//------------------------------// // One Nervous Hearth's Warming // Story: A Nervous Hearth's Warming // by Eclipse Lightning //------------------------------// “Spike!! Come on! Everypony's going to be here soon!” Twilight Sparkle yelled to her assistant. Spike groaned. Their Hearth's Warming Eve party wasn't for another thirty minutes. Did that bother Twilight? Only by a lot. Her list this year was three times as long as last year's. “Twilight, calm down,” Spike started. “Everything's gonna be fine. Pinkie's bringing the cake and cookies, and Applejack's bringing the cider. We'll be fine.” Twilight didn't seem so sure of it all. Always worrying down to the last detail, she kept pacing and reorganizing the library (this time making it number 12). Spike finished setting up the tables, and had even made a nice large bowel of eggnog for the five ponies that would be visiting soon. Spike was desperately hoping a certain mare would show up. He felt that tonight was the perfect night to confess his feelings. A knock at the door interrupted their thoughts. While Twilight was making sure that the main room of the library was tidy enough, Spike went to open the door to be greeted by Ponyville's residential party planner: Pinkie Pie. As he moved aside for the bright pink Earth pony to hop in and deposit a large cake and what seemed to be about two-hundred cookies on the table, Applejack walked in with enough cider for a week. Spike was about to close the door, when a certain rainbow colored Pegasus came flying through the door, nearly knocking him flat on his face. “Oomph! Rainbow! Don't you look where you're flying some days?” Spike yelled as he got to his feet. Rainbow Dash shrugged him off, easily helping herself to equal amounts of the Apple Family's finest cider and Spike's fresh eggnog. Twilight was on her second glass of said eggnog, trying her hardest to calm herself around her friends. Spike decided to add some more wood to the fire, while helping himself to some of his favorite rubies and sapphires as he waited for Rarity and Fluttershy to show up. Spike started to drift away as his thoughts went to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy...” Spike whispered to himself. After he confessed his feelings to Rarity, and her turning him down, Fluttershy spent more and more time with him. Spike didn't mind it at all, in the end. He had someone to spend time with, and get his mind off his painful memories of that one day. Going over to the Carrousel Boutique, ready to confess to Rarity... her telling him firmly, but still sweetly, that she wasn't interested in him as anything more than a friend... It took time, but he knew now that Rarity wasn't the pony for him. She was a wonderful Unicorn to be around, though she was a little fussy at times. Maybe that was what he liked about Fluttershy. She cared deeply for her animals, wasn't too fussy about how her appearance was all the time, and always listened. Spike just felt so calm around her. He felt when he was around her, he could say anything. That was why tonight, he was going to tell her how he felt. He wasn't the only one making plans for this Hearth's Warming though. Fluttershy put a few more logs on her fire before she left her pet bunny, Angel. He didn't mind being home alone this year, he just didn't want to miss his meal nor get cold. As Fluttershy finished and made sure his salad was in his dish, her thoughts wondered to Spike. Ever since Rarity had turned him down just a few months ago, she started having him over far more than often. He didn't mind being over, as it got his mind off Rarity quite easily working with her animals. What surprised her was at how easily many of the animals got along well with him. She was thankful for that; he was a dragon after all. “Oh... I'm so nervous, Angel. What if he says no to me?” Fluttershy asked the little bunny. Angel looked up at her. With a definite look that said, “just ask already!” she got a little more confident. A little, not a lot, but it was enough to get her started. She went to her room to get her scarf and a special little package before leaving. Spike's present wasn't easy, but it was well worth it. She was more nervous about tonight more than any other. “Oh... I hope he likes it...” Fluttershy whispered to herself. Inside the box was small photo album covered in diamonds, rubies and sapphires. Fluttershy had saved bit after bit to go to Canterlot and find this. She had placed