Lost Cause

by guitarguyjoe

Chapter 1: A Shadow's Place

I am walking through this cheerful town, searching for a hotel or a house for rent. All I could find though was a nice park.
Not that I could afford a room or house for that matter. I ran out of money in Manehatten trying to stay there. The landlord kicked me out the instant he heard I lost my job as a greeter at Stal-mart.
I left the city trying to find somewhere cheap to live. And now here I am.
Next on my list was to find a job so I could get a place to stay. I searched the town over and the only job I found was a male model at a boutique. This particular shop was in the shape of a carousel, hence the name Carousel Boutique.
As I enter the shop a little bell sounds off and I hear an enchanting voice from another room. "Just a minute" the voice called. I looked at the many dresses around as I waited. Many of them were exceptionally fashionable, even by Manehatten standards.
I hear the opening a door causing me to look at the source. I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing in the doorway was a white coated mare with a curled purple mane and sapphire eyes that would put anypony in a trance.
"Can I help you dear" says the marvelous mare.
I am suddenly snapped back to reality as I remember why I am here. "Yes, I am here for the job opening."
The mare looks me over. "Hmm" she hums. She begins walking around me. "You have good posture and a decent frame. But your much to skinny and-" she sniffs "Sweet Celestial you need a shower!"
I am blushing furiously. "Well I don't exactly have the luxuries of food and hot water."
She then looks at me in shock "You mean you are homeless." I nod. "Then we'll have to fix that. Go upstairs and take a shower. After which you will come back down for dinner."
I look at her quizzically. "Maam, are you really offering me a meal and shower."
"Of course deary. Nopony should have to go so long without some comfort. The bathroom is the second door on the right. Be sure to knock to make sure Sweetiebelle isn't in there."
I am dumbfounded. I only knew this mare for two minutes and she is offering me food and a shower. I think I may have hit the jackpot in coming to this town.