//------------------------------// // Entry Four - I am working on moving // Story: The Diary of a Princess // by BumbleFlow //------------------------------// Entry Four of soon to be way too many.. August 12th - So today I started to pack my things up.. Actually. I can finish right now if I ever wanted to, I don't have much. Be right back, 30 boring minutes of packing and stuffing later.. Okay, that's done, I guess it's about time to see what PonyVille's like before I actually move there. *goes over to the train station, gets a ticket, and then heads to the train to go to PonyVille* Alright. PonyVille, my future home! *After about a boring hour of looking outside, we finally arrive in PonyVille* Alright. We're here. And.. There's a lot of ponies. Of course. * She looks around, there's a mayor, a statue, and six ponies all in a group, walking and talking and laughing. * Great. Maybe I can try to be friends with them. They look nice. * She walks up to the six * "Hey I'm new around here an-" " You're new!?" Pinkie Pie said with joy. "Y-yeah.." I responded, really not knowing what else to day. I kind of backed away at that point, I'm really shy. That Pink one did give me quite a scare, then the Purple on of the group came up to me, and then kind of stared at me for a minute.. I was really scared, was it because I'm a princess? We're about to find out why. "Are you a... Princess!?" Twilight's expression was lit up like a torch. I sighed, of course I'm a princess I thought to myself, but I had to be nice. "Yes.. And why does that concern you?" I looked over at her. She looked at me as if I was insane. I guess she never saw a princess before.. What do I expect? She began to look at me as if she was thinking about something important... Or something like that. "What's your name?" Twilight asked me that, she was thinking for quite a while. And that's all she could think of?? Simple pony folk.. "My name is Bumble Flow." I paused for a second to let that sink into her little mind, "And yours?" She answered quicker than a guard answering Princess Luna or Celestia, "I am Twilight! The pink one is Pinkie Pie, the Blue one is Rainbow Dash, the Orange one with the cow boy hat is Apple Jack, and the yellow Pegasus is Flutter Shy, and the white one is Rarity. That about sums us up." I looked over her to the ponies, that white on, well, Rarity, looked like she was going to pass out. Now I wanted to see that happen. Anyways, they all looked at me, they were smiling, there smiles were almost ear to freakin' ear. It was crazy! "Why hello darling, I am Rarity, and I like to design clothing for ponies, so come to my Boutique any time, and I could make you an outfit. Alright?" I looked at her a bit concerned, which scared her a bit, but then I smiled, trying to make it look like I wanted a new outfit. As if I needed another. But.. Whatever. "Um.. Alright. I'll check that out.. Hey I was wondering, are there any houses here that I could... Stay in?" Pinkie Pie looked like she was about to burst with joy.. Or something. Pinkie Pie bounced over to me, "Oh I know I know!" She looked like the happiest pony I've seen ever. I looked over to the Pink one, she kind of startled me, but I tried to stay calm. "Alright and what is it... Pinkie?" Pinkie Pie was bouncing and talking really fast, I couldn't understand a thing she said. I looked at Twilight a bit confused, "Twilight: Didn't understand a thing? By the looks of it, yes. She said there's a empty house a few block down from here, and a left. Would you like to go see it?" I of course nodded, and Pinkie started bouncing to the house.. I guess. I followed them, guess I didn't have any other choice. I just realized this. THESE PONIES ARE COMPLETELY INSANE! But... That's alright. I'm insane, so.. It should work out. After a few minutes of watching Pinkie Pie hop like a bunny over to the house, we arrive. It's a pretty big house, two story, and so we walked in. Of course it was a bit dusty, but Pinkie wipes it all up... With her tail, and mane. Rarity looked at her like she'd seen a ghost. Completely. And utterly. Disgusted. It was funny to look at. I wish I could have snapped a picture. I looked around a bit, it looked empty, and stable. And as if no pony has lived there in years. So, this was going to be my future home. Time to tidy up and what not. Be back tomorrow! ~Grr