one or two photos in it, but had hoped Spike would fill it with his own. She smiled as she placed the gift on her back, trotting happily down the stairs and out the door, earning a raised eyebrow from Angel as she left. As she went outside, her own joy elated her so much she started to hover a few inches from the ground as she headed to the Golden Oak Library. She couldn't help but imagine Spike's face as he opened her gift in her mind. She was hoping he liked it enough to accept her second gift, a single kiss. Though, she hoped it turned into more... “Fluttershy, darling? Are you alright?” Fluttershy barely heard Rarity as she was happily floating along to the library. “Oh, hello Rarity,” Fluttershy said to her friend as she snapped out of her fantasy. “Happy Hearth's Warming.” “Happy Hearth's Warming to you too, darling. Are you alright? You seem more happy than usual,” Rarity said to her friend. “Oh, I'm very happy, Rarity. Very happy indeed. I have a gift for someone very special,” Fluttershy replied happily to her Unicorn friend. Rarity could only look at her friend, giddy with excitement. Normally, Fluttershy would be soft-spoken, and nearly afraid of her own shadow. To see this timid Pegasus beaming with happiness was beyond unusual for Rarity, or anypony, to see. Nevertheless, it was certainly something special to see Fluttershy so happy. Rarity could only imagine what had made her so happy and excited. “Fluttershy, dear?” Rarity started. “Yes Rarity?” Fluttershy responded to the white Unicorn. “Is that present for Spike?” Fluttershy gasped at Rarity knowing. How could she know? She hadn't told a single pony in the whole town. She blushed and hid her face behind her pink mane. Rarity grinned a little, knowing she had hit the mark spot on with her question. Stopping, Rarity place her hoof on her friend's shoulder reassuringly. “Dear, Spike will love your gift. You've been spending so much time with him these past few months, it would be silly for him to not like it. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have a gift for you as well,” Rarity said to comfort her friend. Fluttershy smiled a little at this. Thanking Rarity with a hug, they soon continued on to the library, where they could tell all their friends had started to make themselves at home. Spike was putting the finishing touches on his gift for Fluttershy. It wasn't anything special in appearance. A simple pink hairband accented with small gems in the shape of her cutie mark. It was these gems however, that Spike thought made this hairband very wonderful indeed. He had asked Rarity to help him find these ones specifically. Blue and rose pink diamonds were sewn on with such delicateness, that even Spike was afraid to handle it as he wrapped it. He was hoping Fluttershy would like it, and maybe – just maybe – he'd be able to get one kiss before the night was over. That'd be a dream come true, then, Spike thought to himself. Fluttershy and me, under the mistletoe, sharing a special night – and maybe day together. While Spike was lost in thought, Twilight was busy trying to hold down her eggnog (now on her tenth glass) and Pinkie Pie was judging Applejack and Rainbow Dash in a hoof wrestling contest (best thirty out of fifty by Pinkie's count). Once Spike had finished putting the finishing touches on Fluttershy's gift, there was a knock at the door. Not wanting a tipsy Twilight to open it, Spike hurried down the steps to open the door, greeted by both Rarity and Fluttershy. Spike's heart became a drum at the sight of the yellow Pegasus; Fluttershy's heart seemed to mimic his. “Hello Fluttershy, hello Rarity. Please, come in,” Spike greeted the two. “Thank you, Spike,” Rarity replied. “Yes, thank you, Spike,” Fluttershy said in almost a whisper. Spike blushed as Fluttershy walked past him into the room. He noticed a gift on her back, and started to wonder if it was for him. As he was lost in his thought again, everypony was enjoying a glass of either eggnog, cider or in Rainbow's case, both. Spike decided with all his friends now gathered, it'd be a good time as any to bring out dinner. As he headed into the kitchen, he blushed again as he caught sight of Fluttershy. She's not just cute, he thought to himself. She's downright beautiful. While Spike was in the kitchen finishing dinner for himself and the six ponies, Rainbow had drawn an interest in Fluttershy's gift. As Fluttershy continued to blush and try to hide behind her mane, she finally relented. “Alright Rainbow, I'll tell you. If you promise to keep quiet about it. Okay?” Fluttershy asked her Pegasus friend. “Okay, okay Fluttershy. