What we once called home

by Birdo

Limitless Sky

Chapter. 1 Limitless Sky
It was like any other day in the land of friendship and harmony. I speak of course of the land of Equestria. A certain orange pegasus with a purple mane flew over a ravine covered in moss.
"Can't believe this is still here," she said.
As she lowered her altitude to land she sighed in relief as she reached some water. "Man, finally some water," she said. She reached up with her hooves to remove the helmet that rested on top of her head. Her mane fell over her shoulders. She bent down to gulp down some refreshing water, and then began to remove the rest of her armor. "Man, this is what i needed." As she lowered her body into the water she closed her eyes, as thoughts of her former life came into perspective.

On the road to Sweet Apple Acres was an eager filly running as fast has her tiny hooves would carry her. Her vision was set to the sky, looking for the drifting cloud out of place. Her eyes fixated on one with a multicolored tail hanging off the side. “There you are,” she thought to herself.
"Hey Rainbow Dash!" said the excited filly as she hopped up and down. A pair of ears shot up as she stretched her body. Sitting on the cloud, she returned the greeting.
"Hiya, squirt," said the cyan pegasus with a multicolored mane. “What bring you out here to finds yours truly?”
"Remember? You said you would show me some more of your awesome moves!"
Dash had a smirk on her face as she replied. “I don't know if you’re ready," she teased as she turned around.
“Ah!! Come on, you promised!" The orange filly cried. Dash laughed as she descended towards the ground, landing near Scootaloo as her wings flared open to reveal their majesty.
“Okay, pay attention, ‘cause I move like lighting!” With that she was sky bound. "Come on!"
They arrived at a nearby ravine. Rainbow dash began to show off with some aerials flips, somersaults, a couple of barrel rolls, and zig-zagged through a couple trees, then went up to the waterfall, making a rainbow in the mist.
"Whoa!!!" cried Scootaloo.
Rainbow dash climbed high above the clouds. “And for my final feat, I will perform...” she began. Scootaloo’s wings fluttered wildly. “Pause for dramatic effect… A sonic rainboom!!”
The orange filly jumped up with excitement “YES!!!” she shouted.
Rainbow Dash nosedived faster and faster, breaching the sound barrier. Scootaloo's eyes widened but, her admiration was short-lived as a black blur collided with Rainbow. Scootaloo's eyes shoot open. Breathing heavily, she sighed.
“Man, I’ve got to get some sleep,” she said.
Ponyville, like most of Equestria, was under the rule of Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings. She had decreed that all living things be enslaved and harvested for their love, and those who opposed were dealt with without mercy. However, there stood a few ready to take up arms in the name of the greater good. As Scootaloo flew over what used to be her home, on the outskirts of Ponyville, a small barn-or what was left of it-stood. It had belonged to her friend Apple Bloom. It was known as Sweet Apple Acres. The orchard, however, stood barren, like most of the land. She landed near the entrance to the farm, hoping to find what little food still thrived.
“Man, I really miss the smell of apples,” she said, with sadness in her voice. She gathered some daises and tulips that seem to grow from the fence. “This will have to do.”
As she turned to face the path to her old Crusader Clubhouse, she could still make out the sounds of Big Mac and Applejack bucking apples in her mind.
"I wonder if..."
She began to trek the familiar trail. Scootaloo pushed bushes and debris from the path. In the distance, she made out her clubhouse from long ago.
“Whoa, can’t believe this is still here!" Making her ascension toward the front door, she felt excited and scared at the same time. She slowly placed her hoof on the door to push it, and it creaked as it let in light to reveal a dusty room. The clubhouse had sustained minor damage. A cracked board or two, and the roof leaked when it rained.
“I don't remember it being this small,” she said. She laughed. She walked over to the desk where they made their plans on obtaining their cutie marks, her mind seem to drift again ...
“Rainbow Dash!” cried Scootaloo as the young filly ascended the waterfall. She grabbed vines in each hoof so she didn’t fall to her demise. She had heard the impact of the crash and went to investigate what had happened. When she reached the top, she pulled herself up to see a clearing of falling trees and earth. She rushed over to the crater that had formed due to the impact of great power. “Rainbow!” she yelled. There was no response. She fell to the ground, her hooves covering her face as she sobbed. Loud thuds shook the earth. Scootaloo snapped back to reality and examined her surroundings. A wave of air pushed her on her back, and she saw a cyan blur collide with a black one. The impact of speed and power caused shock waves could be heard and felt throughout the land. They stopped for a few seconds to reveal Rainbow and what seemed to be a Changeling.
