//------------------------------// // The quest begins // Story: The quest to happiness // by BumbleFlow //------------------------------// Kari started to prepare, she knew that helping a ghost find their true happiness and rest in peace, isn't easy. She has done it before, but once or twice. So she had somewhat of an idea of what to do. "So, young filly, what is your name?" The filly looked up at her. Then looked back down, " My name..? " The filly said, as if she was confused. "Yes. Your name.. Do you have one I may call you by?" The filly looked up at her, and shook her slowly. "I do not have a name that I can remember.." The filly then seemed sad, her ghostly aura had changed color, going from a light green, now darkening to a sorrow filled blue. "Hmm.." Kari thought to herself, 'Maybe, I can give her a name until we find her parents. Maybe they'll know.' She then nodded her head. "Alright young one, how about I give you a name?" The filly looked up, a tear flowed down her little cheek, "Would you really give me a name?" The filly said, her ears now perked up, and her ghostly aura changed back to a light green. Kari nodded her head, while smiling. Now all she had to do was think of a name. 'Hmm.. A name for a ghost filly..' That was a tough thing to think of. Then suddenly, it came to her, she always younger sister named Dew Drop. "How about Dew Drop?" The filly nodded her head immediately, "Yeah, Dew Drop sounds good!" And the Quest began, Dew Drop and Kari now could begin the search for her lost parents in the East. Where the abandoned village of Stallvania. "Alright Dew Drop, hehe," The name was a bit foreign to her, but she would get used to calling her by that name. "Let's go and find your mom and dad!" The filly nodded, Spark Fire then tapped Kari's shoulder. "What about me?" The dragon was not happy, she had almost forgotten about her one and only companion. "You're coming with, of course! You can see the dead better than I, so you are a need." Spark looks back to the village, they know how to get food on their own now, so he shrugged, "Sure." Kari, Spark Fire and Dew Drop all started to head East. "So Kari, who's the little?" He looked over to the filly, who stayed right by Kari, she looked a bit scared of Spark. But that's normal. "This is Dew Drop, the little ghost friend we're helping." He thought about it. Then looked over at Kari with the expression that he didn't care much, he just didn't want to be pestered by the other ponies at the village. "Okay." "Hello there mister dragon, I'm.. Uh.. Dew Drop." Dew Drop looked over at Spark, looks like she mustered enough courage to say hello. That's a good thing, the journey wasn't going to be short, the distance through the forest was not going to be easy to trek through or easy to go through with a Dragon, Half Kirin pony and a ghost. "Hi there Dew Drop, I'm Spark Fire, Kari's companion." He puffed out his chest, wanting to look tough, but he's small, so he couldn't pull it off. The filly giggled, "You're silly mister uh.. Sparky!" Kari laughed a little at that comment, Sparky, last time he was called Sparky was when Kari was younger. Much much younger. And so, they head into the forest, where it was very musky. Fog filled the forest floor, along with insects and flowers and odd plants. That, is where the Quest began. The quest to help a filly find her inner happiness.