//------------------------------// // All part of the game. // Story: Pinkie clicks Cookies // by Jot Notes //------------------------------// One particular day in Ponyville, when the sun was at it’s apex in the sky, the little town was buzzing with activity. There was work to be done; apples to pick, mail to deliver, baked goods to bake. It was your typical Monday afternoon, and everypony knew exactly what had to be done that day. Everypony knew exactly what needed to be done today, but Pinkie Pie, of course. She had spent the entire night sitting in her chair, trying not to giggle as she rocked back in forth amongst the books in Twilight Sparkle’s tree house. Twilight herself was sound asleep in her bed, while Pinkie waited impatiently for her friend to wake up. The pink earth pony checked the numerous watches that decorated her hoof. It was already 10 minutes past 5:00 AM, or so she was told by the limited edition Ponyacci The Clown watch, not to mention her many other, less important but still equally as accurate watches. Another minute passed, and Twilight was still sound asleep. Pinkie’s mind was blown; how could somepony as productive as Twilight still be asleep on a day like this? Here Pinkie was, trying to seize the day, and all her friend could do was lie in bed, like a pile of rocks. The nerve of some ponies! Maybe something was wrong with Twilight, Pinkie realized with a gasp. What if her friend had been possessed by the spirit of a lazy orange cat with a taste for lasagna, and now she couldn’t get out of bed? What would the Princess think? Pinkie began bouncing around the room nervously as she tried to think of how to save her friend. She left her magic bag of marbles at home, and she lend her party cannon to Vinyl ( her bass cannon was out for repairs. For some reason, this weird fish kept being fired out of it.) Pinkie had to return all of the instruments that she’d used to scare away the parasprites. Oh, what was she to do? She flopped on top of a pile of books in hopeless defeat. Suddenly, the enormous pile of books began to topple. Its weight shifted, and it tilted towards Twilight’s bed, with Pinkie on top of it. As the pile picked up momentum, Pinkie wasn’t able to jump off in time, and found herself falling into the bed with her friend….and a mountain of books. “Timber!” Pinkie hollered like a lumberjack. Twilight woke with a start and looked around for the source of the noise. She spotted the grinning pink yodeler atop the avalanche of academic artifacts and her eyes widened. “What in Eques-“ WHUMP! The mountain of books crashed into the bed with an incredible noise, waking Spike up. He looked over to see Twilight in bed, covered in a mountain of books, along with….Pinkie Pie? The excitable pony was already on her feet, hoofs on either side of Twilight. “Omigosh Twilight! You have to let me use your computer! I found the greatest thing ever!” Pinkie jumped back as her friend climbed out of the books. “Pinkie?” Twilight was trying to make sense of all this confusion. “How long have you been here? It’s only five in the morning!” “Eighteen years, seventeen days, four hours, three minutes and two seconds. No wait, three seconds! No, four, five, six…” Pinkie kept scratching something off of a notepad she had procured. Twilight slapped her face with a hoof. “No, I mean how long have you been watching me sleep?” Pinkie waved her hoof in a frivolous gesture. “Watch you sleep? Really Twilight, I’m flattered and all, but I’m not weird! Who watches ponies sleep? Talk about cray-zee!” Twilight rubbed her eyes. “What was so important that I needed to be woken up so early?” Pinkie burst into random laughter. Spike and Twilight exchanged worried looks. “Uh, Pinkie? What’s so funny?” Spike asked. Pinkie got a hold of herself. “It’s just funny that Twilight asked what I needed, which sounds just like kneaded, like what you do to dough, whjich is why I’m here!” She burst into laughter again, rolling around on the floor. “Funny, right?” “Right!” Twilight put on a smile for her friend. “What was it you ‘kneaded’ again?” Twilight put little air quotes around ‘kneaded’, so her friend would know she was in on the joke. Pinkie was not amused. “Oh come on, Twilight! That joke’s nearly ten seconds old! Get some new material!” Pinkie led the way downstairs. Twilight looked at Spike, who shrugged, and the two followed her downstairs. Pinkie bounced through the house, around furniture and on top of several book piles, which swayed but didn’t fall over. Twilight, with Spike hitching a ride on her back, followed a less precarious route around the book piles. Pinkie bounced in place next to her friend’s computer, an incredibly large looking machine that most ponies had never heard of. Twilight approached the computer and turned it on. Pinkie clapped her hooves excitedly as the machine hummed to life. “Just you wait, Twilight! This is the greatest thing ever!” Twilight yawned. “If you say so. What are we looking for?” Pinkie tackled her friend out of the way, and began typing furiously. Twilight watched as her friend typed an address into the address bar, and slapped the enter key. A large screen appeared, with a strange list of blacked out items to the far right. The list included things like cursors, grandmas, farms and rocket ships. On the other side of the screen was a large chocolate chip cookie. Small text at the top of the screen read: You feel like baking, but nopony wants to eat your cookies. Pinkie grabbed her friend. “Do you see this?” She shouted excitedly. “Isn’t it great?” “Sure…what is it?” Twilight eyed the screen, trying to make sense of it all. “It’s Cookie Clicker! All you have to do is click the giant cookie!” Pinkie clicked the cookie to show her how it was done. Twilight nodded. “Impressive. You woke me up for a video game.” Pinkie gasped. “Just a game? Just a game!? Baking is my whole life! How could you be so insensitive?” She threw a withering look at Twilight, who looked sheepish. “I didn’t mean it like that Pinkie-“ “No, no, you were right! It looks like it really is just a game! And if I’m not wanted, then I’ll take my game elsewhere!” Pinkie Pie attempted to pick up the computer, and failed. She tried again and again with similar results. “Well, I’m going to sit right here, then, and click cookies without talking to you!” She looked away from Twilight and began clicking fiercely. Twilight watched her for a second before sighing. She turned to her favorite assistant. “Come on Spike, lets leave her to her…” Spike wasn’t on her back. He was sitting next to Pinkie totally engrossed in the game. “How many cookies can we bake, Pinkie?” “Millions! No, Billions! Dozens even!” “Cool! Sign me up!” Twilight laughed despite herself. Those two could have their fun, she thought. By the end of the day, Pinkie would be sick of the game, and she would go home.