//------------------------------// // Chapter VI: InSaniTy**Fixed** // Story: A Fragment of Harmony // by DiscordedWhovian //------------------------------// Harmony blinked and took a step back, mouth slightly agape. "I-I need to go..." She stared at her adoptive mother, taking in her bedraggled hair and tired eyes. "A-are you okay? You look a little... tired." Twilight blinked rapidly, quickly enveloping Harmony in a magical levitation bubble, a crazed look in her eyes, earning an angry yelp. "I'm fine, just fiiiiiine." Harmony gulped. Twilight was getting louder as she spoke. "After all, I couldn't be anything but fine since my own daughter abandoned me, without sending any confirmation of her safety!" "I-I-I had to keep go-" "NO EXCUSES! You're staying HERE, where it's SAFE," Twilight screamed. "You're NEVER. LEAVING ME. AGAIN!" Harmony shook her head rapidly. I need to get out of here, she thought. She looked around her bedroom, hoping for a distraction to get her crazed mother away from her. She concentrated hard, trying to find Spike with her magic. As soon as she found him, she looked at Twilight with a determined gaze. She was surprised to see tears streaming down her face, glistening in the moonlight. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the loud screams of shock and outrage. "T-TWILIGHT! HEEEEEELP!" Twilight's spell faltered for a second, dropping Harmony about a foot closer to the floor. "Spike? Spike!?" Harmony grunted with exertion as she carried the baby dragon out the window and into the branches outside. "I'm sorry, Spike," she whispered, and left him hanging from a limb. She blinked away another rush of dizziness, feeling slightly sick. She remembered what the Doctor had said. "It turns out that you could potentially go to the library and get the watch, but only if you don't see any of the occupants." Well, horseapples. "Spike! Where are you?! SPIIIIIIIIIIIIKE," Twilight yelled as she galloped throughout the library, yet still keeping up the spell. Harmony wiggled and turned in her grasp, but to no avail. She just couldn't get free. She thought about casting her own counter-spell, and she even started to, but as soon as she began the spell, a pounding, throbbing note went through her head and the spell died. "Ah-ah-ah," Twilight tutted as she popped her head back into Harmony's room. "No escape spells! Did I forget to warn you?" She giggled insanely as she continued the search for Spike. "Twilight! I'm out here! I...I think I'm gonna fall!" Harmony rolled her eyes. She had been keeping tabs on Spike. She would catch him. If I can't cast any escape spells, I can at least write a letter. She levitated a roll of parchment and quill over to hover in front of her. 'Dear mum,' it began. The Doctor paced in the TARDIS, chewing on his bottom lip as Ditzy sat silently and watched him. The TARDIS kept making strange noises, and the Doctor knew she was in distress. "I..." Ditzy began. "I'm sure she's fine." She leaned back as the Doctor stopped in front of her. "No, she's not! She's taking too long, she probably ran into her mother," he said. "She can't be to emotionally stressed! It could put her back in that coma for who knows how long!" The gray mare cocked her head to the side, asking, "Umm... Why?" Pacing again, he answered, "Because her psychic link with the TARDIS is still a bit unstable. If she's put under too much stress, or gets too emotional, the TARDIS gets all moody, like she is now!" He looked around the control room with a worried expression, his hooves clanking against the floor. "We both know that we can't go in and help her," Ditzy reasoned. "She's smart, she can find her own way out." The Doctor looked at Ditzy with a pained expression. "I hope you're right." Twilight trotted back into the library, Spike safely on her back. "I'm telling you, Twilight! It was magic! I didn't climb out there!" The purple alicorn rolled her eyes. "Suuure, Spike. Now, back to my misbehaving daughter..." She dropped Spike back off in his bed, going to Harmony's bedroom. Her eyes went wide as she saw that Harmony wasn't there, with only a letter on her pillow as any sign that she was here in the first place. "NO! NO, NO, NO, NONONONONO," she screamed, making Spike flinch in his bed. "She did it! I should have known, only something like Spike's safety could distract me enough to release the spell!" She slowly walked over to the bed and opened the letter, holding it close to her face as she made out her daughter's messy hoofwriting. 'Dear mum, it read. Please forgive me for hanging Spike from that branch. I needed to get out of here, something was wrong with my head. Twilight squinted her eyes a little with worry, and continued. I made some new friends, and they're helping me find out where I'm from. Their names are Ditzy Do and Doctor Whooves, you may or may not know them. We're starting in Trottingham, because of my accent. I hope you're not too angry with me. Twilight could imagine the steam pouring out of her ears. I love you. Goodbye.' Twilight didn't notice the tears streaming down her face, but she did notice something on the bottom of the page. P.S. You look kind of insane. Your hair is all messed up, you keep making weird faces, and your wings need preened. Kind of like in that story you told me about the whole "Smarty Pants friendship problem." Twilight blinked a few times, dropped the letter, and went to clean herself up. Harmony zipped into the TARDIS, thinking of how her mad dash through the moonlit night had been too good of a success. True to her thoughts, she swayed as she walked forward a few steps, seeing many different Doctors and Ditzys running towards her. She shook her head, took a step back, and collapsed on the ground.