“That all you got?” Rainbow mocked, wiping her brow of sweat and blood. The changeling hissed, but this one was different from the ones in Canterlot. His physique was that of a large stallion, and his bat like wings span was much greater than the Alicorn sisters. Instead of hooves he had claws which gleaned in the sunlight. "HA nice manicure, wuss," mocked Rainbow. He glared and batted his wings.
“You will die by my hands, pony,” he roared, but his attention was fixed on Scootaloo. “Ah, but first a snack.” He dove towards a frightened filly.
“Hey, creep, your fight is with me!” Rainbow shouted. She put all she had into her wings as she descended, again breaking the sound barrier. She crashed into the changeling down below the ravine. There was no sound except of that of rocks tumbling off the side. Scootaloo looked over the edge of the cliff, but could not see through the dirt cloud.
"Rainbow!" she shouted. As the smoked cleared, there stood the Changeling on top on Rainbow’s limp body. Her wing had been broken and some of her ribs, he stood over her laughing.
“It will be a bright day when a mere pony beats Murdoc, lord of the damned. Now watch as I destroy everything you hold dear,” he said. He stomped on Rainbow’s ribs again. She let out a blood cry that caused her hair to stand on end. He flew up, ascending to Scootaloo’s eye level. “You'll be next, my darling,” he said, laughing. Her eyes already filled with fear and tears, she winced. He flew up high and said, “This is my sonic death-boom.” He nosedived towards his prey.
Scootaloo looked in horror at her idol, friend, and sister who was about to be killed. She let out a cry as she hurled herself off the cliff as her wings began to flap as hard as she could. She felt gravity take its toll. She had always practiced in private, but now it was a matter of life and death. She focused as her muscles tightened and her wings began to flutter wildly. She felt less heavy as she zoomed to rescue Rainbow.
“YES! I did it!” she exclaimed. Murdoc was already half way down when the sound barrier broke, leaving behind green and black flames trailing him. At that very instant he saw an orange blur zoom by. He collided with the ground as a cloud of black and green smoke arose, leaving behind a crater the size of a lake. Murdoc stood, only to see nopony.
"Run as far as you can, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth, you pathetic little pony,” he roared.
Reality seemed to come back as she sat the picture down, and sighed.
“But, if it wasn't for that creep i would have never gotten my cutie mark.” Her cutie mark resembled the sign of speed. She wanted to be like her big sister-brave, noble, and fearless. In her adolescence, she grew into an athletic mare slightly taller than most, with wings that would rival that of an eagle. Scootaloo slammed her hoof down, nearly breaking the floor board in frustration.
“Damn that Chrysalis! She will pay for what did to me and my friends.” As she began making her way, she had a feeling of dread and terror. She stopped as the roof caved in to reveal a Changeling. He let out an ear-piercing screech that shattered the windows. Scootaloo held her ears as it shrieked. Scootaloo had enough. She dashed for the changeling full force.
"Shut up!" she exclaimed. She slammed it against the wall, causing it to crumble down on the Changeling. However, the thunderous crackle of bloodlust could be heard approaching the clubhouse. “OH FUCK!” Scootaloo shouted.
It wasn't long before the thud of hooves was heard on top the house. They began entering like spiders, crawling everywhere, hissing and laughing.
“You’re going to die,” one of them said. They laughed. A grin formed on Scootaloo’s face as her wings flared open.
“Four against me seem hardly fair… to you guys,” she said. With that, she zoomed past all the Changelings into the vast sky. “Come and get some!” she mocked. A swarm of Changeling proceeded to charge Scootaloo, ramming into her. She resisted them.
“Ha, and to think we used to fear you,” she said. She raised her hoof up and with all her might struck them down in till one was left. She used it to elevate herself higher.
“Oh yeah, I'm WAY cooler then you fools.” The remanding forces rushed her. Scootaloo back somersaulted and began to nosedive, her hoof in front of her face she began to feel the pressure begin to break. "Come on wings, don't fail me now." A lighting aura started to crackle around her as she dove faster and faster toward the scum, but then she realized that it was too late. She smacked into the horde, bringing them all towards the clubhouse.
"FUCK!" Scootaloo exclaimed. They crashed, causing the clubhouse to crumble sideways.
Scootaloo emerged unharmed. “Man I’ve got to thank ‘Bloom when I return. This armor really does the trick.” She flew up, brushing off debris. “Better make my way bac-” Suddenly, another swarm surrounded her. Two took possession of each wing to keep her from escaping. “Get the hell off me, you creeps!" she shouted. They laughed. “Can’t wait to see what you taste like,” said one of the changelings. They proceeded with the seismic toss. “Damn it, if only I could use my wings,” Scootaloo mumbled. They dove towards the earth. "I'm sorry, sister, I've failed you." A single tear escaped her eye as imminent doom was approaching. As she closed her eyes, a bright light shone.