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Rainbow Dash said as she performed the Pinkie Promise. “You can't break that now, Rainbow,” Pinkie reminded her. “Nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise!” “I know, and I won't, Pinkie. Calm the heck down. So Fluttershy? Who's the gift for then?” Rainbow asked her friend. Fluttershy motioned to not just Rainbow, but everypony as well. With some difficulty, the tipsy Twilight gathered with Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity around their shy friend. After making sure that Spike was still in the kitchen and out of earshot, Fluttershy started with a whisper... “It's a special photo album covered in gems for Spike. Oh, I hope he likes it. I had some difficulty in finding it,” Fluttershy told her friends in a hushed, but excited tone. Rarity gave a happy gasp with her friend, as she knew Spike had a gem themed gift for Fluttershy as well. While Rainbow Dash didn't think it was going to be cool enough, and Twilight a little too tipsy (now on to glass number fourteen), Applejack and Pinkie were at least glad to see Fluttershy happier than she had ever seemed. Pinkie Pie started to hop around in thought, before asking Fluttershy straight out. “So, are you gonna ask him to be your very special somepony? Or would he be your very special somedragon instead?” Pinkie asked a full of her usual excitement. “Well... I... I would like to...” Fluttershy replied in no more than a whisper. “Well, I for one think you should at least ask him. You don't know if he'll say no, and that's the worst that he could say, darling,” Rarity told her friend. “She's right, Fluttershy,” Rainbow added. “The worst Spike can say is “no”, and that's highly unlikely. The two of you have been spending practically every day together. I don't see a problem here.” “Yeah... Spike's one of the best Dragons in the world...” Twilight slurred on eggnog glass number sixteen. “Alright, sugar cube,” Applejack started. “Ah think you've had just about enough 'nog for the night. Give me that glass.” Applejack took Twilight's glass and pushed a glass of cold cider into her hooves. Twilight did seem down at first, but started to pick up (and sober up) a little after downing her cider in three gulps. As she was about to start her second glass, a large belch escaping her mouth, shaking the library. Everypony was stunned, as Twilight clapped her hooves to her mouth, before slowly breaking out in a fit of laughter that they all soon joined in. “What in Equestria was that,” Spike asked as he came in pushing a cart loaded with their dinner. “Oh, you know. Just Twilight letting out after sixteen glasses of eggnog and one of cider,” Rainbow said in between fits of laughter. “Huh. Sounded like more to me,” Spike said. “Oh yeah? What's the most glasses of eggnog has Twilight ever had?” Rainbow asked the little dragon. “Oh, Rainbow,” Twilight started. “I'm sure I haven't had more than tonight.” “She had twenty-four last year. Most I've ever seen her drink, anyway,” Spike said with a claw on his chin. “Say what, Spike!?” Twilight yelled, starting another storm of laughter. “Anyway, who's ready for dinner? We have a lovely daisy salad, with asparagus, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers on the side. Afterward's, we have a wonderful desert-before-desert of watermelon, kiwi, pineapple and strawberries,” Spike listed off as he gave each pony their dish. “What are you going to eat, Spike?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh, I'll be having the same, just with emeralds and rubies for flavor,” Spike replied. “Well, this looks very delicious all the same. Thank you, Spike,” Fluttershy added, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. Spike fainted at that. “Hey, I think he's coming around. Spike? Can you hear me?” Applejack asked him as he started to wake up. “Wha... what happened?” Spike asked as everypony, but Fluttershy surrounded him with concern on their faces. “You just fainted after giving us all our dinner and getting a kiss from Fluttershy,” Rarity told the groggy dragon. Fluttershy kissed me? Fluttershy kissed me! he happily thought to himself. “Where is she now?” he asked everyone. “She's outside. Crying into the snow. She even took her gift out with