Ramblings of An Angry God

by alexmagnet

Unnamed Twixie Fic

Twixie (temp title)

        “COME ONE! COME ALL! Come and witness the AMAZING magic of THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!” The audience swooned before her, she had them eating out of the palm of her hoof... if hooves had palms anyways. Trixie dazzled the simple ponies of Ponyville with a stunning fireworks display as she made her grand entrance onto the stage. She looked around at the ponies that had gathered in front of her and in a booming voice shouted, “Watch in awe as THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE performs the most spectacular feats of magic EVER WITNESSED BY PONY EYES!” Trixie glowed with confidence, she was in her element now. In the sky she began to weave a glowing tapestry illustrating her glorious triumph over the dreaded Ursa Major. She enraptured the crowd with her story, “When all hope was lost the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to. But, The Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the EVERFREE FOREST!” At this two young colts began singing her praises.
        “That settles it,” said the shorter of the two.
        “Trixie truly is the most talented, most magical, most awesome unicorn in Ponyville,” said the other.
        “No, in all of Equestria,” retorted the shorter.
        Trixie laughed at the two, the ponies of this town were easily impressed it seemed. “It's true my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie most definitely is the best in Ponyville.” She looked into the audience and noticed that there was a small group of ponies in the front who did not seem impressed by her display. “Don't believe The Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asked them, “Well then, I hereby challenge you Ponyvillians. Anything you can do I can do better.” She knew that by putting forth this challenge there would be at least one pony who couldn't resist and would try and show her up. “Any takers? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!” More fireworks exploded around her, basking her body in their glow. Trixie looked out over the audience, scanning for a pony she could best. “Hmm, how about... you.” She said pointing at a violet unicorn who happened to be part of the group of naysayers she had noticed earlier. “Well how about it, hmm? Is there anything you can do that The Great and Powerful Trixie can't?” She stared down the unicorn with a look of smug confidence in her eyes.
        “Actually there is,” the unicorn replied. Trixie's eyebrows raised, this wasn't right. “You think you're so great and powerful do you? Well I'd like to see you do this.” Trixie looked down at Twilight who was now growing larger with each passing second. This definitely wasn't right. Twilight now towered over Trixie nearly ten times larger than her. “Not so great and powerful now are you Trixie?” Trixie's jaw dropped, this can't be right. Laughing maniacally the violet unicorn flicked a hoof at Trixie and launched her backwards through her stage. Trixie lay in a heap, her hat and cape had been torn off. The crowd that had watched her before now circled around her. The two young colts who had previously praised Trixie now laughed and pointed at her.
        “I guess Trixie really isn't the greatest unicorn in Ponyville,” said the short one.
        “Yeah, she's The Poor and Weak Trixie!” said the tall one. Trixie didn't know what to do, she just lay on the ground and looked at all the ponies who were surrounding her. They were all laughing at her and pointing their hooves at her. Her eyes began to water as she felt the confidence from before leaving her. She started crying, this isn't right. Trixie spoke quietly to herself, trying to comfort herself in the midst of all the ponies making fun of her.
        “No, it's not true. No, they're wrong. I am great and powerful.” she cried softly. The giant violet unicorn stepped over towards Trixie and joined in with the other ponies in laughing at Trixie.
        “Aww look at the Poor and Weak Trixie,” she said mocking her, “she's crying. Well I'll put her out of her misery then.” Laughing the unicorn raised one hoof in the air above Trixie, then with as much force as she could muster brought it down on the crying, timid mare.

        “Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Trixie screamed sitting straight up.