//------------------------------// // Chapter 7.5-The Pieces of My Heart // Story: In Love and War // by Rainbow_Danger_Dash //------------------------------// Intermission-The Pieces of My Heart Equestria shot past her, a green blur in the corners of her eyes. Tears ran along her face, the wind sending them flying behind her. Rainbow Dash felt her wings begin to burn as she flew faster and faster. Hot blood began to trickle out of her nose, running into her mouth. And yet she still flapped her wings harder, using every iota of strength to reach Hooffall. Dash felt acidic bile rise in the back of her throat. She choked it back down and focused on reaching Soarin. Images flashed through her mind. The pegasi launching towards the fight below. Soarin desperately maneuvering through the aerial fighting. His body suddenly becoming enveloped in a green puff of smoke, and him plummeting out of control. The memories only are her push herself harder. At last she saw the distinct pillars of black smoke, marking the battlefield. Dash flew even faster, pushing herself to the limit. Within minutes she was above the plains, looking down on a field of corpses and wounded intermingled with surviving Equestrian guardponies. She flew low, trying to spot anything of significance, be it his distinct mane, his cutie mark, or the singed golden pegasi armor. Dash darted from place to place, beginning to hyperventilate as more and more corpses were found, but not Soarin. Suddenly, she spotted a glimpse of navy mane, underneath a massive armored form. Dash dived even lower, spotting his distinct winged thunderbolt cutie mark. Fear and hope overcame her, and she rushed down to Soarin. Dash picked up his head in her hooves. Blood trickled from his mouth, forming a crimson divide in the grime coating his face. She sobbed as she looked over the rest of him. Bloody feathers hung to his wings, and multiple lacerations covered his body. "Please be alive," Dash whispered through her tears. "Please don't be dead. Soarin, please." Soarin coughed, red spittle shooting from his mouth. Dash felt a glimmer of hope inside her. "Soar," she asked. "Soarin, can you hear me?" She brushed his mane back, gently stroking his face. "Soar? Please don't do this. Please be alive. I need you. Please." One of his eyes slowly opened, looking straight into her eyes. "H-hey," Soarin coughed, more blood coming up. "Hey...hnnngh...Dashie." "Hey Soar," Dash said, casting a weak smile at him. Tears ran freely down her face, landing with a soft plink on his armor. "Wh-what...what are you d-doing here," he rasped. "I-It's not safe." "Ssh, everything's going to be fine," she said as she gently stroked his cheek and mane. "You're alright. You're fine." "H-how did you....did you get here," "I flew. I flew all this way. After all, I know you'd go crazy from living without me for so long." Her last sentence elicited a weak smile from Soarin. "Heh, y-you might be right." "I always am." Soarin cracked another weak smile. "S-sure you are. I'll.....I'll let you think that." "Hey, don't argue with me, mister. When you get better I'll have to have a couple words with you." "Ohh, I'm terrified" Rainbow Dash let out a small laugh. "You should be. I'll take you on any day." "I-I'd love to see you try." "Whenever you're better, doubt doubt for a second I won't get you." Soarin started to laugh, but was suddenly taken by a fit of violent coughs. His eyes squeezed shut by the pain of his broken ribs extending by his coughs. He spat a wad of blood into the sand, before laying back down. Soarin looked at her, the immense fear and sorrow just behind her magenta eyes. Worry visibly showed on her face, as she wiped up the faint trace of blood off his mouth. Tears brimming on the edge of his eyes as he looked deep into her eyes, seeing now the love she held for him like never before. But his attention was drawn away by the dull pain in his chest, and the taste of blood in his mouth. A tear rolled down the side of Soarin's face, as he finally came to grip the certain truth. "Rainbow Dash....I-I don't think I'm....gonna come out of this one." "Soarin, don't say that. You're going to be just fine. I bet you in a couple months you will be flying stunts for the Wonderbolts all over Equestria." "Rainbow....if-if I don't make it-" Dash gripped his hoof in her own and squeezed it tightly. "Stop it. You are going to pull through. I know you will." "No. I need you to know that-that I always loved you. Since we first met, I have...have always loved you." Rainbow Dash cried freely, her tears dripping onto Soarin's blood-streaked armor. "I know. I know Soarin." Rainbow Dash leaned down and pressed her muzzle against his. They held the passionate embrace, Soarin's one good foreleg wrapped around her lithe body. Dash pulled away, just enough to look Soarin in the eyes for a split second before going in once again for another kiss, all her love for Soarin embodied in her one act. Dash felt his breath begin to slow ever so little. "Soarin? Soarin! Come on, stay with me!" "Dashie, I-I think this....this might be it." Oh no. No no no, you can't. You can't die. We're going to get you out of here." She started to try and shove the armored bulk of the changeling off Soarin, her hooves driving shallow furrows into the ground as she struggled against its dead weight. Just as sweat began to bead on her brow, she felt a light tap on her flank. "Dash. Don't-don't worry about it." "But we've got to get you out of here! We need to-" "I-I can't hold on any-any longer. I'm sorry." "NO! Soarin, you can't! You can't die!" Rainbow Dash flapped up, glancing at the soldiers still searching the battlefield. "SOMEPONY! SOMEPONY HELP! PLEASE HELP!" She landed back beside Soarin, cradling his head and body in her hooves. "Just stay with me. Stay with me!" "Dash. I'm-I'm so sorry." "Shh. You're going to be fine. Somepony's coming. Just hold on" "I-I love you." Soarin pulled himself just slightly off the ground, kissing her lightly before falling back into her forelegs. His eyes squeezed shut, and a single tear rolled down his cheek, leaving a thin trail through the soot and dust covering his face. "Soarin. Please don't go. Please. I need you. Don't leave me. Don't leave." She pressed her face into his fur, feeling the shallow rise of his chest and faint beat of his heart. Ever so slowly, it faded, turning into nothingness.