her,” Rainbow answered. “Oh no...” Spike whispered. Twilight's hooves were at her temples, gathering her thoughts before saying, “Spike, why don't you go out there, and give her your gift?” Spike looked at her, and everyone else in turn. Each gave him a small smile of encouragement, except for Rarity. She beamed at him, practically saying, Do it, Spike. Spike stood up, and taking the stairs two at a time, retrieved Fluttershy's gift. After putting on a scarf, and getting an extra for Fluttershy, he walked carefully, but nervously down the steps and out the door. All eyes were on him, and all hooves were crossed for him to succeed. “Do you think it'll work?” Pinkie asked nopony in particular. “Ah don't know, Pinkie,” Applejack started. “Fluttershy was mighty upset after she kissed him.” “It'll be fine. Spike's a true gentlecolt. There's no way it can't work,” Rarity said reassuringly. “You mean gentledragon, Rarity,” Pinkie reminded her. “Oh, yes. That's what I meant,” Rarity chuckled to herself. Fluttershy hadn't stopped crying since she walked out the door. All she had done was give him a peck on the cheek, and he fainted. She was ready to run back to her cottage, too scared to walk back in there and face him. She was too embarrassed now. She was just about to get up and run when she felt a set of claws on her shoulder. “Fluttershy?” Spike asked. “Oh Spike... I'm so, so, so sorry,” Fluttershy said in between her tears. Without a second thought, Spike took the second scarf and wrapped it around Fluttershy's neck. Her tears slowed to a sniffle, and she gave him a small smile that Spike returned fully. He sat down next to her, and hugged her close, pulling some fire from within to warm them both as the snow fell. Spike held Fluttershy close as he warmed them both. Fluttershy felt not only warmer, but calmer in his embrace. Spike also felt the same; as if nothing could make them move from that spot. Without telling the other, they each hoped that the night wouldn't end. Fluttershy turned from Spike's embrace to lift her gift onto his lap. Spike was curious as she nodded to open it. When his eyes saw the gem-encrusted photo album, he was left speechless. “Merry Hearth's Warming, Spike,” Fluttershy whispered to him after he had flipped through the album, finding their first two photos together. “This is for you, Fluttershy,” Spike said as he passed over his present. “I... I hope you like it.” Fluttershy took the gift he gave her, and carefully placing it down in front of her. As she slowly opened it, Spike held his breath. With each second she took to unwrap it, Spike's tension grew and grew. He was still so worried when she opened the box, and moved aside the paper to reveal the hairband. At the sight of it, she gasped in happy surprise. Spike was able to let out his breath in a relieved sigh. “Oh, Spike. It's beautiful! Can you put it on me, please?” Fluttershy asked. “Of course I can, Fluttershy,” Spike replied, holding the hairband in his claws delicately. As Spike slowly placed the hairband on Fluttershy's head, without thinking of it, her wings started to flap from the excitement of his touch. Spike's heart was ready to leap out of his chest as well, as he inhaled her light, but sweet lavender scent. Each felt like it was a dream come true. However, only one thing was left for each to ask. “Fluttershy? Would you... I mean, would you...” Spike nervously started. “Yes, Spike?” Fluttershy replied. Oh please ask, oh please ask! she thought to herself. “Would you be my very special somepony?” he asked in a swift, nervous breath. “Oh Spike! I would love to!” Fluttershy said with great joy in her heart. With this, she almost leaped onto Spike, locking her lips with his as they shared their first real kiss. Spike was ready to faint again, but he didn't. He closed his eyes, and just let the moment be. “Are you two gonna come up for air anytime soon?” they heard Rainbow Dash yell from the top windows of the library. As their friends giggled at Rainbow's joke, they did break the kiss, staring into each others' eyes for sometime before holding one another again. They didn't know where this was going to go, but they knew one thing for sure. They had each other, and they didn't care about anything else in that moment. It was a very Merry Hearth's Warming for Spike and Fluttershy indeed. The beginning love of that young Dragon, and that quiet Pegasus. Each hoping for what came next. Merry Hearth's Warming, everypony.