//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 Better Get Started // Story: Friendship Has Many Names // by Mikey_030 //------------------------------// "Well, we can't just let you run around pony-ville without giving anypony a proper introduction, what do you think we should call you?" As twilight says this I began to wonder, how could I just give myself a name, something that will represent me for the rest of my life, what everyone- er Pony, will know me as, its easy being given a name by your parents because no matter what your stuck with it, and you never really mind. I have been given the chance to make a decision that will impact the path I place here from now on. "I. I don't know, its kind of a really big decision to just come up with a name. Can you think of anything Twilight?" "Hmm, lets think from what we know about you already. Your green, you came from the Everfree Forrest, and your a unicorn.. How about Ever Green" She shouted cheerfully. "Uh That's okay, got anything else?" "Jack Forrest?" "Again its okay but I just don't know if I’m ready for a name yet." "Well then what are you going to say if somepony asks for your name?"  "...I'll just tell them I'm glad to see ya!" Twilight let out a giggle, "Alrighty then lets go meet some friends." ______________________________________________________________________________ We walked about Ponyville for quite sometime as I got used to my surroundings, everything just seemed so peaceful and right. Its just so... perfect. Twilight led me into what appeared to be a  giant pink and blue building with what looked like a merry-go-round on top. As we walk in we were greeted by a white pony with a purple mane and matching tail. She looked as if she was about to go on a fancy dinner with somepony. "Well hello there Twilight, How are you today?" "Just fine Rarity." "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" "Oh yes, This is..." "I'M GLAD TO SEE YA!" Twilight couldn't help but burst out into laughter as I stare gawkingly at the beautiful looking pony.. Rarity. "Oh that’s absolutely delightful." she said with chuckling away. "But if you don't mind me asking what should I call you?" "Well... a friend I guess, I haven't really thought of a name yet." Rarity stood in confusion, "I didn't think you were supposed to dear, that’s why we have parents to do the naming for us." she said with a smile. "Well I don't know if I have any parents.." "Oh my that’s dreadful, Where have you been living all this time, I haven't see you around Pony-ville." "Well, actually I just woke up." Rarity confused as ever looked at Twilight for assistance. "Sorry, he isn't exactly making this easy for you Rarity, here let me explain." Twilight began to tell my tale of how I came to her. It only took a matter of minutes before she finished. "So your staying with Twilight until you have everything figured out?" "Yep that’s the plan." "well I just think that’s splendid, It will be nice to have a fellow unicorn around, by the looks of things you don't have any clothes, I would be more than happy to make you some formal wear." "Uh its really not that big of a deal you don't have to.." "Oh but I simply must, What if you get invited to a fancy get together and arrive looking of the average pony, it simply won't do." "Well I don't have any money." "Oh I can cover it if I need to rarity." Twilight spoke out. "Non-sense its on me, for friends." "Thank you very much Rarity, I look forward to it." ____________________________________________________________________________ Twilight and I walked out of the Boutique satisfied to have befriended rarity, we began our trip back through pony-ville hoping to see any other pony she would like to introduce me to. As we walk I notice a sweet smell of pastry treats coming from a nearby building. "Wow what smells so good?" "That'd be Sugar Cube Corner, And where pink-" Immediately Twilight was being assaulted by a pink pony with frizzy hair, jumping all about her purple body. "HEY! GET OFF OF HER!" I screamed at the pink pony. She stopped bouncing and yelping and just stood their, Her hair, it looks like it had been popped with a sharp needle. Her eyes began to water and her lips quivering. I had to think of something to cheer her up. "Hey don''t be like that, I’m sorry, Its just that I’ve been here all day and no one has offered to throw me a party yet.." I pause at what I just said... Why did I say that, I wasn't even thinking that, it just blurted out like I just... knew.. She perked up and bounced at me taking me to the ground in the process. "Hey that’s a great idea, I'll throw you a party!" "Twilight, whose your friend" "I'M GLAD TO SEE YA!." "Pinkie burst out laughing while Twilight just stood their with a smile.. yeah the joke was getting kind of old. We began to explain to pinkie pie the story of my being here, she thought it would be a great idea to throw a congradulations-on-having-no-memory-of-your-past-what-so-ever-but-were-still-glad-you-could-meet-us-party. I said it would be a good Idea. "So would you guys like some snacks" Pinkie said in pure joy. "I would but I couldn't pay for it.." wow am I starting to sound like a broken record.. "Its okay on the house" She runs inside and gives us some delicious looking pink and blue cupcakes. "Thanks pinkie" we both shout with a mouth full of cupcakes as we left Sugar Cube Corner. "Well that was fun" "Hey, how did you know pinkie liked to throw parties?" "... I honestly couldn't explain it to you if I tried, it kind of just shout out of my mouth like instinct." _____________________________________________________________________________ We decided to head back to the library for some rest. We walk in to greet spike but he wasn't home. "Hey where is the little guy?" "Oh he probably just left to go see Rarity, he likes to help her out in the meantime. "Ha I bet the little crush going on with her." "Actually he-" As Twilight spoke a loud "FOREVER" could be heard echoing around the library. We both looked around searching for what the cause of the noise was. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" "... I think you mean Hay, "That would be Pinkie Pie-" "Say no more I can take the hint" As I lay on the guest bed I began to do some thinking, Twilight was happy reading some of her books. I was thinking about my life. "Why can't I remember anything, was it some sort of spell, or did I just get bumped in the head really hard." I felt around my skull but no bumps. I walked over to the balcony to get some fresh air. While I was just lying their trying to relax I hear a faint cry for help. I try too look around below to see where it was coming from. It was getting closer, as it did I could make out two figures hurling through the sky at blazing speeds. One figure was a yellow blur followed by a pink trail. The other was a smaller brown blur, with what seemed to be holding on to something small and white below it. Without thinking I jump from the balcony into the air, snatching the brown blur out of the sky. The only thing rushing through my head was.. "Why did I just jump off of a two story tree..."