//------------------------------// // Tombra: A Love Story // Story: Ramblings of An Angry God // by alexmagnet //------------------------------// Tom the Rock, as his name would suggest, was in fact... a rock. But not just any rock, mind you, a rockstar. Well, not perhaps in the traditional sense, but if you apply a broader definition then you would find that Tom fit rather nicely into it. Now, you may be asking yourself what made Tom the Rock into Tom the Rockstar, and you may also be wondering where exactly the disgraced despot King Sombra comes into all of this. Well, my children, that is where our story begins. It all started nearly a year ago when our hero (at the time he was just Tom the Rock and not yet Tom the Rockstar) was unceremoniously dumped by his then-girlfriend, Rarity. Apparently, she had thought he was a diamond due to some mental illness, and upon discovering that he was not Tom the Diamond, but in fact Tom the Rock, she left him out in the cold unforgiving world all on his own. Seeing as Tom was a rock, and he didn’t know much about socializing with non-rocks (Rarity was the first time he had dated outside of the metamorphic group), he decided to head to the only place he could call home: the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Empire, he figured, would probably have lots of young precious stones looking for a sugar daddy to take care of them for the next few millennia at which point he could move on and settle down with nice hunk of slate or maybe some quartz who had stable job and a couple of kids he could act as a surrogate father to. Of course, that was his plan originally, then he met him. Sombra. Sah-mm-brah. Light of his life, fire of his loins. That’s when everything changed... The wheels of the Friendship Express squealed in protest as the train pulled into the station. Tom, with only the flint on his back to keep him warm, exited the locomotive and entered the vast city of crystal, now ruled by Princess Cadance and her husband Shining Armor. He had a hard time getting around the city. Not because he had a bad sense of direction or anything, it was more because he lacked the necessary extremities required to move about freely. He mostly relied on the good will of random passersby to kick him in the right direction as they walked by. It was nothing short of a miracle that he had even boarded the train to the Crystal Empire to begin with. After about an hour or so of this, Tom found himself no closer to his destination, which at the time was nowhere in particular. He had barely made it off the platform, and even then only because the conductor had to move him out of the way so the train could leave again. Tom was about ready to throw in the towel and head back home when he suddenly felt a dark presence envelop him. It was as if he were suddenly weightless. He was lifted high into the sky and over the crystalline city. If he had had skin (or blood for that matter) he would’ve noticed how cold the evil lifting him felt, but given that he had no sensory organs, it was more pleasant than anything. Higher and higher he flew until he had reached the top of the crystal tower in the center of the city. Upon reaching said top, he was placed rather ungracefully on the ground, then a voice spoke to him in a low rumbling tone. “Tooooooooooommmmm,” said the voice. “Toooom the Rooooooooooock!” “Yes?” replied Tom. It was odd. Formless though the voice may have been, Tom couldn’t help but feel attracted to it. It was deep and sexy, like hardened magma.