Test of Loyalty

by FriendlyFire

My dear friend


I sat on top a cloud hovering over the Canterlot Castle, staring at my hidden blade. It has a golden blade; a gift for completing my jobs. And now... I have to stain this golden blade with the blood of a dear friend. One of my best friends. Twilight Sparkle. Why is beyond my understanding. But it'd be nice to know why I have to assassinate the princess of friendship. It doesn't make sense! Twilight isn't a Templar, nor are there any around her. Twilight isn't even a threat for Celestia's sake! Why do they want her dead?! I punched the tip of the cloud off and watched it fall and evaporate before hitting the ground. A tear ran down my face. It's not like I can refuse the contract. Even if I did, they'd send somepony else to kill her. At least this way, I can assure her a painless death. I could slit her throat in her sleep, poison her...wait. What am I thinking?! I can't kill her! I won't kill her!...But if I protect her...they'll kill me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my five friends exiting the castle. They were laughing. They were happy. If they found out assassins were coming for me and her, they'd stay and help... And we'll all die together. Twilight's guards would be dead before they saw any danger. There is no way out of this... To assure the safety of my friends... I have to murder our dearest... best-friend. I closed my eyes when they filled with tears. I wiped my eyes with my right wing, took a deep breath, and glided down to my friends.

"There you are! We were wondering where you went... What happened?!" Twilight asked me when seeing my bandage around my right front leg. Everypony was looking at me. I wrapped a bandage around my leg so nopony saw my hidden blade.
"I uhhh...scratched my leg on a nail going to the bathroom. Looked pretty bad, so I saw a nurse. I didn't want you guys to worry." I lied through my fake smile. Everypony said "Oh" and smiled. Everypony, except Applejack. She was glaring at me, seeing through my fake smile. Of coarse it's obvious that the element of honesty could see a lie a mile away. But this was the first time she has seen one of mine.
Ponies started talking and walking. We were heading towards a Colosseum. Probably to see the Wonderbolts. Time to put on my fan girl act and act crazy for the Wonderbolts. But before I could do anything...
"I saw you jump out the window..." Applejack said in a hush tone as she walked beside me. My eyes grew wide and I looked upon the ponies in front of us. They were talking and having a good time. They weren't paying attention to us.
"So? I wanted fresh air." I told Aj.
"What about them bandages?"
"Thorn bush."
"What about the white robes?" Aj asked. I stopped. Aj stopped and looked back at me. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and flew past her about an inch from the ground.
"S-So! I like white."
"What about them murders?" Aj said. I stopped completely. More shocked than ever. I turned around and looked at Aj who didn't move an inch. Aj walked forward saying:
"I know what you are. What you do." Aj stopped a foot in front of me.
"My parent's were part of the creed too. Then they failed." Aj said looking into my eyes. I looked back, listening to what I have heard before.
"If you don't stop, you'll be killed. Or you might have ta kill somepony ya love." Aj said. I immediately thought of Twilight. I looked back at Applejack.
"You... I..." I tried speaking. Then I looked down at the ground. I thought about Twilight and the other assassins I have known to die. I looked back up at Applejack, wondering why I joined in the first place.
"I'm on my last contract. Don't worry." I answered Aj as I turned around.
"C'mon. Let's catch up to our friends." I said as I started walking.
"It's one of us, ain't it?" Aj said. I stopped and stood there for a while.
"I'm not killing anypony no more. But I will do what I must to keep us safe." I said as I continued to walk. Knowing I've sealed my fate. I knew the assassin in the alleyway was eavesdropping.

I sat behind Twilight while Applejack took her seat next to Rarity.
"There you two are. Where were you?" Twilight asked, looking back at me.
"We were looking for snacks." I once again lied.
"They were kissing." Pinkie Pie whispered to Fluttershy.
"W-What?" Fluttershy asked in her quiet tone.
"Oh. Where are they?" Twilight asked. I was glaring at the back of Pinkie's head. I was trained to hear whispers.
"I'd ship them." Pinkie whispered back at Fluttershy.
"Huh?" Fluttershy asked. I flared my nostrils at Pinkie and I continued to glare.
"We couldn't find any." I answered Twilight without taking my eyes off Pinkie. But out of the corner of my eye I saw an assassin across the field of flying Wonderbolts. He aimed a crossbow towards Twilight. I acted fast.
"What's that?!" I yelled as I pointed at the ground a pushing Twilight's head down.An arrow shot into Twilight's seat, an inch above her head. Applejack turned around and saw me pull the arrow out of Twilight's seat and hide it behind my back.
"What?!" Twilight asked, looking around at the floor. Then she looked back at me puzzled. I smiled and said:
"Never mind. I thought I saw something." I said.
"Oh. OK." Was Twilight's reply as she turned back around and watched the show.

The Wonderbolt show lasted for another hour. Assassin's kept trying to attack Twilight. Luckily I stopped them without Twilight noticing. As far as she is concerned, she was never in danger. Even Applejack stopped an assassin by throwing an apple.
Everypony has gone to bed except me, Twilight, and Applejack. There was no choice; I had to tell them the whole thing. I just got done telling Twilight and Applejack the whole story.
"We have to leave to PonyVille early in the morning. There are still some good assassins there." I told them.
"But what happens then? Are ya just going to keep fight'in the assassins forever?" Applejack asked.
"I think there's something wrong with the elder assassin. There is absolutely no reason to kill Twilight. Once we defend Twilight in Ponyville, Octavias will travel and overthrow the elder pony." I responded.
"We'll figure this out in the morning. Let's get rest. Sounds like we'll have a very busy day. My royal guards will watch over us during the night." Twilight said.
"They won't last. Send them home. I'll watch over us during the night." I told Twilight.
"But..." Twilight began.
"She's right sugar cube. Guards are no match for assassins." Applejack backed me up.
"How do you know so much about the assassins?" I asked.
"Before my parents died, they taught me about the creed. They even wanted me ta join, but I didn't want any part in it." Applejack answered.
"Your parents were assassins?!" Twilight asked in shock.
"Another time. Let's go to bed, she can handle it." Aj told Twilight. Twilight looked at me with a worried look.
"OK." She said as they walked away. Twilight told her guards to go home before her and Aj went to bed.

I stayed up all night. Patrolling the hallway to my friends bed chambers. Occasionally flying to Twilight's room making sure she is still alive. Pinkie Pie scared the rainbow out of my mane by acting like a ghost. But I made her go back to bed and kept patrolling. Out of that whole night of patrolling, I saw not one assassin. Thought I saw that white pony in the suit again pinning paper to a tree, but it disappeared. As the sun came up I was exhausted. I was so very tiered. But I was also worried. Why weren't there any assassins? But now it is morning, my friends will be waking up soon, and now... I have no energy to protect them.