few other things. Interestingly, it was still warm, as if she'd just finished making it, and you idly picked up your fork, grateful for the meal.

“Are you going to go back to your house with Vinyl in the dark? I thought you hated Canterlot streets at night,” you tell her, remembering an old conversation you two had had when you'd first moved into the city. It wasn't that Octavia was scared of the dark or anything, but the night felt oppressive to her, and she rarely liked to travel in it.

“No, I talked it over with Vinyl and the Princesses. I'm...I'm not ever going back to that house. Instead I'm going to be staying with you, here in the palace,” she said, and you stop mid chew to stare at her. The two of you had discussed this of course. You loved her, she loved you, what more did you need? But moving in together. Well, you were at the palace all the time, the center of attention because of who you were. It was a bit much.

More, she had her own life to live. She loved it too. She loved the music, she loved her bandmates, all of them. Not in the same way as you obviously, but still. She loved Vinyl too. This had to have been hard. She'd stayed with the white unicorn for so long, it was likely heart wrenching to leave her, and yet she didn't seem to show any lack of resolve, as she sipped at a glass of clear liquid, probably some kind of wine.

“Are you sure about this?” you asked at last, not sure what else to say.

“No, not at all. But I am sure about one thing. I've been keeping you at a distance, because I didn't want to smother you, or to make you into some pet or the like. However, I almost lost you. You...you died on me once, and if that happens again, I don't know how I'd feel about that. So I'm not ever going to leave you alone again,” she said, her voice dripping with conviction as she stared at you across through the candle's flame.

“Not to say I'll always be there. I have my own life, and I know you do as well, but from now one, when I go to sleep at night, I want to look across and see your face. And when I wake up, I want you to be right there beside me,” she said simply, and the matter was settled.

The two of you discussed a few things of course. How her work would take her away from Canterlot sometimes. Yours too probably, considering you knew Celestia and Luna sometimes made Court visits to other parts of Equestria. You brought up Vinyl only once, but Octavia seemed to think she'd be fine, and you let that matter drop.

Finally the candle's wick melted down to the last bit of wax, and it went out with a puff, creating an interesting rainbow burst of light. That brought a smile to both your lips as you rose, and helped her out of her seat. Walking towards the bed, you imagined your clothing, the golden armor, away, and instead went with a simple sleeping outfit, while Octavia grabbed a nightcap from somewhere, and set her bowtie on the nightstand beside the bed.

Then you climbed into bed. Together. This was new, but not unpleasant, territory. Luckily, you knew the way the ponies thought of this sort of thing. After all, Vinyl and Octavia shared a bed, and weren't considered weird for it. Still, it nearly made you jump our of your skin as she snuggled up next to you, her warm fur pressing itself into your pajamas, making you slightly hot under the collar.

Almost instantly, she was asleep. Her body just sort of shut down, and you could feel her regular breathing on your chest. Smiling, you kissed the top of her head, before closing your eyes, and trying to will yourself to sleep. It oddly, enough worked. You thought anyway, as the Void closed up over you, and everything was consumed by the nothingness.

The Void trembled again, as it had don the previous night. It was like something was pressing against the walls of it, trying to break in. Your thoughts however, only perceived it peripherally. Your mind didn't work here, not as it should, and so you thought nothing, knew nothing, and simply floated as the force on the other side of the Void tried to intrude.

Then it was over. You were awake, and again, you conciousness started to expand. Your sphere of awareness was quick to find the existence known as Luna standing over you, her mind pressing against yours. This time the command of her voice wasn't necessary, as your eyes flew open, and you stared into the limped pools of moonlight on her face, which filled your being, and reduced yourself to just your own body.

“Ugh, how long do you think that will be necessary?” you asked as you rubbed your temples, trying to get the pounding in your head under control.

“Our children sometimes require it for a few years. Considering your own control over your powers is quite advanced compared to theirs already though, I expect you to cease to need it in a few weeks,” she tells you, leaping off your bed. Getting up yourself, you turn to find Octavia still sound asleep beside you, and rather than wake her, you move towards the table and start setting out plates.

“Would you like to join us for the morning meal?” you ask Luna, who smiles warmly at you as she walks over to the door.

“I would, but my sister and I have much to do today. We do request that you make your way to the Professor's lab once you're done, however,” she tells you, before exiting. Nodding, wondering what you'll get poked with today, you will your clothing to change, this time into something a bit more upscale than your clothing before, a suit, business style, with some light blue colors.

Dressed, you turn back towards the table, and wonder idly what to make for yourself and Octavia. She'd cooked last night after all. A few dishes come to mind, but you dismiss most of them, as things you doubt Octavia could eat. Finally you decide on just some pancakes, remembering the Professor's from the Apple farm all those months ago, and making a small stack on both plates with a thought.

“Cheater,” comes a voice, and you turn to find Octavia grinning at you as she climbs out of bed. Her mane is slightly mussed, but you smile back at her, and will it towards the shape it usually is, before you pull out the chair for her, and let her sit down. Joining her, the two of you eat in silence, just the clicking of plates and glasses filling the air as you prepare for a new day.