The quest to happiness

by BumbleFlow


Kari is a half Kirin pony, living during the less modern times. She once lived happily with her mother. In a small home, one bed room, so she shared her bed with her mother, of which was perfectly fine at that age. Her kitchen was small, only having one furnace, and a sink. The bathroom only having a pot hole (I'm not exactly sure if that's what they called it.) and so, Kira was going out today, to meet with her other friends.

They liked her because she was special, not special in a bad way, but had affect on their young lives. Making each day better than it ever could be.

While she was enjoying her Grey fur in the sunlight, with her small curved horn she had to keep her head help up high, so she wouldn't cut any pony. And her mane and tail being Blue.

A few stallions, and a mare, came equipped with things like cloaks, and daggers. And a few bows. They yelled, " Give us all your Kirin ponies! We must exterminate them to prevent any further chaos! " Kari was shocked, her mother ran up to her.

"Darling. Go to the home, and go to the basement. Immediately! You'll be safe there.." Her mother said with sorrow, fearing for her only daughter's life. She immediately ran, as fast as she can, inside her home. She brought down some food and water. Went into the basement, and locked the door.

She panicked, where was her dragon, Spark Fire, she opened the gate. There he was, floating about, she yelled to him "Spark Fire, they're here to get us!" She grabbed him, and he squirmed a bit, but he got in there.

They spent their time in there, sitting, and not really doing anything at all. So Kari spent quite some time sleeping, and trying to calm herself. She could smell fire up above her, her sense of smell being hyped.

She can hear the screams of innocent ponies dying, all because a few stallions and mares wanted to get rid of her race. She felt horrid, didn't ever want to go and see society again. But eventually, she would have to. Because she was running out of food. And food is essential.

But alas. A few days go by, and the screams of ponies became less and less.

'Either they are.. All dead, or.. Maybe the Kirin hunters left?'
She thought to herself, she wanted to tell herself that the Kirin hunters left, but she didn't believe it.

She opened the hatch leaving up to what used to be the house, but now is ashes. Tears come to Kari's eyes, every pony she ever knew, is gone. No longer alive, well. A few survived, but they were wounded badly.

She had to help them, she gets up, and out the of the basement with all her might, and the help of Spark Fire. She immediately runs over to one of the ponies who was just barely alive. And she casts a healing spell upon her. "T-thankyou Kari. They left just a few days ago, I got hurt trying to put out some of the fires though."

She nods, and helps her up, "Where are the others?" The mysterious pony points to the only building standing, "There are a few filles in there. I don't know about the others."

Kari immediately rushes to the building, and she knocks on the door.

The fillies scream in shear terror, "It's alright, it's just me! Kari!" Kari yells, to calm then down.

One of the fillies open the door. "Oh.. Are the bad ponies gone?" They were shivering, five little fillies. Kari nods, and they all come out, the little building, and they all have a group hug with Kari.

"It's felt like forever that the bad ponies were here!" They all cried with each other, not knowing what to do about the fact that their mom's and dad's were now forever gone. Their spirits lingering the village.

Kari could see them, the spirits as they look about the village, trying to make contact with their children, but unable to, just phasing through them.

The fillies had no idea that they even existed anymore, they thought that they had simply.. Disappeared. The fillies weeped, not able to see the town being torn down. They had lost all hope.

"It's okay.." Kari said, with tears in her eyes, her own mother did not survive the harsh battle, and was on the verge of crying, "I'll.. Still be here for you.. I'll protect you.. And every pony.." She started to cry with the fillies, they were all alone, no one to take care of them.

Spark Fire came up to Kari, "Hey, we need to get food. Come on, stop crying." Spark Fire is a small dragon, but he can fly, since he has his wings. And he is orange, with some blue aligned on him.

Kari sniffles, "Y-yeah.. I just miss my mom." Spark nods, "Alright, I'll get food for us tonight." Spark says, and he flies off into the woods.

"Be careful!" Kari yells, she didn't want her one and only companion to go too. She wanted to savor every life, protect others. And to never do anything wrong.

A few decades pass of surviving. It was harsh, because the fillies, who now are spirits, could never forget their lost family.

Kari was walking through the replenishing village. "Ah.. That day, was quite some day." She smiles warmly, and Spark walks by her side.

"And to think it wasn't too long ago. But now, we are replenishing. We are growing, remembering the harsh times, and now, we must make sure every pony is safe."

While she walks towards a river, she sees a filly, walking all alone, sitting and crying. All alone.

"What's wrong young one?" Kari rushes up to the filly.

"N-nothing.." The filly runs off,

Kari was concerned about the filly, and why she was crying, but she kept it in the back of her mind as she walks she goes to a river bank.

And sits by it, she lets out a sigh of relief. And stares at the water. "It's been so long.. And I've been here, protecting every pony."

A young filly then sits by Kari. "Miss.. I need your help." The young filly said, with a soft voice.

Kari turns and looks at her, and she smiles, "What's wrong young filly?" The filly, turns and looks at her, her eyes look almost ghostly. "I need help.. Finding my mommy and daddy.."

Kari looks at her, "Alright, do you know what they look like?" The filly shakes her head. "No.. I only remember that my daddy is.. In danger.." Kari's smile disappears.

"Danger?" Kari says, the filly nods her little head.

"One day.. Meany ponies came to my village.. 'We are here to take away and kill all your kirin ponies' they said.. And my daddy is a Kirin pony.. My mommy is an earth pony." Kari's eyes open wide. She then realizes, that this little filly is either long living, or.. Not of this world.

She tries to hug the filly, but phases through her. Tears come to her eyes. "Y-yeah.. I can help you." She sniffles, remembering the harsh times.

"I'll help you find you're true home, along with true happiness.."